Crack! Crack!


Suddenly, a huge ice bird broke through the ice and flew towards Qingyun at high speed.

Even the air was frozen wherever it passed.

"Isn't Aokiji a Devil Fruit user? How come he can still attack even after falling into the sea!"

Nami and the others were shocked when they saw this.


Tashigi and Jessica both breathed a sigh of relief, but soon became worried about Qingyun again.

Admiral Aokiji, right?

You must win!

Xia Lulia immediately rekindled hope and silently prayed in her heart.

"Are you still aiming at the Sea King?"

Qing Yun looked disdainful when he found that the Sea King was also on the Ice Bird's attack route:

"It's a pity that it's useless."


As soon as the words fell, Qing Yun swung the Third Generation Kitetsu with all his strength, slashing out an extremely powerful sword energy, and quickly attacked the ice bird with a devastating force.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! -

Crack! Crack! -

At the moment when the sword energy was about to hit the ice bird, it suddenly generated countless sword energies, and then hit the ice bird at the same time, chopping the ice bird into ice chips in one go.


Nami and the others couldn't help but cheer for Qingyun.


"It only took one strike to chop such a big ice bird into pieces!"

When Tashigi saw this scene, her eyes were full of longing.

But like Jessica, they were a little worried about Qingyun and Qingzhi.

They didn't want to see Qingyun and the navy fight to the death, but they knew it was inevitable.

Admiral Qingzhi, please cheer me up!

Xia Lulia silently urged Qingzhi to cheer up.

""Ice Age!"

Aokiji used his ultimate move directly, releasing the cold air from his body at a high speed, sweeping in all directions.


Qingyun had been locking onto Aokiji with his observation Haki. While Aokiji was using the Ice Age, he was also using the Thunder Fruit ability to cast lightning.

He first emitted lightning from his body, instantly turning into a little god of thunder, and then converted the lightning into heat to attack Aokiji, to offset the cold air that Aokiji had released with all his strength.

Bang! Bang! Bang! -

The cold air and the hot air collided, producing an extremely violent explosion, forming a heavy rain.

The sea was frozen in an instant because it was not hot enough, and the frozen area was very wide and the depth was very deep.

If Qingyun had not used lightning in time to offset the cold air released by Aokiji, he, the Poseidon, and Nami and the others on the Poseidon would have been frozen in an instant.


"In just a moment, such a large area of sea was frozen!"

"As expected of an admiral of the navy!"

Nami and the others were shocked as they looked down at the endless icy sea from the Sea King.

"However, Qingyun, who suppressed Qingji everywhere, was more powerful."

Nami and the others looked at Qingyun's back, their eyes full of admiration.

Qingji stood on the ice, looking at Qingyun as if he was facing a great enemy, feeling extremely headache.

Through these few moves, he already knew that Qingyun was far superior to him in terms of tricolor domineering and the development of devil fruits. If they continued to fight, he would be defeated sooner or later.

""Since you have spared Robin once, I advise you to stop resisting so that you can die more easily."

Qingyun looked down at Aokiji and advised kindly.

Letting a tiger go back to the mountains is not Qingyun's character.

The reason why he watched Hawkeye leave before was because he had obtained Hawkeye's strength.

And before meeting Hawkeye, he had killed many people and seized their strength and devil fruit abilities.

But compared with Hawkeye's strength, these people's strength is like a glass of water and an endless sea. He can't crush Hawkeye in strength. He is just a little stronger than Hawkeye.

Actual combat is not a game. High numbers don't necessarily mean victory.

Qingyun knows that Hawkeye is recognized as the world's number one swordsman, and his actual combat experience His experience was much higher than his own.

Although he could have killed Hawkeye with the Split Fruit and the immortality, he had already obtained Hawkeye's strength, and he could not obtain it again even if he killed him.

Moreover, Hawkeye was not a devil fruit user, and he could not obtain the devil fruit by killing him.

In addition, Hawkeye obviously did not want to deal with him, so he let Hawkeye go.

But Aokiji was different.

He was not only an admiral of the navy, but also a user of the ice fruit.

And Qingyun had not yet obtained all of Aokiji's positive and beneficial abilities.

Of course, he could not let Aokiji leave.

Hearing this, Nami and the others and Aokiji were all stunned.

"Shouldn't we give him a chance to live?"

After realizing it, Nami and the others couldn't help but complain.

But they knew Qingyun was right to do so.

If Qingyun let Qingzhi go, Qingzhi would definitely tell the navy about Qingyun, and the navy would organize more powerful forces to deal with them.

Qingzhi couldn't help but complain:

"You're such a nice guy!"


Aokiji immediately took a stance, used Armament Haki to arm his hands, and then wrapped his hands with Conqueror Haki, ready to continue fighting:

"But I will not surrender to pirates!"


Hearing this, Qingyun didn't say much, and directly used the armed color domineering to strengthen his right hand and the Sandai Kitetsu, and then used the domineering color domineering to entangle and strengthen them.

However, this is not over yet, Qingyun also used the petrification ability of the sweet-sweet fruit and attached it to the Sandai Kitetsu.

Why does it feel that his sword is a little different from before?

Aokiji looked at the Sandai Kitetsu in Qingyun's hand and felt very bad.


Qingyun didn't say anything and leaned over and rushed towards Aokiji.


Aokiji didn't say much nonsense, and then jumped up and rushed towards Qingyun.

Fragrant slash!

Qingyun swung the Sandai Kitetsu with all his strength and slashed towards Aokiji


Aokiji swung his right fist vigorously and smashed it towards Qingyun.

Nami and the others were staring at Qingyun and Aokiji.


The sword and fist collided in the air, producing a violent collision sound, and then formed an extremely strong shock wave, rushing in all directions.

The ice sea surface below was cracked.

The heavy Poseidon in the air was forced back again.

Although it was just a shock wave, Nami and the others were shocked by the violent collision of the Conqueror's Haki.

Except for Hancock who possessed the Conqueror's Haki, and Tashigi who became stronger through training, everyone else couldn't help but He trembled again, with cold sweat on his back.

Aokiji couldn't stop Qingyun just now, and he naturally couldn't resist it now.

But this time Qingyun didn't directly knock Aokiji away from the air like he did before.

Instead, he forcibly cut off the Conqueror's Haki that was wrapped around Aokiji's right hand, and used the Sandai Kitetsu to directly touch Aokiji's right fist.

Aokiji's face changed drastically.

But he had no choice but to watch his right fist being petrified and then chopped into pieces by Qingyun.

Aokiji hurriedly retreated to the surface of the ice sea, and after stabilizing his body, he looked at Qingyun in disbelief:

"How do you have the ability to petrify?!"

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