"Robin, who are you?"

Hearing Aokiji's evaluation of Robin, Nami and the others were more or less scared, but more of them were curious.

Seeing the fear in Nami and the others' eyes, Robin was very distressed and disappointed.

She finally confirmed that her worries were right.

In this world, no one dared to accept her.

She was tired. She didn't want to live in exploitation and betrayal anymore.

"Aokiji, I will go back with you to the World Government to stand trial, and you let them go."

Robin looked at Aokiji and said with a dead heart.


Nami and the others were stunned. They had never expected Robin to say that suddenly.

Qingyun was not surprised at all. He knew that Robin was such a person.

But he was very angry.

Robin was clearly his, but she didn't trust him and didn't even discuss it with him. She just made the decision.

"Robin, don't go."

"You don't have to say it if you don't want to."

Nami and the others hurriedly grabbed Robin, fearing that Robin would jump off the Sea King.

Crack! Crack!

Qingyun turned into lightning and came in front of Robin, with a gloomy face, waving his left hand and slapping Robin in the face.


Nami and the others thought Qingyun was here to persuade Robin, but they never expected that he would suddenly attack Robin. They wanted to stop him, but it was too late.

Robin also didn't expect it, and there was no time or way to dodge. She could only watch Qingyun hit her.

However, when Qingyun's left hand was only 0.01 cm away from Robin's face, he suddenly stopped and turned to gently stroke Robin's pretty face.

"The blow to you hurts my heart"

"I know everything about you"

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

"No matter who comes, I won't let them hurt you."

"I will never use or betray you."

Qingyun stroked Robin's pretty face and said solemnly

"So don't think about doing stupid things again, or I will not forgive you."

Qingyun then warned Robin righteously.

However, Robin was not afraid, but felt extremely happy. He couldn't help but burst into tears, cried with joy, and nodded excitedly:


Nami and the others also smiled.


Aokiji was very surprised when he heard this.

He never thought that Qingyun knew everything about Robin, but still chose to accept Robin.

"Stay on the boat obediently, I'll be back soon."

After saying that, Qingyun jumped down directly, holding the Sandai Kitetsu in his hand and attacked Qingji


Aokiji exhaled a breath of cold air from his mouth, forming an ice blade in his hand, and jumped from the bicycle to the sea, freezing the sea under his feet, ready to fight Qingyun.

Robin and Nami looked at Qingyun and Aokiji.

Except for Xia Lulia, Jessica, and Tashigi, Nami and the others all hoped that Qingyun could beat Aokiji.

Tashigi and Jessica did not want Qingyun to win, but they did not want to see Aokiji lose.

Although they all like Qingyun now, they still don't want to watch Qingyun and the navy fight to the death.

But they know that at this point, Qingyun has been at war with the navy and the world government.

They must be mentally prepared.

Xia Lulia does not want Qingyun to win, but hopes that Aokiji can win.

In this way, she can be rescued and become a Celestial Dragon again, instead of Qingyun's slave.


Qingyun didn't say much, and directly used force He used Conqueror's Haki to strengthen his right hand and the Sandaime Kitetsu, and then used Conqueror's Haki to entangle his right hand and the Sandaime Kitetsu to further strengthen them.

Because he knew that Aokiji, as a student of Black Arm Zephyr, often accompanied Garp when he was young, and practiced boxing with Garp. He must have mastered Haki training to perfection, and did not rely too much on the ability of the devil fruit.

He remembered that in the original manga, in Chapter 1087, Aokiji used Haki to fight against Garp.

But that was two years later.

So he knew that Aokiji's strength was definitely extraordinary.

When he first met the Straw Hat Pirates, and during the war at the top, Aokiji did not use his full strength.

And Akainu, who was able to defeat Aokiji and become the Admiral of the Navy, must be stronger than Aokiji, and naturally possess Conqueror's Haki, and it is possible that Haki can also be mastered.

However, whether Aokiji can use Haki now, Qingyun is still unclear.

But his attack is enough to test it out.

""Heroic Entanglement!"

Aokiji was shocked, and instantly went from lazy mode to serious state.


He knew that the ice blades he condensed casually could not stop Qingyun's attack at all, so he quickly dispersed the ice blades, and then strengthened his hands with armed color domineering, and then wrapped his hands with domineering color domineering.

"As expected!"

Seeing this, Qingyun was not very surprised. After all, Qingji was not the protagonist. It was impossible for him to improve so much in two years. In all likelihood, he had already mastered the Tyrant.

Qingyun and Qingji didn't say much.

The former directly swung the Sandai Kitetsu with all his strength and slashed at the latter.

The latter jumped up, swung his right fist with all his strength, and smashed the former hard.

Boom! Boom! Boom! -

A knife and a fist collided in the air, producing an extremely violent collision, and a violent shock wave rushed in all directions. The sea water below was washed away.

The heavy Poseidon in the air was also forced back.

The clouds in the sky were dispersed.

Although it was just a shock wave, Nami and the others were shocked.

Except for Hancock, who possessed the domineering aura, and Dashigi, who became stronger through training, everyone else couldn't help but tremble.

"The domineering color confrontation!"

"Does the admiral of the navy also possess the domineering Haki?"


Hancock looked worried.

Nami and the others were also worried.

"It's amazing, you have mastered Tyranny at such a young age."

Aokiji said in surprise while trying his best to resist Qingyun's attack.

However, he was not excited at all like when he was young because he saw a strong man.

Because he had seen too many shady things done by the navy, especially after experiencing the O'Hara incident, he began to doubt the justice he once believed in. He was no longer the passionate young man he used to be.


Qingyun was too lazy to talk nonsense with Qingji. He suddenly increased his strength and attacked Qingji fiercely.



Qingji couldn't resist and was directly blasted down by Qingyun. He fell rapidly towards the sea and plunged into the sea.

Now Qingyun not only has the strength of Hawkeye, the world's number one swordsman, but also the strength of Crocodile and Enel, two super strong men, and the strength of many strong men. It is not something that Qingji can resist at all.

"That's great."

Nami and the others were very happy to see this.

But Tashigi and Jessica were a little worried about Aokiji.

Even the admirals were no match for him!

Xia Lulia was desperate.

Crack, crack, crack! -

At this moment, the sea was frozen.

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