Qingyun laughed:

"Of course I'm not afraid"

"The stronger the people who come, the happier I am."

I'm on a madman's ship!


Nami, Kaya, Makino and Kalina all collapsed to varying degrees. Are you too arrogant?

Although you defeated Colonel Smoker, the navy has many people who are stronger than him!

Tashigi felt that Qingyun was a little ridiculous.

Only when Nojigo saw that Qingyun was so fearless, he couldn't help but recall what he saw with his own eyes when he just met Qingyun, and secretly guessed in his heart:

Qingyun was very weak at the beginning and was killed by one of Arlong's subordinates, but he did not die, but became stronger!

And the more people he killed, the stronger he seemed to be!

Could it be that he has an immortal body?

And can being killed and killing people make you stronger?

Nojigo felt that his guess was very likely to be correct, but it was really unbelievable.

"Don't worry, no matter how powerful the enemy is, I will protect you."

Qingyun vowed to Nami, Nojiko, Kaya, Makino, Tashigi and Kalina.

If there is really someone you can't defeat, we will be thankful that you don't abandon us!

Regarding this, Nami, Kaya, Makino, Tashigi and Kalina all had some doubts.

My guess should be correct!

Only Nojiko saw that Qingyun was so confident, and she was more certain that her guess was correct.

But she did not directly ask Qingyun for confirmation.

Because she understood Qingyun, she knew that even if she guessed right, Qingyun would most likely not admit it, and might even teach her how to shoot directly.

"Nami, which direction is Sakura Town?"

Qingyun asked again

"Over there."

Nami thought for a moment and said

"Very good."

Qingyun immediately controlled the Sea King to put away the guns and sailed towards Sakura Town.

"You guys continue to train."

Qingyun then said to Nami and the others, and then he lay back on the recliner, while lying down to get stronger, he admired Nami and the others' bikinis.

Although Nami and the others were curious about Qingyun's sudden change of destination, they did not dare to ask any more questions, for fear that Qingyun would drag them to practice more if they disagreed, so they continued to practice horse stance.

At around five o'clock in the afternoon, the Poseidon sailed to Sakura Town.

Qingyun took the six Nami girls who were wearing clothes off the ship, while playing and admiring the cherry blossoms, they went to look for Sakura Taro.

Not long after, Qingyun brought the six Nami girls to the restaurant opened by Sakura Taro, and happened to meet Sakura Taro with a beautiful woman. Chef competition.

The beautiful chef's cooking skills were gorgeous and dazzling.

She wore a deep red high-slit, high V-neck dress, which showed off her curvy, delicate and voluptuous figure to the fullest.

With her exquisite and beautiful face and her fiery red, short hair standing up, she looked very charming. I have decided to choose her as my second cook!

Qingyun smiled with satisfaction.

So beautiful!

So amazing!

It seems that Qingyun's target is her!

Looking at Carmen, seeing Qingyun smiling at Carmen, the six Nami girls were sure that Qingyun's purpose of coming here was Carmen.

"I lost."

Soon after, after tasting Carmen's food, Sakura Taro admitted defeat on the spot.

"The best chef in Sakura Town is just like this."

After tasting the food made by Sakura Taro, Carmen said with some disdain, then turned and left.

She is indeed a little arrogant, but this is allowed by her strength.

No matter what industry, it is more difficult for girls to succeed than boys.

Carmen has defeated the long-famous old chefs one after another with her years of hard work. Her ability is undoubtedly strong.

After a person succeeds, pride often follows.

However, Carmen has not forgotten her original intention, and she still maintains her original intention to learn.

In the original work, Carmen took the initiative to admit defeat after knowing that she was not as good as Sanji.

But she did not give up on herself. Instead, she became more motivated and continued to work hard to improve her cooking skills.

But unfortunately, she only appeared in one episode and there was no more role afterwards. Fortunately,

Qingyun was impressed by her, otherwise he would have missed such a good cook.

"Carmen, are you willing to get on my boat?

Qingyun came to Carmen, blocked her way, and asked directly

"Who are you?"

"Isn't it too rude to invite Teacher Carmen to come aboard right away?"

Before Carmen could answer, the two apprentices behind him, Leo and Jose, immediately came to Carmen and asked Qingyun in unison.

"You can choose to agree directly"

"Or let me use the lives of your two disciples to make you agree."

Qingyun ignored Leo and Jose, looked at Carmen, and sneered.

Nami, Nojigo, Kaya, Makino, Tashigi and Kalina were not surprised by this.

However, Carmen and her two disciples, as well as the others present, were all shocked.

They never thought that Qingyun would directly threaten Carmen like this.

Seeing Qingyun's look, Leo and Jose were very scared


"A pirate with a bounty of 320 million!"

After a closer look, Carmen and the others realized that Qingyun was not an ordinary passerby, but a headline figure in the new newspaper. They were all dumbfounded.


"The pirates are coming!

Everyone scattered.

Only Carmen, Leo, and Jose didn't dare to run.

"I... I'm just an ordinary cook, why did you invite me to your ship?"

Carmen tried to keep herself calm, and then asked Qingyun curiously.

Leo and Xi also looked at Qingyun in confusion.

"It seems that you have chosen to let me threaten you with their lives."

Qingyun looked at Leo and Hexi, and his eyes suddenly became grim, like the god of death.

Leo and Hexi were immediately terrified, and their legs became weak. They sat on the ground, their heartbeats suddenly accelerated.

"I do"

"I want to board your boat"

"Don't hurt them."

Carmen saw that Qingyun didn't look like he was joking, so she quickly agreed, fearing that Qingyun would attack her if she was late.

Seeing Carmen's expression, Nami and the others felt sympathy, but they didn't dare to say anything.

Leo and Jose were very angry, but they didn't dare to say anything because they were afraid.

【Congratulations to the host for conquering Carmen and joining the Sea King Group, and choosing Carmen's position. 】

Qingyun smiled slightly:

"very good"

"From now on, you are the second chef of my Aquaman Group."

"It's...Captain Qingyun."

Although Carmen was extremely reluctant, she still bit her teeth helplessly and answered.

"I'll give you three minutes to say goodbye to them."

Qingyun said to Carmen calmly, then walked back and let Carmen say goodbye to Leo and Jose.

"Thank you, Captain Qingyun."

Carmen bit her teeth and thanked Qingyun helplessly.

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