Taking Dezaia back to the Sea King,

Qingyun first controlled the Sea King to sail towards the Grand Line, which surprised Dezaia, who was new to the Sea King:

"How did the boat move by itself?"

Qingyun didn't hesitate at all, and immediately picked up Dezaia in a princess hug.

Dezaia had expected this, but she neither dodged nor resisted.

She was worried that Qingyun would go back and kill Bartolomeo and the others.

Dezaia just looked at Qingyun angrily, feeling unwilling.

Ignoring Dezaia's anger, Qingyun carried Dezaia to the living area.

Being timid and not eating the meat in his mouth is not his style.


The next morning, Nami and the others were surprised to see Qingyun had invited another beautiful woman on board while they were asleep.

Dezaia was also surprised to see so many beautiful women on the Sea King.

They could tell from each other's eyes that the other's situation was likely the same as theirs, and they sympathized with each other.

"This is the Barrier Fruit. After taking it, you can use an absolute defensive barrier that cannot be destroyed by any means, and you can use the barrier to attack."

Qingyun took out the Barrier Fruit and introduced it to Nami and the others.

"Barrier Fruit!"

Hearing this, Nami, Nojigo, Kaya, Makino, Tashigi, Kalina and Tashigi, and Dezaia all looked at the Barrier Fruit in Qingyun's hand in amazement.

Although Dezaia had seen this devil fruit yesterday, she didn't know it was a barrier fruit.

They were all a little tempted.

After all, absolute defense that cannot be destroyed by any means is still very tempting.

What's more, it can be used for attack.

""Besides Nami, Kaya and Nokigo, who among you wants to eat this barrier fruit?"

Qingyun asked.

Hearing this, Nami, Nokigo and Kaya were more or less disappointed.

Makino and the others were a little puzzled.

"Why did you exclude me, my sister, and Kaya?"

"We were the first to board the ship."

Nami pouted and said angrily.

Nokigo, Kaya, and Makino all looked at Qingyun curiously.

"This barrier fruit cannot significantly increase combat power, nor can it give people the ability to heal and save lives."

Qingyun said calmly.

""So that's how it is!"

Hearing this, Nami, Nokigo and Kaya remembered that they had told Qingyun what kind of devil fruit ability they wanted.

They understood why Qingyun excluded them.

They felt very happy at once, and the corners of their mouths couldn't help but rise.

Makino, Tashigi, Kalina, Carmen and Dezaya heard this, looked at Nami, Nokigo and Kaya, and could also think of why Qingyun excluded them, and they all envied them more or less.

"However, the barrier fruit is still very useful for self-protection and protecting others.

Qingyun looked at Makino, Dashiqi, Kalina, Carmen and Dezaya, thinking about who to give it to.

"I want to eat"

"I want to eat, too"


Makino, Tashigi, Kalina, Carmen and Dezaia all said they wanted to eat it.

But the difference was that Makino and Tashigi wanted to use it to protect others.

Kalina and Carmen wanted to use it to protect themselves.

Dezaia didn't want the devil fruit he found to be cheap for others.

"Makino, come here."

Qingyun looked at Makino and beckoned her to come to him.


Makino was overjoyed and immediately walked towards Qingyun.

Tashigi, Kalina, Carmen and Dezaia were all more or less disappointed.

Qingyun peeled the barrier fruit, then cut off a small piece with a knife and handed it to Makino with a smile:


Makino's pretty face turned red, but she still opened her red lips.

Qingyun took the opportunity to put the flesh of the barrier fruit into Makino's mouth.

Tasting the taste of the barrier fruit flesh, Makino's face suddenly changed, and her whole pretty face twisted, feeling very disgusted.

Because the flesh of the devil fruit is really too unpalatable.

But Makino still resisted the nausea and ate the flesh.

The next moment, Makino gained the ability of the barrier fruit, but she didn't know it.

【Warm reminder: Chef Makino obtains the barrier fruit ability, and the host obtains the barrier fruit ability. 】

At the same time, the system's voice sounded in Qingyun's mind, and he was very happy

"Is the devil fruit so unpalatable?"

Nami and the others looked at Makino with envy and curiosity.

Qingyun smiled slightly, then cut off a piece of the barrier fruit with a knife and handed it to Makino again.


Qingyun naturally knew that you only need to eat one bite of the devil fruit, and the rest is no different from ordinary fruit.

But this is a good opportunity to train Makino, and he will naturally not miss it.

Before Makino recovered, she saw Qingyun handed her another piece of barrier fruit flesh, and she felt very uncomfortable.

But she didn't know that the devil fruit only needed to be eaten in one bite, and she thought she had to eat it all, so she still resisted the nausea and opened her mouth.

After eating the whole barrier fruit, Makino felt bad.

But when she cast the barrier and saw that the barrier could actually withstand Qingyun's attack, she still felt it was worth it, felt very happy, and was very grateful to Qingyun.

Because she knew that if it weren't for Qingyun, she would never be able to eat this barrier fruit in her life.

She couldn't help but love Qingyun even more.

Seeing this scene, Nami and the others couldn't help but want Qingyun to help them get a powerful devil fruit.


One day later.

Grand Line, Cape Twins.

For Qingyun, all the people in the East China Sea who were worthy of being invited on board had already been invited on board.

So he did not hesitate at all. After getting the record pointer, the good sword Sandaime Kitetsu and Xuezou in Rogue Town, he directly took Nami and the others through the Upside-Down Mountain and entered Cape Twins.

The permanent pointer was naturally given to Nami for safekeeping.

Sandaime Kitetsu was tamed by Qingyun, and he kept it for himself.

Xuezou was given to Tashigi by Qingyun, which made Tashigi like Qingyun even more.

"what is that?"

"so big!"

"Is it a mountain?"

Seeing the huge island whale Labu from afar, Nami and the others thought it was a mountain.

"No, it's a whale!"

After seeing Lab clearly, Nami and the others were all shocked and terrified:

"Oh no, we’re going to collide!"

"Don't panic."

Qingyun smiled slightly, and directly controlled the Sea King to fly up, flew over Labu, and then landed on the sea.

"I was so scared."

Nami and the others were still a little shocked.

"This ship can actually fly!"

Kaya, Makino, Dashiqi, Kalina, Carmen and Dezaia looked at Rab behind them and were extremely shocked.

Because they had never seen the Sea King fly, nor had they seen any other ship that could fly.

"There seems to be someone there."

Nami said in surprise, looking at the sea not far away.

Qingyun, Nokigo and the others looked in the direction of the sound.

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