
After Nami and the others boarded the ship, they immediately returned to the side of the ship and looked down. Seeing Hancock once again using the Infatuation Wind on Qingyun, they couldn't help but feel worried.

They knew that although Qingyun could remove the petrification by himself, he would still be petrified.

What if Qingyun had just used a trump card, and this trump card could only be used once?

Hancock thought so too, so she used the Infatuation Wind again with all her strength.

However, what happened next shocked everyone.

After Qingyun was hit directly by the Infatuation Wind this time, even the petrification was not stopped.

"How is this possible?!"

Everyone was very surprised.

""Infatuated with Gan Feng!"

Hancock refused to believe it and used Infatuated with Gan Feng with all her strength again, but the result was the same.

Hancock was stunned and asked Qingyun in disbelief:

""Don't you have any evil thoughts towards me anymore?"

Nami and the people from Daughter Island were all in disbelief.

"What do you think?"

Qingyun stared at Hancock's beautiful eyes and asked with a smile.

"Your crew is full of beauties, you must be a super pervert, it is impossible that you don't have evil thoughts about me"

"But why is my ability useless to you?"

Hancock was sure of the former, but was puzzled by the latter.

The same was true for Nami and the people of Daughter Island.

Although Nokigo guessed that Qingyun could not only be resurrected directly after being killed by others, but also seemed to be able to gain the other party's ability to become stronger.

But she didn't know that people who were petrified by Hancock were equivalent to death, so she couldn't think of why.

The reason why Qingyun was immune to Hancock's petrification ability was because he now had the ability of the Sweet-Sweet Fruit.

None of Hancock's Sweet-Sweet Fruit ability moves could petrify him.

But he couldn't petrify Hancock either.

Qingyun naturally wouldn't tell Hancock his secret. He smiled and said:

"The bet between us is that you lose, and you are now my crew member."

Hancock then remembered that he had made a bet with Qingyun, and realized that he had been tricked by Qingyun. He was extremely angry:

"I haven't lost yet."

As soon as she finished speaking, Hancock touched her lips with her fingers, and a huge pink heart-shaped substance appeared. Then she pulled it back like a bow and arrow, aiming at Qingyun.

""Captive Arrows!""

Swish! Swish! Swish!" -

Hancock let go, and a large number of pink arrows suddenly shot out, all heading towards Qingyun. The

Captive Arrows were different from the Infatuation with Ganfeng. The target shot would be petrified regardless of whether they were attracted to her or not, and this move could petrify non-living things.


Nami and the others couldn't help but worry about Qingyun again.

"This trick will definitely work!"

Hancock's two sisters felt the same way as her, thinking that Qingyun would definitely not be able to block their captive arrows.

However, although all of Hancock's captive arrows hit Qingyun, they had no effect on Qingyun at all, and he remained safe and sound.

"How is this possible?!"

Hancock was extremely shocked.

Only a strong domineering aura could resist her move.

But Qingyun didn't use domineering aura at all, and just resisted it.

"It seems we don't need to worry about him anymore."

Nami and the others breathed a sigh of relief, and were also sure that they didn't need to worry about Qingyun anymore.

"It's actually ineffective?!"

The people of Daughter Island were also extremely unbelievable.

"Do you have any other moves?"

Qingyun stood there and asked calmly.

""Fragrant Kick!"

Hancock said nothing, raised her leg high, and kicked Qingyun's head fiercely.

Like the Prisoner Arrow, Hancock's Fragrance Kick can also petrify anything it touches, and has a strong armor-piercing effect.

Qingyun raised his hand to block.


Qingyun blocked Hancock's kick and was not petrified by the Fragrance Kick.


Hancock couldn't believe it.

"You should admit defeat this time, right?"

Qingyun asked calmly.

"I really lost."

"But I will not board your ship."

Hancock replied directly

"So, are you planning to break the contract?"

Qingyun asked coldly.

"So what?"

Hancock didn't care. She lifted her hair lightly, stared into Qingyun's eyes with a smile, and said confidently:

"I have a bad temper, but no matter what I do, whether it's kicking cats and dogs, pulling off someone's ears, or even killing someone, the whole world will forgive me."

"Because I am the most beautiful woman in the world"


""Snake Princess!"

The people of Daughter Island couldn't help but scream.

Nami and the others were all shocked:

"What a terrifying ability!"

"If we had been prepared, we would have been fooled by her again."

"In that case, I won't be polite and will just destroy Daughter Island first."

Crack! Crack! -

Qingyun said coldly, and then he raised his right hand and released a large amount of lightning towards the sky.

Seeing this scene, Hancock was extremely shocked and looked at Qingyun in disbelief:

"You are the user of the Thunder Fruit!"

"Isn’t the user of the Thunder Fruit the girl with chrysanthemum-colored hair just now?"

"There should only be one user of the same devil fruit!"

The people of Daughter Island were also extremely surprised, and all looked at Qingyun in disbelief.

"God's punishment!"

Qingyun did not explain Hancock's doubts, but coldly said the name of the move.

He thought it was stupid to shout out the name of the move before or during the move, so he never shouted it out from beginning to end.

The reason he shouted it out now was just to scare Hancock.���

Just like when he threatened Nami and the others before, he just wanted to threaten Hancock and didn't really want to destroy the Kingdom of Women.

He knew that if he really destroyed the Kingdom of Women, Hancock and him would never stop fighting.


As soon as Qingyun finished speaking, thunder exploded in the sky, and the sky darkened.

Everyone looked up and saw that the sky, which was originally clear, was now covered with black thunderclouds, with thunder and lightning rolling, exuding a terrifying aura of destruction, which was extremely terrifying and depressing, and daunting.

Suddenly, the thunder and lightning gathered together, and the aura of destruction suddenly doubled several times, causing everyone except Qingyun himself and Nami to feel scared.

"Stop it, please stop it"

"I promise you"

""I am willing to accept the bet and board your ship, and I will listen to you in everything."

Hancock said hurriedly.

She could feel that if Qingyun let the lightning in the sky fall on Daughter Island, even if Daughter Island did not disappear, it would become a purgatory on earth.

The buildings on Daughter Island would be destroyed.

Countless people would be killed and injured.

Hancock's petrification ability was ineffective against Qingyun. She could feel that her attacks were also ineffective against Qingyun. She could not stop Qingyun at all. The only way was to agree to Qingyun.

【Congratulations to the host for taming Boa Hancock and joining the Sea King Group. Please choose Boa Hancock's position. 】

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