
De Zaya was shocked.

She had never thought that Qingyun would want to get on his boat.

However, looking at Qingyun's aggressive eyes, she could still imagine why Qingyun wanted to get on his boat. She felt disgusted, but helpless and in a dilemma.

Not only did she not like Qingyun, but she also liked Bartolomeo.

It was because De Zaya liked Bartolomeo that she did stupid things with Bartolomeo when she was a child, and now she is a gangster with Bartolomeo.

Even her hairstyle is almost exactly the same as Bartolomeo's.

But Bartolomeo is a straight man, who always treats De Zaya as a good brother and has never noticed De Zaya's feelings for him. Although

De Zaya is usually carefree, like a boy, she is still very thin-skinned.

She knows that Bartolomeo treats her as a brother, and she has never dared to confess to Bartolomeo, for fear that after being rejected by Bartolomeo, it would be difficult for her to stay with Bartolomeo.

De Zaya didn't want to board Qingyun's ship and leave Bartolomeo.

But she was worried that if she dared to refuse, Qingyun would kill Bartolomeo.

"He actually wants De Zaya to board his ship!"

Bartolomeo and the others were also shocked.

However, they noticed Qingyun's eyes and could imagine that Qingyun was interested in De Zaya.

"Kill if you want"

"I will never let Dezaia board your ship."

Bartolomeo stood in front of Dezaia without any hesitation and said fearlessly.

Bartolomeo was very loyal and righteous, and he was not a coward. He saw that Qingyun had ill intentions towards Dezaia, so he would not push Dezaia into the sea of fire for his own life.


De Zaya was very moved

"We will not let Dezaia board your ship either."

Bartolomeo's men followed Dezaia and said in unison.

What kind of boss you have, what kind of men you have.

Bartolomeo's men were unwilling to sacrifice Dezaia in exchange for their survival.

"Count me in."

Ichiro Miyamoto came to De Zaya and said:

"If people knew that I had to sacrifice a woman to survive, I wouldn't have to continue living like this."

"Count me in too"

"Count me in."

Miyamoto Ichiro's men followed and came to De Zaya.

Seeing this, De Zaya, Bartolomeo, and his men were all very surprised.

"Very good."

Qingyun was a little surprised, and couldn't help but admire these people.

They might be bad, but they are really loyal.

But he would not miss Dezaia.

He wanted to personally bring happiness to Dezaia.


Qingyun didn't say much, and directly moved his eyes, releasing a powerful domineering aura, sweeping towards Bartolomeo and others.

Qingyun has become more powerful, and his domineering aura has become more powerful.

Even Bartolomeo and Miyamoto Ichiro���They were all big, but they couldn't resist Qingyun's domineering aura.

They and their brothers all rolled their eyes and collapsed to the ground.

Only Dezaia, who was not the target of Qingyun's domineering aura, didn't faint.

However, Dezaia was also shocked by the aftermath of Qingyun's domineering aura, and couldn't help but stand there, her delicate body trembling uncontrollably.



After a while, De Zaya finally reacted. She was very worried about everyone's situation, especially Bartolomeo's.

She immediately ran towards Bartolomeo, and when she came in front of him, she immediately squatted down to check:



Qingyun knew that De Zaya liked Bartolomeo, otherwise she would not have chosen to form a pirate group and go out to sea with Bartolomeo after he left without saying goodbye.

Later, after De Zaya captured Luffy and Bartolomeo, she asked Bartolomeo to hand over Luffy, and she could plead for him, but Bartolomeo directly refused to hand over Luffy and became angry.

Qingyun knew the reason why De Zaya was angry. Of course, she could see that in Bartolomeo's heart, Luffy was much more important than her, and she was jealous.

However, it was not important to Qingyun that De Zaya liked Bartolomeo.

Just like Kaya liked Usopp, and Makino was likely to like Red-haired Shanks, it was not important to Qingyun.

He would soon make De Zaya like him like Kaya and Makino, and then forget about Bartolomeo like Kaya and Makino, just like Kaya forgot Usopp and Makino forgot Shanks.


After finding out that Bartolomeo and the others had only lost consciousness but were not dead, De Zaya finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Next time, it will be their lives."

Qingyun looked at Dezaia who was squatting in front of Bartolomeo and said coldly.

Hearing this, Dezaia looked at Qingyun with anger and helplessness in her eyes.

She was not stupid and could hear the hidden meaning of Qingyun's words.

"Dezaia, are you willing to board my ship?"

Qingyun looked down at Dezaia on the ground and asked again

"I... wanted to."

Dezaia didn't dare to disobey Qingyun, she gritted her teeth and answered affirmatively

【Congratulations to the host for subduing Dezaia and joining the Sea King Group, and choosing Dezaia's position. 】

Qingyun smiled slightly:

"very good"

"From now on, you are a fighter of my Sea King Group."

"Yes...Captain Qingyun."

Although Dezaia was extremely reluctant, he still nodded helplessly and replied.

"Where is the devil fruit you are fighting for?"

Qingyun then asked Dezaia

""On the edge of the sea."

Dezaia pointed to the edge of the sea behind her and answered truthfully.

She was worried that if she didn't tell him, Qingyun would kill him.


Qingyun disappeared as soon as Dezaia finished speaking.

The next moment, Qingyun appeared in front of Dezaia with a green devil fruit in his hand that looked like a pineapple and covered with spiral patterns.

Qingyun immediately used the system's search function to check

【[Barrier Fruit]: A superhuman devil fruit. The fruit ability is to use an absolute defensive barrier that cannot be destroyed by any means, and can be used to attack.

The disadvantage is that the total area of the barrier released at the same time is limited.

However, the stronger the user, the larger the total area of the barrier.

It is indeed a barrier fruit, it is really great!

Qingyun was very happy.

Dezaia looked at the devil fruit in Qingyun's hand, and a trace of unwillingness appeared in her eyes.

This was what she intended to let Bartolomeo eat, but now it fell into Qingyun's hands.

"Okay, let's go."

Qingyun took the Barrier Fruit and walked towards the Sea King on the beach.


Worried that Qingyun would kill Bartolomeo and the others, Dezaia did not dare to disobey Qingyun, and could only reluctantly follow Qingyun towards the Sea King, looking back at Bartolomeo from time to time.

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