That afternoon, in

Rogue Town, on the seashore, two groups of people were confronting each other, neither of them was willing to back down, and a war was about to break out.

"Bartolomeo, get out of here quickly. This devil fruit was first discovered by our Miyamoto family. It belongs to our Miyamoto family."

Ichiro Miyamoto stared at Bartolomeo and said viciously

"You're talking nonsense. I was the first one to discover the devil fruit. It belongs to our Barto family."

"You should get out of here."

Before Bartolomeo could speak, De Zaya beside him spoke first, as if it were real, without any guilt at all.

"I believe in De Zaya."

Bartolomeo picked his nose and said in a rogue way


Ichiro Miyamoto was so angry that he blew his beard and glared:

"I haven't seen you for a few years. I didn't expect you to be even more shameless."

"In this case, let's follow the old rules and let's rely on strength to decide. Whoever is stronger gets the devil fruit."

"Come on, guys."


Following Miyamoto Ichiro's order, he and his men rushed towards De Zaya, Bartolomeo, and their men.

""Young men, come on!"

Bartolomeo immediately ordered.

Then he took the lead and rushed towards Miyamoto Ichiro and his men.


De Zaya and Bartolomeo received the order and rushed towards Ichiro Miyamoto and the others.

The Barto family and the Miyamoto family are the two largest gangster families in Rogue Town. In the past, there were often frictions, conflicts and bloody fights.

But since Smoker came to Rogue Town, he not only arrested pirates, but also suppressed gangs, making the Barto family and the Miyamoto family much more peaceful.

In the past few years, there have been almost no conflicts between the two families.

Now, Smoker has taken his people out of Rogue Town.

Not long ago, a younger brother of the Miyamoto family and De Zaya discovered a devil fruit on the cliff, and immediately went back to call for help, which led to the current situation.

And this devil fruit is the barrier fruit that Bartolomeo ate in the original book.

In other words, Bartolomeo has not eaten the barrier fruit yet, and is not a devil fruit ability user.

Bang! Bang! Bang!——


The two families fought fiercely, and soon blood was seen.

Since the two families were equally strong, and neither of them had a devil fruit ability user, it was hard to tell who was better.

No one of them was willing to give in, and the fight became more and more fierce.

Because they knew that once the other side got the devil fruit on the seashore, the other side would have one more devil fruit ability user, and the other side's strength would most likely increase dramatically.

At that time, they would no longer be evenly matched with the other side, but would be weaker than the other side, and their territory would inevitably be taken away by the other side, which was something they didn't want to see.

So they all used all their skills.

Five minutes later, although many brothers of the Barto family and the Miyamoto family had fallen, the battle became more and more intense.

""It's so lively, what are you doing?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came.

Everyone was startled, thinking that Smoker had brought people here.

After all, in the whole of Rogue Town, no one else dared to show up when the two families were fighting, except Smoker. They stopped fighting at the same time, and then looked in the direction of the voice. They saw that the person who came was not Smoker, but a man they had never seen before, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"We, the Barto family, are dealing with things with the Miyamoto family. Don't come and join in the fun, or I'll beat you up too. Get out of here now."

De Zaya said coldly, and then he looked back at the Miyamoto family, ready to continue fighting with them.

Bartolomeo and his many brothers, as well as Miyamoto Ichiro and his many brothers, also looked back at each other, ready to continue fighting, vowing to beat them all down so that they could take the devil fruit.

"He...he is Qingyun!"

"A pirate with a bounty of 320 million!"

At this moment, a younger brother from the Barto family and the Miyamoto family recognized Qing Yun and was extremely frightened. He hurriedly reminded the people in their family to


Hearing this, Dezaia and the others hurriedly stopped fighting and turned to look at Qingyun again.

"It's Qingyun!"

After recognizing Qingyun, Dezaia and the others were shocked and dumbfounded, not daring to move.

Because according to Qingyun's bounty order, they knew that he not only killed navy soldiers, but also pirates. He was a terrifying pirate who killed people without blinking an eye.

Although they were neither navy soldiers nor pirates, they didn't know whether Qingyun would attack them.

"You should be fighting for the devil fruit, right?"

Qingyun smiled slightly, looking at Dezaya and asked.

In order to let Nami see if he could do it, he directly trained them to learn shooting, and stopped only when they were all exhausted and fell asleep.

After that, he came out to eat, but he could see Rogue Town, and saw two groups of people fighting on the seashore from a distance.

He looked closely and found that Dezaya and Bartolomeo were also here.

Although he had not seen Dezaya and Bartolomeo in person, their features were exactly the same as in the original book.

Dezaya had a red and yellow airplane head.

Bartolomeo had a green airplane head.

Qingyun still recognized the two based on their features.

He could see that the Barto family and the Miyamoto family were two groups of people. He thought that since they would fight here, it was very likely that they were fighting for something.

He saw that Bartolomeo had not used the ability of the barrier fruit, and guessed that Bartolomeo should not have eaten the barrier fruit yet, and these people were very likely fighting for the barrier fruit.

So he came immediately

"How do you know?!"

De Zaya and everyone present were shocked. They didn't expect Qing Yun to guess it right at once.

Oh no!

I shouldn't have said that!

After they realized it, many people felt a little regretful.

Because this was equivalent to admitting it.

They knew that Qing Yun would definitely not give the devil fruit to them, but would take it into his pocket.

Even if Qing Yun didn't want to eat it, he could give it to others or sell it for money.

With their strength, they were simply unable to compete with Qing Yun, who had such a high bounty.

"As expected.

Qingyun was very happy.

This situation was just right, because he didn't have to kill Bartolomeo for the barrier fruit now or in the future.

"Where is the devil fruit?"

Qingyun stared at Dezaya and asked.

"If I tell you, can you let us leave safely?"

Dezaya did not answer directly, but mustered up the courage and asked Qingyun with slightly opened red lips.

Everyone looked at Qingyun worriedly.

They knew that they would definitely not be able to get the devil fruit, and they just wanted to leave alive.

Qingyun stared at Dezaya like a wolf and tiger, and opened his mouth slowly:

"If you tell me where the devil fruit is and agree to board my ship, I can get the others away safely."

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