"What a lot of money!"

Qingyun, Nami, Nojigo, Kaya, Makino, Tashigi, and Kalina were all surprised when they found the glittering money in the treasure house. Their eyes lit up.

"This must be at least 1 billion Baileys, right?"

Nami and Kalina, who love money, had their eyes turned into money symbols. They were so excited that their mouths were almost stretched to their ears.

"Move them all back."

Qingyun smiled and gave the order.


Nami and Kalina immediately took action and rushed to the money inside


Ke Ya, Nojigo and Makino followed suit.

Only Dashiki was a little hesitant.

Although she boarded Qingyun's ship, she was forced to board.

Her heart was still above the navy. Even though she knew that the money came from a bad source, she couldn't move it like Nami and the others.

"Dashiqi, didn't you hear it?"

Seeing that Dashiqi didn't move, Qingyun turned to her and asked coldly

"heard it"

"I'll go right away."

After hearing this, Dashiqi looked into Qingyun's eyes and felt a little scared. She nodded and answered immediately, and then took action.

She was not afraid that Qingyun would punish her. She was worried that Qingyun would go to Smoker and the others.


Qingyun nodded in satisfaction, and stood outside waiting for them.

One billion berries may seem like a lot, but there are only ten cash boxes.

Nami and her group are six people, and they can definitely take it.

After Nami and her group packed the money, Qingyun took them back to the Sea King.

On the way, Qingyun and his group met Smoker and others who had bandaged their wounds and came to try to capture him and take back Dashiki.

Qingyun wanted to kill them, but because Dashiki begged him, he also wanted to fatten Smoker before killing him, so he agreed to Dashiki's request.

He directly used his Conqueror's Haki to knock out the seriously injured Smoker and others.

Then he took Nami and her group back to the Sea King.

"Nami, which direction is the restaurant on the sea?"

After returning to the Sea King, Qingyun asked Nami

"In that direction."

Nami thought for a moment, raised her right hand and the cash box, pointed in the direction of the sea restaurant and said

"Very good."

Qingyun directly controlled the Sea King to sail towards the restaurant on the sea.

His target was not Sanji.

After all, he did not need a male chef, and Sanji was also very weak now.

Nor was it Hawkeye who would appear soon.

After all, it was only April 11, 1520 in the Sea Circle Calendar.

In the original work, Luffy set sail on May 5 and sailed in the East China Sea for about 20 days. Hawkeye would appear in the restaurant on the sea around May 20, which was more than a month away.

Qingyun did not want to stay in the East China Sea for so long. His target was Sanji's cooking skills that he had seen when he was a child and he had always been brooding over it.

He secretly made up his mind to catch up with Sanji, and this chase was Carmen in 2010.

Unfortunately, he didn't know where Carmen was.

But since Carmen had seen Sanji when she was a child, she should be near the restaurant on the sea.

And Carmen is already a well-known chef in the East China Sea at this time. It should be easy to find her when she arrives at the restaurant on the sea.

It seems that there are beauties in the restaurant on the sea! The restaurant on the sea is in trouble!

Nami, Nojiko, Kaya and Makino felt sorry for the beauties and people in the restaurant on the sea for a second.

What is he going to do in the restaurant on the sea?

Tashigi and Kalina, who have just been invited on board and have not yet got to know Qingyun in depth, are a little curious about Qingyun's purpose of going to the restaurant on the sea.


"Nami, why is the ship moving by itself?"

Kalina noticed that the Sea King suddenly sailed towards the direction of the sea restaurant, and was very surprised. She asked Nami curiously.

Tashigi looked at Nami and she was also very curious about this.

"Qingyun can directly control the ship at will."

Nami answered truthfully

""I see!"

Karina and Tashigi looked at Qingyun in disbelief.

"Is this your devil fruit ability?"

Karina asked Qingyun curiously.

Dashiqi also stared at Qingyun curiously.

They didn't see Qingyun using any controller to control the Sea King just now, so this is the only possibility.

"Do you want to know?"

Qingyun asked with a smile.


Kalina and Tashigi nodded.

Nami, Nojigo, Kaya and Makino all looked at Qingyun curiously.

They only knew that Qingyun could control the Sea King at will, but they didn't know why Qingyun could control it.


However, Qingyun did not answer Kalina's question truthfully. Instead, he quickly took Kalina and Dashiqi into his arms and hugged them tightly, catching them off guard and causing them to scream and blush.

"What are you doing?"

Karina and Dashiki were very resistant.

Especially Dashiki.

Because they didn't like Qingyun yet.

Dashiki even hated Qingyun.

They were naturally very angry that Qingyun suddenly hugged them.

""Let me go quickly."

The two put down the cash box and struggled hard.

But Tashigi and Kalina were too weak to break free.

Nami, Nojiko, Kaya and Makino looked at this scene and felt sorry for Tashigi and Kalina.

But they didn't dare to help, not even to persuade them.

Because they knew that this was a baptism that everyone on the ship had to go through.

They couldn't stop Qingyun.

If they insisted on stopping Qingyun, they might be dragged by Qingyun to teach them how to shoot.

Although that would make them stronger.

But it's really tiring.……

"Don't you want to know why I can control this ship?"

"Let's go to my room. I'll teach you how to shoot while I tell you."

Qingyun smiled like a wolf, his eyes became like a hungry wolf, and he said with a smile.

Hearing this, Nami, Nokigo, Kaya and Makino's pretty faces suddenly blushed.

"I can use a gun, I don't need you to teach me, just let me go."

Dashiqi said immediately in shame and anger, while struggling hard, even though she knew it was futile.

"I can use a gun, so I don't need you to teach me. Let me go quickly."

Kalina said in shame and anger, struggling hard at the same time.

Qingyun smiled evilly:

"No, you won't."


As soon as the words fell, Qingyun picked up Kalina and Tashigi and ran towards the room in the living area.

"It's always like this, Qingyun is really too impatient"

"Can't we just cultivate the relationship first?"

"And won’t he get tired?"

"It's been six days in a row!"

Looking at Qingyun's back disappearing from her sight, Nami couldn't help but pout and complain.

"That's right."

Nojigo, Kaya and Makino all nodded.

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