Soon, Qingyun killed all the people who came to kill him.

He did not stop there, but jumped directly in front of the man.

The man was so scared that he fell to the ground, terrified, and immediately begged for mercy:

"Don't... don't kill me"

"Take Kalina with you."

"I can also give you 100 million Baileys"

"Please don't kill me."

This man also has some strength, but not much.

He saw Qingyun's strength and didn't dare to attack Qingyun at all, because he knew that he would only die.

You sold me out!

Kalina was very angry when she saw that man was so spineless.

But she could understand it.

Because if it were her, she would make the same choice as the man.

"One hundred million Baileys!"

Nami heard this and her eyes turned into money.


Nojiko smiled helplessly.

Kaya and Makino didn't feel anything.

Dashiqi looked at Qingyun closely.

They didn't sympathize with those who were killed by Qingyun, even those navy men.

Because they knew that these people were scum, especially those navy men.

For money and fun, they actually allowed pirates to eat, drink and have fun in front of them, and even went along with them.

Such navy men deserved to die.

"But if I kill you, won't all your money be mine?"

Qingyun asked calmly.

The man was shocked when he heard this, and his crotch became wet.

"I can give you all the money"

"I locked up all my money, and you don't have my key.……"


Before the man could finish his words, Qingyun punched him in the face, killing him instantly.

Seeing Qingyun's decisive killing, Kalina couldn't help but shudder.

She knew that Qingyun had killed all the awake people, and next, it would be her turn.

As expected, Qingyun turned to Kalina and continued to ask:

"Kalina, will you come on my boat?"

"I do."

Kalina agreed without hesitation.

Seeing Qingyun's ruthless killing, Kalina was worried that if she refused, she would be killed. She had no choice but to agree to Qingyun.

However, she didn't plan to stay on Qingyun's ship forever. She even had her eyes on Qingyun's treasure.

She planned to pretend to be obedient and gain Qingyun's trust.

Then she would find an opportunity to steal all of Qingyun's treasure.

【Congratulations to the host for taming Kalina and joining the Sea King Group. Please choose Kalina's position. 】

Qingyun smiled slightly:

"very good"

"From this moment on, you are the singer of my Sea King"

""Yes, Captain Qingyun."

Kalina immediately agreed.

"Kalina, you should know where this guy's money is hidden, right?"

Qingyun stared into Kalina's eyes and then asked.

Although it was a question, Qingyun's tone was very certain.

Because he knew that Kalina loved money, and the reason she came here to be a singer must be for that man's money.

He could also imagine that the reason why Kalina agreed to get on his ship so readily, in addition to being afraid that he would kill her directly, she must have set her eyes on his treasure.

But Qingyun was not panicked at all.

He acted decisively and would teach Tashigi and Kalina how to shoot when he returned.

As for feelings, wouldn't they have them after teaching them how to shoot?

How could he know that I knew where that guy's money was hidden?

Hearing Qingyun's firm tone, Kalina knew that Qingyun was sure that he knew it, and was very surprised.

"This guy must know"

"After all, she is a vixen who loves money more than anything else. She must have already investigated everything.

At this moment, Nami walked behind Kalina and said with certainty:

"The Voice……"

Kalina was shocked. She turned around and looked at the voice, her eyes locked on Nami:

""Little thief."

After seeing Nami, Kalina suddenly figured out how Qingyun knew where the man's money was hidden.

""Long time no see, Kalina."

Nami said with a wry smile.

""Yeah, Nami, hehe."

Kalina said with a smile

"Nami, do you know each other?"

Nojigo, Kaya, Makino and Tashigi were a little surprised. They didn't expect that Nami and Kalina knew each other.

"That's right"

"Nami and I must be destined to be thieves."

"You said so, right?"

Karina smiled

"No way."

Nami crossed her arms and turned her head to the side.

"It's just that when I was a thief, she often came to steal my treasures."

Kalina came directly behind Nami:

"It's obviously you who are too greedy, hehe."

Nami was angry and turned to glare at Kalina:

"You are obviously more greedy than me."

Karina was also angry and glared at Nami angrily:

"What nonsense are you talking about? You little thief."

Nami was not to be outdone:

"You greedy vixen."

The two looked at each other, glaring at each other with clenched teeth.

"Qingyun, you have to be careful. The reason why Kalina agreed to let you on board is not only because she is afraid of you, but also because she is eyeing your treasure."

Nami knew that she and Kalina would not be able to reach an agreement, so she immediately looked at Qingyun and warned him.

Kalina was horrified, and she quickly looked at Qingyun and said righteously:

"Captain Qingyun, you should be careful of Nami"

"She is following you, she must be eyeing your treasure."

Since we can't hide anymore, let's die together.

"No problem"

"Since you are on my ship, my treasure is your treasure, you can take as much as you want."

Qingyun said proudly.

Nami smiled slightly.

Kalina was stunned. It was the first time she met a pirate captain like Qingyun who was willing to share treasure with the crew.

"Kalina, take us to find that guy's treasure quickly."

Qingyun then ordered Kalina.


Kalina nodded, and then took Qingyun to the man's treasure room.

Soon, the group arrived at the door of the man's treasure room.

"This is where Crowley hid his money."

"But Clory was very careful. Not only was the door and lock made of very hard materials, but the key was also very secretive. I still don't know where he hid the key."

Kalina said helplessly.

"I have the key."

Qingyun walked straight towards the door.

"Do you have the key?"

Nami, Nojiko, Kaya, Makino, Tashigi, and Kalina were all very surprised and stared at Qingyun.

Qingyun walked to the door, clenched his right fist, used the Armament Haki to strengthen his right hand, and then punched the door hard.


The very hard door was smashed into a hole by Qingyun, and then he easily unlocked it.


Nami and the others were stunned on the spot

"This key is so...powerful."

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