A man wearing a black hat, a red and black windbreaker, and a big knife on his back was standing on a small boat shaped like a coffin.

"Hawkeye Mihawk."

Qingyun was very excited to recognize that the man was Hawkeye Mihawk.

He knew that Hawkeye Mihawk was in the Grand Line, but he didn't know where exactly. He was wondering where to find him. Unexpectedly, he ran into him just after entering.

"Hawkeye Mihawk!"

"One of the Seven Warlords of the Sea!"

Nami, Nojiko, Kaya, Makino, Tashigi, Kalina, Carmen and Dezaya were a little panicked and worried about Qingyun.

After these days of getting along, they found that although Qingyun forced them to get on the ship.

And after getting on the ship, he taught them how to shoot directly regardless of whether they were willing or not.

But Qingyun was really good to them, basically meeting their requests and buying whatever they wanted.

And Qingyun didn't treat them as vases, he would help them practice, learn, and make them stronger.

They all liked Qingyun.

They knew that Hawkeye Mihawk was one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. One of them, and Qingyun is wanted as a pirate by the World Government.

They are worried that Hawkeye Mihawk will deal with Qingyun.

However, in addition to being worried that Hawkeye Mihawk will deal with Qingyun, Tashigi is also very excited.

After all, Hawkeye Mihawk is a man known as the world's number one swordsman.

And Tashigi is a sword fanatic, so she will naturally be excited when she sees Hawkeye Mihawk.

But Hawkeye Mihawk is very unhappy now, and is staring at Qingyun and Nami and others on the Sea King with his eagle-like eyes.

It turned out that he was sleeping soundly just now, but was awakened by the waves stirred up by the Sea King after it flew up and fell into the sea.

"He seems particularly angry?"

"It's over, it's over."

Nami and the others saw that Hawkeye Mihawk seemed very angry, and they all panicked.

Hawkeye Mihawk didn't say anything, and directly pulled out the black knife behind him and swung it towards the Sea King.

The next moment, a green, extremely powerful sword energy was formed instantly, and it kept getting bigger and bigger, and it quickly attacked the Sea King with a devastating force.

"It's over. It's over."

""I'm going to die."

Seeing this, Nami and the others were terrified by the terrifying blow of Hawkeye Mihawk.

Nami couldn't help crying.

"Everyone, come to me quickly."

Nojigo immediately crossed her middle and index fingers and cast a barrier in front of the Poseidon and them, trying to use the barrier to block Hawkeye Mihawk's attack.

However, her current strength was weak, and she could only use the barrier to cover them and part of the hull.

Nami and the others immediately moved closer to Nojigo.



However, Qingyun jumped out alone, sealed the power of the Fracture Fruit, and used the Armament Haki to arm his hands, intending to resist Hawkeye Mihawk's attack.

At the same time, he controlled the Poseidon to sail at full speed to avoid Hawkeye Mihawk's attack.


Nami and the others were extremely worried about Qingyun when they saw this.

Because although they knew Qingyun was very powerful, the attack of Hawkeye Mihawk was extremely terrifying, and they were worried that Qingyun could not resist it.

Nojigo wanted to cancel the barrier in front of them and use the barrier to protect Qingyun, but it was too late. Hawkeye Mihawk's attack had already hit Qingyun.



Qingyun resisted Hawkeye Mihawk's attack for almost a second, and then he could not resist it. His hands were cut off directly, and then he was cut in half and died on the spot.

Fortunately, it bought enough time for the Poseidon to escape from Hawkeye Mihawk's attack, allowing the Poseidon to pass by Hawkeye Mihawk's attack.


Hawkeye Mihawk's slash directly cut the mountain not far away, and its power can be seen.


However, Nami and the others didn't care about this at all. When they saw Qingyun being killed on the spot, they couldn't help but burst into tears and were extremely sad.

However, Lab was frightened and shrank aside, not daring to move.

But Hawkeye Mihawk had no intention of stopping. He looked at Nami and the others on the Sea King and raised the black knife again slowly.

Nami and the others noticed Hawkeye Mihawk's actions and felt scared, but more of them were angry and helpless.

They wanted to kill Hawkeye Mihawk to avenge Qingyun, but they didn't have the strength to do so.

【The host has been detected dead, and is being resurrected, and the positive and beneficial abilities of the person who killed the host are being copied.

At this moment, the system's voice suddenly sounded in Qingyun's mind, and Qingyun's consciousness quickly recovered, and his body that was split in two was also recovering rapidly.

"Wait, I'm not dead yet."

"If you want to hurt my woman, you have to get past me first."

Just as Hawkeye Mihawk was about to attack again, Qingyun's voice suddenly rang out.


"Not dead?"

Nami and the others and Hawkeye Mihawk were all shocked and immediately looked towards Qingyun.

They saw that Qingyun, who had been split in two, had recovered as before, with an excited smile on his face, which made Nami and the others stunned.


After realizing what was happening, Nami and the others were overjoyed and burst into laughter.

"A person with special abilities?"

"What kind of ability is this? Being cut in half, he can still recover?"

Hawkeye Mihawk looked at Qingyun in confusion.

Nami and the others and Lab were also very puzzled.

Qingyun immediately controlled the Sea King, letting it release a speedboat, and then landed steadily on the speedboat.

Qingyun didn't say much, and directly summoned the Sandai Kitetsu from the system space to his right hand, then raised it and chopped down at Hawkeye Mihawk.

In an instant, a purple, extremely powerful sword energy was formed instantly, and it kept getting bigger, and it quickly attacked Hawkeye Mihawk with the momentum of splitting mountains and filling the sea.

"What a powerful slash!"

"It's actually on par with Hawkeye/my sword!"

Nami and the others and Hawkeye Mihawk were very surprised when they saw this. They didn't expect Qingyun to be able to use such a powerful slash.

Hawkeye Mihawk immediately launched a counterattack, turned to Qingyun, raised the black knife and slashed down, and then slashed out a sword energy that was equally powerful as Qingyun's sword energy, and flew towards Qingyun.

Clang! Clang! Clang! -


The two sword energies collided violently, and then suddenly exploded, forming a huge mushroom sea in the sea, and the entire sea surface was turbulent.

The Poseidon couldn't help but retreat a long distance.

Nami and the others were stunned by this scene.

Lab on the side couldn't help but tremble.

"I didn't expect you to be so strong."

"What's your name?"

Hawkeye Mihawk was a little excited and asked Qingyun.

"You are Qingyun!"

He looked at Qingyun and finally recognized her. He was a little surprised.

"It seems that the bounty the navy has set for you is still a bit low."

Hawkeye Mihawk said lightly.

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