"Nami, which direction is Rogue Town?"

After dinner, Qingyun asked Nami directly after bringing Nami, Nokiko, Kaya, Makino, Tashigi, Kalina, and Carmen back to the Sea King.

Nami was stunned at first.

It seems that Qingyun's target of going to the restaurant on the sea should be Carmen!

And Rogue Town should have his target, right?

After reacting, Nami quickly thought of the reason why Qingyun did not want to go to the restaurant on the sea now, but to Rogue Town.

Not only Nami, Nokiko, Kaya, Makino, Tashigi and Kalina also thought of it.

Only Carmen, who had just boarded the ship, did not think of this. She thought Qingyun was going to Rogue Town.

"Over there."

After recalling for a moment, Nami pointed in the direction of Rogue Town and replied:

"Very good."

Qingyun nodded, and then directly controlled the Sea King to sail towards the direction of Rogue Town.

He was going to Rogue Town, of course, not for Dashiqi who had been invited on board, but for Dezaia, who was now in Rogue Town and would appear in the future, and Bartolomeo.

Qingyun went for Dezaia.

But he did not go for Bartolomeo, but for Bartolomeo's barrier fruit.

However, Qingyun knew that Dezaia was Bartolomeo's childhood sweetheart. If Bartolomeo had already eaten the barrier fruit, and Dezaia cared about Bartolomeo very much, he would have to give up the barrier fruit temporarily.


Carmen was surprised:

"How did this boat move by itself?"


As soon as Carmen finished speaking, Qingyun picked her up in a princess hug, which caught Carmen off guard and frightened her. She couldn't help but scream.

"What are you doing?"

"Let me go quickly."

Carmen had not yet fallen in love with Qingyun, and even hated Qingyun very much. She struggled hard, but could not get out of Qingyun's arms at all.

Qingyun smiled slightly:

"Of course, I'm telling you why the ship suddenly moved."

After saying that, Qingyun ran towards the living area with Carmen in his arms.

Carmen was a little terrified:

"You don't have to pick me up, right?"

"Where are you taking me?"

Nami, Nojiko, Kaya and Makino were already used to this.

Tashigi and Kalina were still a little bit out of accustomed.

They all felt a little sympathetic towards Carmen, but they did not dare to speak up for Carmen, let alone help her, for fear that Qingyun would drag them to practice shooting together.

Nami and the others breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Qingyun and Carmen disappear from their sight.

However, they felt that Qingyun would most likely use ropes to help them and Carmen receive his teachings like before, so they did not do their own things, but stood there waiting.

But after waiting for a long time, Qingyun did not tie them up with ropes for additional training as Nami and the others had expected, which made them very confused.

"Could it be that Qingyun is no longer able to do it?"

Nami thought for a moment and guessed.

"It should be."

Nojigo, Kaya and Makino, as well as Tashigi and Kalina all nodded.

After all, Qingyun has been teaching them marksmanship for a week, and it's time to reach the limit.

They should have been happy, but they all felt a little lost in their hearts, a little lonely, a little empty, and a little cold.

Just like kittens who are fed delicious dried fish and stroked by their owners every day, they will feel very uncomfortable if they are not fed dried fish and stroked by their owners as usual.

Kittens will especially want their owners to feed them dried fish and stroke them.

Why do I want to learn marksmanship from Qingyun so much?

He is clearly just a shameless and lustful guy!

Upon discovering this, Nami, Nojigo, Kaya, Makino, Tashigi and Kalina's pretty faces couldn't help but blush.

"Vixen, this is a good opportunity to escape, why don't you steal Qingyun's treasure and leave?"

Nami asked Kalina instigatingly, trying to divert her attention from practicing marksmanship with Qingyun.

Nojigo, Kaya, Makino and Tashigi all looked at Kalina, trying to divert their attention from practicing marksmanship with Qingyun.

"This is a good opportunity for you too, right?"

"Why don’t you steal Qingyun’s treasure and leave by yourself?"

"You were probably forced to board the ship by Qingyun, right?"

Kalina smiled and asked Nami.

She knew that Qingyun could control the Poseidon at will, and guessed that they were most likely under Qingyun's surveillance and could not escape at all, let alone steal Qingyun's treasure before escaping.

She knew that Nami would definitely think of this, and guessed that Nami was setting a trap for her.

But it was just right for her to use it to divert her attention and no longer want to practice shooting with Qingyun.

"I was not forced to board the ship by Qingyun. I volunteered to board the ship with him after he rescued me. I became his navigator, so of course I would not steal his treasure and leave."

Nami said with her hands on her hips and a smile.


Kaya, Makino, Dashiqi and Kalina were all very surprised.

They all thought that except Qingyun himself, everyone on the Sea King was forced to board the ship by Qingyun.

"Is this true?"

Ke Ya and the others were all in disbelief.

"Of course it's true."

Nami nodded firmly.

"I can testify"

""Nami is telling the truth,"

Nojiko said affirmatively.

Kaya and the others finally believed it.

Kalina pouted:

"Even if you volunteered to board the ship, you probably didn't volunteer to practice shooting with Qingyun, right?"


Nami paused, completely���

And when Kalina mentioned practicing shooting with Qingyun, Nami, Nojiko, Kaya, Makino and Tashigi, even Kalina herself, couldn't help but want to practice shooting with Qingyun, making their pretty faces blush even more.

"I...I'm tired, I'm going to sleep first."

Nami went straight to the room she chose.

"I went to bed too."

"I'm going to bed too."

Nojigo, Kaya, Makino, Tashigi and Kalina all followed suit.

None of them wanted to take advantage of Qingyun teaching Carmen how to shoot to escape.

Not only because they guessed that Qingyun could keep track of their movements at any time and knew that they could not escape from Qingyun's palm.

It was also because they were already somewhat inseparable from Qingyun.

After Nami and the others returned to their own rooms, the shooting skills that Qingyun taught them emerged in their minds, and they felt more and more empty, lonely and cold.

The more they controlled, or even forced themselves not to think about it, the more they would think about it.

In the end, within ten minutes, they all began to review the shooting skills that Qingyun taught them alone...

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