"Otherwise, just ignore us and we'll be rude."

The voice came before the person arrived.

As soon as the voice fell, countless fine sands condensed to form Vivi, and appeared in front of Qingyun, next to Nami.

At the same time, Nokigo fell from the sky and appeared in front of Qingyun almost at the same time as Vivi, on the other side of Nami.

Nokigo and Vivi, like Nami, were also staring at Hancock with wide eyes.

If it weren't for Qingyun, Nami and Nokigo, as well as the villagers of Cocosia Village, would most likely still be ruled by the Dragon Pirates led by Arlong, and would have no freedom at all.

They would not be able to eat the powerful Thunder Fruit and Explosion Fruit.

If it weren't for Qingyun, Vivi would still be undercover at Baroque Works, and the Alabasta Kingdom she cared about was still being played around by Crocodile.

She would not be able to eat the powerful Sand-Sand Fruit.

The three of them were the most grateful and loved Qingyun the most.

So they reacted immediately and rushed out immediately.

Although Ke Ya and the others reacted a little slower, they still jumped down and came to the side of Qingyun and Nami and the other two girls, including Jessica.

Just as Nami and the others came to Qingyun and his side, the beautiful voice of the system sounded in Qingyun's mind:

【The host has been detected to be completely petrified and dead. The host is being revived and the positive and beneficial abilities of the person who killed the host are being copied. 】

As soon as the voice fell, Qingyun began to quickly break the petrification state and revive the body from the inside out, while constantly obtaining Hancock's positive and beneficial abilities, including the ability of the sweet fruit.

Although Hancock's petrification ability is equivalent to a sealing ability, so she can remove the petrification state of the people she petrified and restore them to their original state.

But no matter who it is, once they are completely petrified by Hancock, it is no different from death.

It's just that if they are just petrified and not broken, they can still be revived by letting Hancock remove the petrification.

But if they are broken, Hancock can't revive them.

Qingyun knows this, so he is so fearless.

The reason why he used barriers, domineering domineering and armed domineering to resist was to see whether his domineering was stronger or his possessiveness of Hancock was stronger.

Now it seems that the latter is obviously stronger.

Facing the threats from Nami and the others, and looking at the angry eyes of the girls, Hancock didn't care and didn't panic at all.

Because she was extremely confident in her beauty and ability.

Even if Nami and the others were really stunningly beautiful, Hancock felt that they couldn't resist her charm and ability.

But she was also a little surprised.

Because she also saw that Nami and the others were almost all captured by Qingyun and taken aboard. She didn't expect that Nami and the others would stand up for Qingyun so quickly.

"What are you doing!!!"

Hancock was about to question Nami and the others, but before she could finish her words, she suddenly became dumbfounded, with shock in her eyes, as if she had seen something that was absolutely impossible, such as the sun rising from the west.

"This... How is this possible?!!!"

The people of Daughter Island were all stunned.

Nami and the others saw this and followed Hancock's gaze. Their anger turned into surprise and tears filled their eyes.

Because they saw that Qingyun had completely recovered and became even more handsome. He was looking at them with a smile.

"You guys actually ignored my words?"

"Wait and see how I will reward you."

Qingyun smiled with emotion.


Nami cried with joy, and couldn't help but rushed to Qingyun and hugged Qingyun in the middle

"do not Cry"

"I'm not dead yet."

Qingyun laughed happily.


Why did I jump down too?

And I'm happy that this bastard is okay?

When Jessica came to her senses, she realized that she had jumped down the first time, and she was nervous and angry about Qingyun being petrified. She was happy that Qingyun was okay, and she felt very ashamed at once.

Because she knew that she had fallen in love with Qingyun, a person she shouldn't like.

"Aren’t you petrified by me?"

"How did you recover by yourself?"

Hancock opened her eyes wide and asked Qingyun in great surprise.

She knew that anyone who was petrified by her could only be unpetrified by herself.

But she couldn't do that, and she didn't unpetrify Qingyun just now.

In other words, there was only one possibility, that is, Qingyun unpetrified herself.

The women on Daughter Island also stared at Qingyun in great surprise.


Nami and the others also looked at Qingyun curiously.

Qingyun put his hands on Nami and Nokigo's shoulders, looked at Hancock, and said with a smile:

"I've said it before, my crew is full of beautiful women like you."

"The reason you look so sexy and attractive is just because of the power of the Sweet-Sweet Fruit"

"But I'm with them every day, so how could I fall into your trap?"

Qingyun has already obtained the power of the sweet fruit, and now he is more certain of this.


Hearing this, Nami and the others were very happy and couldn't help laughing out loud. They also felt more confident.

""If that's the case, I will petrify you all." However,

Hancock was angry and said in shame, and immediately took up her position again.

Because Hancock, the Nami girls and the sun were in the same line before, she couldn't see Nami's appearance clearly.

In addition, Hancock was very proud and didn't care about it at all.

But now, after seeing the Nami girls' appearance,���After being as beautiful as a fairy from heaven, how could the conceited Hancock not be angry when hearing Qingyun say such words?

Crack! Crack!

Qingyun turned into a bolt of lightning and appeared in front of Hancock's palm in an instant. With red eyes, he stared at Hancock's eyes and said coldly:

"You can attack me, but you are not allowed to attack them, or I will kill you."

Looking at Qingyun's devilish eyes and hearing Qingyun's extremely cold words, Hancock was a little scared, but more shocked.

She never thought that just saying that she would attack Nami and the others would make Qingyun so angry.

She finally understood why Nami and the others stood up for Qingyun so quickly just now.

The people on Daughter Island were very angry when they saw this.

However, they were all a little scared by Qingyun's momentum, and they all dared to be angry but not to speak.


However, Nami and the others felt even happier after hearing this.

""Infatuated with Ganfeng!"

Hancock directly used Infatuated with Ganfeng, and shot a heart-shaped beam at Qingyun in front of her with all her strength, trying to petrify Qingyun completely.

Apart from her benefactor Rayleigh, Hancock did not believe that any man would truly treat a woman well, especially a strong, rich and powerful man.

She wanted to petrify Qingyun completely and let Nami and the others see the true face of men.

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