"But I feel Qingyun is also doing this for our own good."

"After all, after learning the spear skills from him, we can also become stronger."

Ke Ya said truthfully


Nojigo and Makino nodded.

"Then you should go and learn spearmanship from Qingyun with Kalina and Tashigi."

"After all, Qingyun's spear skills are very powerful, and Kalina and Tashigi may not be able to withstand it."

Nami pursed her lips.

Hearing this, Nokigo, Kaya and Makino's pretty faces all blushed.

"But I'm afraid that with Qingyun's strength, even if all of us attack together, we won't be able to withstand it."

Nami smiled bitterly and said


Hearing this, Nami, Nokigo and Kaya nodded affirmatively.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

At this moment, four long ropes suddenly stretched out and tied up Nami, Nokigo, Kaya and Makino.

The four of them were stunned at first.

Then their pretty faces immediately became redder.

Nokigo, Kaya and Makino looked at Nami and said angrily:

"Nami, you have such a bad mouth!"

Nami curled her lips:

"This can't be blamed on me."

"Even if I didn't say it, Qingyun would do it.……"


The next morning.

Tashigi and Kalina sat at the dinner table, looking at Qingyun across from them, with hatred in their eyes, but also admiration.



Why do I feel that this bastard is kind of handsome the more I look at him?

Tashigi and Kalina were very puzzled.

They were clearly forced to learn marksmanship from Qingyun, but instead of hating Qingyun more, they developed a good impression of Qingyun.

Noticing the look in Dashigi and Kalina's eyes, Nami, Nojiko, Kaya and Makino felt the same way.

Because after they learned marksmanship from Qingyun for the first time, they also felt the same as Tashigi and Kalina.

"What are you looking at me for?"

"Come eat quickly."

Qingyun smiled slightly:

"Didn't you learn enough last night? Do you still want to learn shooting from me?"

Hearing this, Dashiqi and Kalina blushed, pouted, and said in unison:

"I don't want to."

As soon as the voice fell, Dashiqi and Kalina picked up the bowls and chopsticks and wolfed down the food, fearing that Qingyun would drag them to practice more.

Qingyun smiled and turned to Nami and the others:

"You guys don't seem to have learned enough, do you?"

Nami, Nokigo, Kaya and Makino blushed when they heard this, and they all said in unison:

"I've learned enough"

"I've learned enough." Before he finished speaking, Nami and the others picked up their bowls and chopsticks and started eating quickly.

"Qingyun, that should be enough, right?"

"I can't hold on any longer."

Nami gritted her teeth and asked Qingyun in a pleading tone.

Nokigo, Kaya, Makino, Kalina and Tashigi all looked at Qingyun expectantly.

The reason they were like this was that they had been doing horse stance for an hour under Qingyun's power.

And the reason why Qingyun asked them to do horse stance was, of course, to train them.

First, it would allow them to lay a good foundation and enhance their strength.

Although he would definitely protect them, letting them become stronger was the best way to protect them.

Second, he could also become stronger and would not have to practice himself.

Although the degree of strengthening was very small for him, it was better than nothing.

And the important thing was that he could be lazy while enjoying the beautiful women in bikinis doing horse stance, how happy he was.

Qingyun looked at the situation of Nami, Nokigo, Kaya, Makino, Kalina and Tashigi, and said:

"Kaya can come over and rest."

"Makino practice for another ten minutes"

"Nami, Nojiko, and Kalina will practice for another 20 minutes."

"Dashiqi will practice for another hour."


Nami, Nojigo, Makino, Kalina and Tashigi all asked Qingyun at the same time.

Ke Ya breathed a sigh of relief and stood up immediately, but she did not go to rest immediately. She looked at Qingyun curiously.

"Are you sure this is for our own good?"

"Instead of punishing us?"

Nami pursed her lips and asked

"Of course."

Qingyun explained:

"Horse stance can exercise the lower body"

"No matter what kind of exercise you do, even walking, it is very important to keep your lower body stable."

"The more intense the exercise, the more this is true, such as Dashiqi's swordsmanship."

Qingyun looked at Dashiqi:

"If you only practice swordsmanship without paying attention to the basic training such as the lower body, even if you have mastered very powerful sword moves, when you meet a real enemy, you will definitely be defeated by this."

""I see."

Nami and the others felt that Qingyun's words made sense, and then they suddenly realized that Qingyun was really doing this for their own good.

"Although the horse stance can exercise your lower body, it also depends on your physical fitness. It is best not to overdo it, otherwise it will cause pain."

"But if you want to become stronger, you must endure hardships."

"Try to hold on as long as you can, don't be afraid of the pain"

"Only by surpassing the limit can we recreate the limit and constantly break through ourselves."

Qingyun continued righteously.

The reason why he was so earnest was to encourage Nami and the others to practice, so that he could continue to lie down and become stronger while admiring their bikinis.

"I can still hold on."

Dashiqi's blood boiled at Qingyun's words.

"I can still hold on."

Nami and the others were all inspired by Dashiqi.

Ke Ya stood up again and continued to work hard.

"So why don't you come over and practice with us?"

"And why do we have to practice in bikinis?"

Nami suddenly asked


Nojigo, Kaya, Makino, Tashigi and Kalina all looked at Qingyun in confusion.

Qingyun smiled slightly and said with reason:

"Because my foundation has already been very good, otherwise I wouldn't be so strong."

"The reason why you are asked to practice in bikinis is that if you do horse stance for a long time, your body will get very hot and you will sweat a lot."

"Wearing a bikini can help you dissipate heat better and sweat better, so that you can practice horse stance more effectively."

"So that's how it is."

Thinking of Qingyun's strength and seeing herself and the people around her sweating, Nami and the others believed Qingyun's words.

Qingyun smiled slightly and continued:

"In fact, it is best to do the horse stance without wearing anything.……"

"You wish"

"We won't take it off."

"That's enough."

However, before Qingyun finished speaking, Nami, Nojiko, Kaya, Makino, Tashigi and Kalina all retorted in unison.


Qingyun spread his hands, and then continued to grow stronger while admiring Nami and the others' bikinis.

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