
"It tastes so bad!"

Nokigo's pretty face twisted instantly, and she wanted to spit out the explosive fruit in her mouth.

"I understand."

Makino and Miss Valentine nodded continuously. They fully understood the pain that Nojigo was going through.

"Devil fruits are as bitter as good medicine, this is the price of gaining power."

Qingyun said seriously.

Nokigo knew that what Qingyun said made sense, so she resisted the nausea, chewed a few times, and then swallowed the flesh of the explosion fruit.

The next moment, Nokigo gained the power of the explosion fruit and became an explosive man, but she didn't know this.

【Warm reminder: Nurse Nojigo obtains the power of the Explosion Fruit, and the host's Explosion Fruit power is thus doubled. 】

At the same time, the system's voice sounded in Qingyun's mind, and he was ecstatic:

It can actually be strengthened!

It's really great!

"Are devil fruits really that unpalatable?"

Nami and the others looked at Nojiko with envy and curiosity.

"It's really unpalatable!"

Makino and Miss Valentine said with certainty.

Qingyun smiled slightly, then cut off a piece of the barrier fruit with a knife and handed it to Makino again:


Seeing this, Makino and Nami couldn't help but feel sorry for Nokigo.

Miss Valentine was very confused and couldn't help asking:

"Isn't it true that after taking a bite of a devil fruit, you gain its ability, and the rest is no different from ordinary fruit, so it is useless to eat it?"

"Why are you still feeding Nokigo?"


Hearing this, Nami and the others were very surprised.

Qingyun naturally knew this.

But just like when he fed Makino the barrier fruit before, this was a good opportunity to train Nokigo, and he naturally didn't want to miss it.

"Qingyun, you should know this, right?"

Noqi stared at Qingyun angrily.


Makino looked at Qingyun with resentment.

"I know."

Qingyun did not lie and admitted it openly.

"But only those who endure the most hardships can become the best."

"Although the devil fruit looks like ordinary fruit after being eaten, doesn't this also mean that it still has certain nutritional value?"

"We can't waste food"

"Besides, maybe eating a whole devil fruit can strengthen your devil fruit ability, or potential, so that you can awaken better in the future?"

He immediately continued righteously.

"There is some truth in that."

Everyone thought about it carefully and found that it did make some sense.

Nojigo and Makino's anger immediately subsided.

"Come on, ah."

Qingyun asked Nojigo to open her mouth again.

Makino hadn't recovered yet, and seeing Qingyun handing her another piece of the explosive fruit, she didn't want to open her mouth to eat it.

But she thought of Qingyun's previous words, worried that the remaining explosive fruit could really enhance her explosive fruit's ability, or potential, and didn't want to waste food, so she still resisted the nausea and opened her mouth.

After eating the whole explosive fruit, Nojigo felt bad.

But when she came to the deck of the Sea King and saw that she used the ability of the explosive fruit and the air bomb she exhaled to explode the huge splash on the sea surface, she still felt it was worth it, felt very happy, and was very grateful to Qingyun.

Because she, like Makino, knew that if it weren't for Qingyun, she would never be able to eat this explosive fruit in her life, and even now she is still under the rule of Arlong, and she often doesn't have enough food.

She couldn't help but love Qingyun more.

Seeing this scene, Nami and the others couldn't wait for Qingyun to help them get a powerful devil fruit.


However, Qingyun suddenly picked up Miss Valentine in a princess hug, and Miss Valentine, who was caught off guard, couldn't help but scream. Miss Valentine instinctively wanted to resist, or even attack Qingyun.

But when she thought of Qingyun's strength and decisiveness, she controlled herself in time.

""Captain Qingyun, what are you doing?"

But Miss Valentine still asked, feeling uneasy.

It seems that Qingyun can no longer hold back and wants to baptize Michita!

Nami and other girls are no longer surprised by this.

However, they are not as distressed for Miss Valentine as before, and they almost don't want to help Miss Valentine to plead with Qingyun.

After all, Miss Valentine is different from all of them. Although

Miss Valentine was also forced to board the ship by Qingyun, Miss Valentine was their and Qingyun's enemy before, and she had also attacked them together with Mr. 5 and the pirate hunters. If it weren't for Qingyun's strong strength, they might have been sunk into the sea to feed the fish.

Although they are now on the same boat with Miss Valentine, they still can't convince themselves to plead with Qingyun for Miss Valentine.

And they all know that this is a routine, and their plea is useless

"After you prepare lunch, just eat it directly without waiting for us.

Qingyun did not answer Miss Valentine's question, but smiled and said to Nami and the others


"Got it."

Nami and the other girls replied.

Hearing this, Miss Valentine felt that Qingyun might be plotting against her, and she became even more panicked:

"Captain Qingyun, you……"

Before Miss Valentine finished her words, Qingyun carried her towards her room.

Seeing this, Miss Valentine had already determined what Qingyun wanted to do.

She was very resistant.

Although Qingyun was very handsome, she was the type she liked, and his style of doing things was also to her liking.

But she had not even met Qingyun for a day, or even half a day.

She did not like Qingyun at all, and she did not want to give her most precious thing to Qingyun.

But she knew that she was not Qingyun's opponent, and Nami and the others would not help her at all. This time she was doomed.

Unless she committed suicide.

But she did not want to die.

Soon, Qingyun carried Miss Valentine into his room and closed the door.

He still did not rush, first put Miss Valentine on the ground, then walked to the bed, lay on the bed, and looked at Miss Valentine with a smile:

"You should know the duties of a maid, right?"

Seeing Qingyun's aggressive eyes, Miss Valentine couldn't help but feel scared, as if she was a lamb seeing a hungry wolf, she felt extremely scared.

"I...I know."

Miss Valentine replied timidly

"If you know what you are doing, hurry up and do it. Why are you still standing there?"

Qingyun urged.


Despite her resistance, Miss Valentine nodded and walked towards Qingyun.……


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