"Princess Weiwei, run... run, run……"

After Ikalem woke up, he saw Vivi looking at him with concern. He ignored his own safety and pain and immediately told Vivi to run for her life.

Although he knew Vivi was on Qingyun's ship and that Qingyun's bounty was 320 million Baileys, he didn't know how strong Qingyun was. He was worried that they couldn't resist the ambush of Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine, as well as more than a hundred pirate hunters.

"Don't worry, Ikalem. It's all right."

"Captain Qingyun has basically killed all the enemies."

Weiwei hurriedly informed Ikalem of the situation.


Ikalem was shocked, and finally he felt relieved.

"Well, you just need to rest for about three months and you should be fine."

At this moment, Kaya and Noqigao helped Ikalem apply medicine and bandage his wound.

"Princess Weiwei, who are these two?"

Ikalem then noticed Kaya and Noqigao who were helping him treat his wounds, and immediately asked Weiwei curiously.

"Her name is Ke Ya, she is the doctor of our Sea King"

"Her name is Noqi Gao, and she is a nurse on our Sea King."

Weiwei introduced with a smile.

"I see. Thank you so much."

Ikalem thanked Kaya and Nokigo on the spot.

"You're welcome."

Ke Ya and No Qi Gao smiled.

"He is Captain Qingyun of our Sea King."

Weiwei pointed to Qingyun and continued to introduce him to Ikalem.

"Captain Qingyun, thank you."

Ikalem thanked Qingyun again.

He knew that since Qingyun had dealt with Mr. 5 and the others, he would definitely stand on Weiwei's side.

"You're welcome."

Qingyun said calmly.

"Captain Qingyun, Ikalem is now seriously injured and cannot return to the Kingdom of Alabasta alone."

"Anyway, the Sea King is very big, can we take him with us?"

Weiwei looked at Qingyun expectantly and pleaded sincerely.

"Yes, Qingyun."

Noqigao then asked Qingyun


"Qingyun, please let Ikalem come with us, so that Nojigo and I can help him change the medicine in time."

Kaya also pleaded with Qingyun.

They were all very uneasy.

Especially Weiwei.

Because Qingyun said that the Sea King did not welcome any man.

Ikalem was a little puzzled.

Because he did not know Qingyun.


Qingyun answered directly without any hesitation.

Noqigao, Keya and Weiwei all felt a little bit unbelievable and looked at him in disbelief:

"Is it really possible?"


"But didn’t you say that no men are welcome on the Neptune?"


"But now the situation is special, I can only let Ikalem board the Sea King."

Qingyun replied.

He is not a heartless person. He knows that Weiwei must be very worried about Ikalem who was injured for her.

If he abandons Ikalem at this time, it will definitely hurt Weiwei's heart.

But if he lets Ikalem board the ship, he can win Weiwei's heart.

And he also admires such a loyal Ikalem, why not?

"Thank you, thank you, Qingyun."

Weiwei was very moved. In addition to gratitude, she looked at Qingyun with a bit of ambiguity in her beautiful eyes. She finally stopped calling him 'Captain Qingyun'.

Weiwei knew that the special situation Qingyun was talking about was referring to her.

Qingyun had already allowed a grown man to board the Sea King for her, which was unprecedented. How could she not dare to move?

Qingyun smiled slightly, raised his hand and gently rubbed Weiwei's head, and said with a smile:

"Don't be polite to me."

Weiwei's pretty face was slightly red. She didn't feel disgusted at all when Qingyun touched her head. Instead, she felt very happy.

Seeing this, Ke Ya and Noqi Gao smiled slightly.

So that's it!

Ikalem was an experienced person and immediately understood that Weiwei had fallen in love with Qingyun.

But what he didn't know was that Weiwei had learned spearmanship from Qingyun and was no longer a little princess.

"We are back."

At this moment, Nami and the others came back with money, and Makino and the others came back with food.

"Miss Valentine!"

Seeing Miss Valentine, Ikalem suddenly tensed up.

"Don't panic"

"Michita, also known as Miss Valentine, is now a member of my Sea King Group.

Qingyun said calmly.


Ikalem was shocked when he heard this.

Not only because of this, but also because he finally noticed the people lying around him. They were all killed by one blow.

Miss Valentine also betrayed him.

He realized that Qingyun was much more powerful than he had imagined.

"Let's go back to the Sea King to have lunch and wait for the record pointer to reserve magnetic force."

Qingyun said, then walked to Ikarem and personally helped him to the Sea King.

Of course, this kind of work can't be done by Nami and the others, otherwise it will be a bargain for Ikarem, right?

Besides, this can also increase Vivi's favorability, so why not do it.

Back at the Sea King, Qingyun helped Ikarem into a room to rest.

After coming out, he called Nojigo, took out the Explosion Fruit and a knife at the same time, and then began to peel the Explosion Fruit.

Nojigo came to Qingyun, looked at the Explosion Fruit in Qingyun's hand, and said with disgust:

"Qingyun, can I not eat the explosive fruit?"

"It's so disgusting that they actually use boogers to make bombs"

"that is"


Nami and the others all gathered around and said affirmatively.

They saw that Mr. 5 used a booger bomb to attack Qingyun.

Nokigo felt very disgusted when he thought about using booger to attack others.

Nami and the others couldn't accept the scene.

Nokigo came in front of Qingyun, grabbed Qingyun's wrist, looked at Qingyun eagerly, and gently shook Qingyun's hand, saying in a delicate voice:

"You should help me find another devil fruit."



Qingyun didn't expect Noqi Gao to act so coquettishly, and he couldn't bear to reject her.

However, he still hardened his heart and said righteously:

"Any part of the user's body can explode, including boogers. However, the air blown out of the mouth can also be used as an explosive."

"The ability user is not afraid of any bombs, and the power of the bomb will become stronger as the ability user's strength increases, far exceeding ordinary bombs."

"Once the Explosion Fruit is awakened, it can affect the surrounding objects and turn them all into bombs. It is a very powerful superhuman devil fruit."

"Before the fruit awakens, you don't have to learn from Mr. 5 and use the booger bomb as a far-reaching attack method, but use the exhaled air"

"As for melee combat, there is no need for boogers."

""I see."

After hearing this, Nokigo and Nami finally understood why Qingyun let Nokigo eat the Explosion Fruit.

"Come on, ah."

Qingyun cut off a small piece of the Explosion Fruit and handed it to Nokigo.


Nokiko no longer rejected it, and obediently opened his mouth and ate the explosive fruit.

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