Five days later.

When the recording pointer had stored up magnetic force, Qingyun controlled the Sea King and, under the guidance of Nami, sailed from the Magnetic Drum Island to the Kingdom of Alabasta.

Four days ago.

Qingyun took Nami and Ikareem from Whiskey Peak to the Little Garden and met the giants.

However, they did not see Mr. 2, Mr. 3 and Miss Golden Week.

Because Crocodile did not send Mr. 2, Mr. 3 and Miss Golden Week to the Little Garden as in the original book, nor did he send anyone else to kill Qingyun and the others.

Nico Robin did not come to find Vivi and give her a permanent pointer to Alabasta as in the original book.

The two giants in the Little Garden did not have the ability of devil fruits, and Qingyun admired them very much, so he did not kill them, but took Nami and the others to drink and eat meat with the two of them and became good friends.

Two days ago.

Qingyun took Nami and Ikareem from the Little Garden to the Magnetic Drum Island.

He killed Wapol and his men, obtained the Swallow Swallow Fruit ability and the Swallow Swallow Fruit, liberated the Drum Kingdom, and gained the respect of the people of the Drum Kingdom.

It also made Nami and the others, especially Vivi, more certain that he was a good person with a little bit of badness, and they all liked him more.

However, he did not give the Swallow Swallow Fruit to anyone among Nami and the others.

Because he felt that the Swallow Swallow Fruit was really not suitable for them.

He did not kill Chopper to obtain his devil fruit ability and devil fruit.

Because he knew that Chopper's Human-Human Fruit·Ordinary was a devil fruit with great potential for it.

But for humans, it was an extremely ordinary devil fruit.

Not only did it have no effect, it would also make people afraid of the sea water.

Although he liked the character of Chopper very much, he did not invite it on board, and he did not even look for it.

Because he knew how cute and pitiful Chopper was. If he invited it on board, it would definitely be loved by Nami and the others, and they would pull it to help it take a bath when taking a bath, etc. Although he knew that

Chopper had no evil thoughts about human women, he still didn't want to see this scene.

"It’s a bit strange. Crocodile knew that we would help Vivi, but he didn’t send anyone to kill us?"

"Why didn't Nico Robin come to give us the permanent pointer to Alabasta directly?"

While controlling the Sea King and looking in the direction of the Kingdom of Alabasta, Qingyun began to think about the reason.

He knew that in the original work, Crocodile sent people to kill Vivi and Luffy to prevent them from returning to Alabasta and interfering with his plan.

And Nico Robin gave Vivi and Luffy the permanent pointer to the Kingdom of Alabasta directly so that Vivi and Luffy could stop Crocodile, so that she could read the main text of history and save the Kingdom of Alabasta by the way.

Qingyun could understand that Crocodile did not send people to kill them like in the original work.

After all, his bounty is much higher than Luffy in the original work, and the combat power he showed when he killed Mr. 5 is really too powerful.

Crocodile must have thought that even if he continued to send people, it would only be sending him heads.

But Nico Robin didn't come either, which made him a little confused.

"Qingyun, why do you say that Nico Robin will help us?"

Hearing Qingyun's words, Nami and Ikalem looked at Qingyun in confusion.

"Because Nico Robin is different from the others in Baroque Works"

"She followed Crocodile not for money or power, but to read the historical text and understand the truth of history.

Qingyun said affirmatively

"So that's it."

Nami and Ikareem suddenly understood, but they were also very confused:

"But how did you know?"

"I understand!"

Qingyun suddenly had an idea:

"Crocodile most likely knew that his men could not stop me, and he himself was not available to intercept us."

"In order to prevent us from letting Mitchita expose Baroque Works and prevent us from hindering his plan, he may have chosen to act early."

"Nico Robin is Crocodile's partner, so she must be with him and has no time to come and give us the Perpetual Pointer."

"It is indeed possible."

Nami and the other girls, who had long known from Qingyun that Crocodile's goal was to seize the ancient weapon"Pluto" of the Kingdom of Alabasta, nodded.

Although Ikarem had never heard of it, he also thought it made sense.

"We have to speed up, otherwise it might be too late."

As soon as the voice fell, Qingyun directly controlled the Sea King to fly and flew quickly towards the Kingdom of Alabasta

"The Neptune is flying?!"

"This ship can actually fly?!"

Noticing that the Sea King was flying, Vivi, Miss Valentine, and Ikalem, who saw it for the first time, were shocked.……


At noon, the Poseidon flew to the Kingdom of Alabasta.

Ignoring the border guards, Qingyun confirmed the direction of Albana, the capital of the Kingdom of Alabasta, with Vivi, and then directly controlled the Poseidon to fly quickly towards Albana. When they arrived above Albana,

Qingyun, Nami, and Ikareem saw that the army of the Kingdom of Alabasta had already started fighting with the rebels.

The battle was very fierce, with smoke everywhere.

People were injured and died every moment.

There were sounds of fighting and screaming everywhere.

Seeing this tragic scene, Vivi couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Stop it, stop it now, all of you stop it now……"

She immediately stuck her head out and shouted loudly to the people who were fighting fiercely.

However, both sides were so bloodthirsty that no one could hear Weiwei's shouts, and few people even noticed the Sea King in the sky.

"What kind of ship is that? It can actually fly!"

Only the senior agents of the Baroque Works who were arranged by Crocodile to be stationed in all directions of Albana to prevent Qingyun and Nami from suddenly rushing back and disturbing him in the city noticed the Poseidon in the sky and were all surprised.

"Princess Vivi!"



"It's them!"

"They actually came back on a spaceship!"

"This... How can we stop them?"

The senior agents of Baroque Works felt very troubled, after all, they had no ability to fly.

Seeing that the army and the rebels of Alabasta could not hear their shouts, Vivi immediately jumped up and wanted to jump directly into the crowd to stop them from continuing to kill each other.

But as soon as Vivi jumped, Qingyun held her shoulders and pressed her back.

"Leave it to me."

Qingyun pressed Weiwei's shoulders and said to her lightly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Qingyun jumped directly and jumped towards the crowd.


Qingyun fell heavily to the ground, finally attracting the attention of the people around him.

"who are you?"

"Is it the reinforcements of the King's Army/Rebel Army?"

However, the people in the fierce battle did not recognize Qingyun. They were all staring at him curiously and nervously, fearing that Qingyun was the enemy's.

Because as soon as they saw Qingyun, they knew that he was not an ordinary person and must be very powerful.

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