"Wow haha"

"I am the leader of the Sakura Pirates, Yamamoto Sakurataro"

"Give me all the money and women on your ship."

"Otherwise, I will start attacking and sinking your ship.

At this moment, a very arrogant threat came from the left side of the Sea King.

"Sakura Pirates?"

Hearing this, Qingyun, Nami, Nokiko, Kaya, Makino, Tashigi and Kalina, who had never heard of the Sakura Pirates, all looked curiously in the direction of the voice.

They saw a pirate ship with a Sakura skull flag on the left. On the bow stood a man with a face that looked a bit like a giraffe. He was the captain of the Sakura Pirates, Yamamoto Sakuragi.

Behind Yamamoto Sakuragi, there were a dozen younger brothers.

They were all looking at Nami, Nokiko, Kaya, Makino, Tashigi and Kalina with lustful eyes, and they didn't focus on Qingyun at all, and didn't recognize Qingyun. Being stared at by so many men in bikinis, Nami, Nokiko, Kaya, Makino, Tashigi and Kalina all felt more or less shy and angry.

"You keep practicing."

"Leave them to me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qingyun disappeared.

The next moment, he appeared in front of Yamamoto Sakuragi and his brothers, blocking their view of Nami and the others.

Looking at Qingyun who suddenly appeared, Yamamoto Sakuragi and the others were all startled.

""Do you know Carmen?"

Qingyun looked at Yamamoto Sakuragi and asked calmly.

As soon as Qingyun finished speaking, the seagull responsible for distributing the latest newspapers happened to hand out a copy of the latest newspaper to Yamamoto Sakuragi.

Yamamoto Sakuragi, who wanted to shout, looked at the headline of the new newspaper, and then looked at Qingyun carefully. He couldn't help sweating profusely, and his eyes were full of fear.

"Do you know who our captain is?"

"He is a pirate with a bounty of 5 million berries."

"You actually dared to come to our ship alone, I think you are tired of living."

Yamamoto Sakuragi has not spoken yet, his brothers have started to clamor for him.

However, Yamamoto Sakuragi's next action surprised his brothers. Yamamoto

Sakuragi knelt down directly in front of Qingyun, and then said sincerely:


"I was so blind that I didn't recognize Brother Qingyun and disturbed him. I'm so sorry."

"I am willing to give Brother Qingyun 300,000 Baileys, hoping that Brother Qingyun can let us go."

When Yamamoto Sakuragi's brothers heard him call Qingyun"Brother", they realized that Qingyun was the famous pirate in the East China Sea with a bounty of 50 million. They were terrified and sweated profusely.

However, what they didn't know was that Qingyun's bounty had skyrocketed to 320 million Baileys.

It was because of Qingyun's bounty that Yamamoto Sakuragi knelt down and begged for mercy.

The reason why Qingyun's bounty skyrocketed from 50 million Baileys to 320 million Baileys overnight was that 120 million Baileys, all because Smoker reported everything he knew about Qingyun's strength, how Qingyun defeated him, and what he did to the Navy Headquarters yesterday.

Zhan Guo heard that Qingyun mastered the three colors of Haki and easily defeated Smoker.

If it weren't for Tashigi's sacrifice, Smoker would have died in Qingyun's hands.

Zhan Guo therefore attached great importance to Qingyun, and issued a new bounty order for Qingyun last night, directly raising the bounty to 320 million Baileys, and it doesn't matter if he is dead or alive.

"I'm sorry."

After Yamamoto Sakuragi's followers recognized Qingyun, they all knelt down and begged for mercy.

Although they didn't know that Qingyun's bounty had been raised to 320 million, a bounty of 50 million was not something they could afford to offend.

"I don’t want to ask the same question a second time."

He said coldly.


Hearing this, Yamamoto Sakuragi and his brothers hurriedly recalled the information about Carmen.

"Brother Qingyun, are you asking about the Daughter of Passion, Flame Carmen?"

After thinking for a while, Yamamoto Sakuragi raised his head, looked up at Qingyun, and asked tentatively with a flattering smile.

"Not bad."

Qingyun replied calmly.

"I know, I know"

"Flame Carmen is a famous chef in our East China Sea. Not only is she a good cook, but she is also very beautiful."

Yamamoto Sakuragi hurriedly continued

"Do you know where Carmen is now?"

Qingyun asked.

"I heard two days ago that she was heading to Sakura Town to challenge the most famous chef in Sakura Town, Sakura Taro."

"She should be in Sakura Town now."

Yamamoto Sakuragi thought for a moment and replied.


As soon as Yamamoto Sakuragi finished speaking, Qingyun disappeared.


Seeing Qingyun leave, Yamamoto Sakuragi and his brothers breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that they had survived a disaster.

However, the next moment, they were dumbfounded.

It turned out that they saw that the Poseidon, which had not revealed a single weapon, suddenly revealed countless artillery from various places.

Bang! Bang! Bang! -

Before they could react, these artillery fired hundreds of cannons at the same time, firing shells at the Sakura Pirates.

Bang! Bang! Bang! -

The Sakura Pirates, including the people and the ship, were blown to pieces in an instant.

This was naturally Qingyun's masterpiece.

He is not a saint.

He knows that if he is not strong enough today, he will be the one to die.

Nami, Nojigo, Kaya, Makino, Tashigi and Kalina will also suffer inhuman treatment

""Nami, which direction is Sakura Town?"

Qingyun asked Nami directly after returning to her.

At this time, Nami and her friends were still in double shock.

First, they saw Qingyun's latest bounty.

Second, they didn't expect the firepower of the Sea King to be so strong that it blew the Sakura Pirates to pieces in an instant.

""What happened to you?"

Seeing Nami and the others so shocked, Qingyun asked in confusion.

""You can see for yourself."

Nami handed the latest newspaper to Qingyun.

After taking the newspaper and taking a closer look, Qingyun realized that he was on the front page. He finally understood why Yamamoto Sakuragi knelt down and begged for mercy after seeing the newspaper.

"My head is becoming more and more valuable."

Qingyun was not panicked at all, but was very excited.

The higher the bounty, the more powerful people will be attracted, and the stronger he will become.

"The higher your bounty, the more powerful navy and pirate hunters, and even pirates will come to catch and kill you. Aren't you afraid at all?"

Nami asked Qingyun in horror.

Nojigo, Kaya, Makino and Kalina were also looking at Qingyun in horror.

They were in the same group with Qingyun. The stronger the people who came to find Qingyun, the greater the danger they faced.

Tashigi was not panicked, and even gloated a little.

After all, she was a navy, and she believed that Smoker and the navy would definitely not give up on her.

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