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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Damn it! ” Renner endured the burning pain from his body, climbed onto the wreck of a broken ship, looked around, and couldn’t help cursing: ” Where is this TMD ? ”
Zhijian is surrounded by green and yellow water, scattered with some wreckage of the hull and some buildings of unknown age, and there is an island-like land not far away.
But Reina knew that these greens with yellows were not sea water at all, but the stomach water of the super-large lantern fish sea king with a large lantern-like head on the head that had just sucked him in, with strong corrosive power , he just stayed inside for a while, and his whole body was like being scalded by flames.
This is also considered bad luck for Reina.
Originally at war with the navy, but when I met Zefa, I finally used my ability to smash Zefa once and penetrated the bottom of the warship. I didn’t expect to use too much force and just hit the super huge sea king passing by.
Although Reina’s attack couldn’t really hurt this super-giant sea king, it was enough to attract its attention, so the other party didn’t even open his mouth, he took a light nose breath, and rescued Reina into the body. , which is why neither Bista nor the Navy could find Reina.
No way, all came, Reina had to start looking for a way out, or it would end sooner or later here.
Looking up at the top, a huge luminous sphere illuminated it like daylight. Reina knew that this was the luminous lantern on the head of the lantern fish.
” Anyway, let’s find a way to go to that island first …” Seeing that the surrounding wooden hulls were constantly corroded, Reina decided to run to the island that looked safer.
” How big is this lantern fish? It even swallowed such a big island ~ Wouldn’t it be encountering a fish that eats the island? ” Looking at the small island in front of him, Reina remembered that one A giant goldfish that specializes in devouring islands.
” Roar ~~” ” Roar ~~”
Just after landing on the island, Reina was immediately surrounded by several dinosaurs.
” This is … what? Dinosaur? ” Reina was a little confused, wasn’t he in the stomach of a lantern fish? Why are there still living things here? And a dinosaur?
Although he knew that because of the different magnetic fields between islands, some islands were still in the age of dinosaurs, but when he actually saw dinosaurs, Reina still felt a bit absurd, especially in this case.
” Hey … idiot, run! Otherwise, you will be eaten! ” Just when Reina was thinking about killing a few dinosaurs to fill his stomach, a voice suddenly came from not far away.
Surprised, Reina quickly looked sideways, and saw a little girl with yellow hair hiding behind a big rock, waving at him.
He didn’t expect that there are human beings other than him living here.
But thinking about it is right, apart from the unlucky guy like him, there should be some people who originally lived on the island, but they were accidentally eaten by this lantern fish even on the island.
” Who are you? Why are you here? ” After escaping the dinosaur’s attack, Reina had no intention of hunting dinosaurs for the time being, but ran to the little girl and asked in surprise.
” Idiot , is this the time to talk about this? Let’s think about how to escape the pursuit of these dinosaurs! Although I really want to eat these dinosaur meat! ” While looking for a place to hide.
” You saved me, let me invite you to eat dinosaur meat! ” Reina stopped, turned to look at the three chasing dinosaurs, and said with a smile.
” Idiot, this is a dinosaur, and it can eat you up in one bite! ” the little girl shouted slightly in horror.
Reina smiled and didn’t explain anything.
A minute later, the little girl opened her mouth to look at the three dinosaurs lying on the ground, and the saliva from the corners of her mouth flowed down unconsciously.
” Finally … I can finally eat meat! ” The little girl could not wait to jump up and eat the dinosaur meat directly.
After a while, Reina and the little girl chatted while eating dinosaur meat.
” What? You have lived here for more than 150 years? ” Reina was surprised that the dinosaur meat in his mouth fell to the ground when he learned that the other party had lived here alone for more than 150 years.
” Yeah! It should be said that it has been almost 170 years! ” Olga nodded, looking at the dinosaur meat that Reina had just dropped on the ground, and said with a distressed face.
” Then you’re really lucky that you didn’t go crazy! ” Rayner couldn’t imagine what it would be like if he was allowed to live alone in the same place for more than 170 years.
” That’s how people live! They live by picking up fruits and vegetables from the woods every day! ” Olga replied flatly.
” Then can I go out here? ” Reina thought for a while, there seemed to be something wrong, but he didn’t think of anything, so he directly asked the topic he cared about the most.
Olga glanced at Reina, did not speak, just silently ate the dinosaur meat in her hands.
” It seems that there is a way out, but she doesn’t seem to want to tell me! ” Reina thought silently in her heart.
But this is also normal. If you have lived here for more than 170 years, and it is not easy to have a compatriot, you will not want the other person to leave!
” Eh? Wait! More than 170 years? How could you, a little girl, have lived here for more than 170 years? You don’t look like you are in your 170s ! ” Reina finally found out what was wrong, and said to Orr with a speechless expression. Jia said.
” People don’t know! But people have lived here for more than 170 years! ” Olga said innocently.
But just as Reina lowered her head to eat the dinosaur meat, Olga’s expression changed, and she said to herself, ” It doesn’t seem like she came here to find pure gold? It must have been accidentally swallowed by Lord Lantern. , I happen to have good strength, you can stay here and help me catch dinosaurs to eat! ”
” Ah hey ~ I’m still here! I heard it! ” Reina was a little speechless, the little girl just said what she thought in her heart, did she ignore his existence?
” Ahaha … Just kidding, it’s possible that people think so! ” Olga pretended to say, returning to her previous cute expression.
Reina shook his head. He knew that if a person lived here for so long, there would be no sequelae?
He was the only one here for a long time, which made her form the habit of saying what she said in her heart. Anyway, there was no one else here, and no one knew what she said, so this habit was formed.
” Okay, Olga, tell me how to leave, I promise to leave with you! ” Reina got up and said.
Olga’s face changed for a while, and she muttered something in her mouth, but Reina didn’t deliberately eavesdrop.
” Okay, people can tell you how to leave, but you have to catch me three more … no, five … ten dinosaurs! ” Olga said to Reina after struggling for a while.
” Huh? Aren’t you leaving with me? There’s more delicious food outside! ” Reina looked at Olga in confusion, why didn’t she leave with herself?
” I have nowhere to go after I go out … I might as well just stay here, at least … my hometown is here! ” Olga said with her head lowered.
” Sure enough … Was it swallowed by the lantern fish with my hometown? ” Looking at Olga who was depressed, Reina thought silently in his heart.
” Come … sit! If you don’t have a place to go, I can introduce you to a place! ” Reina sat down, patted the place beside her, and said to Olga.
” Where? ” The little girl seemed to let down her guard, walked slowly to Reina, sat down and asked.
” It’s a pirate group! The captain is a very powerful guy, but as a pirate, he doesn’t want to rob treasures, he doesn’t want to dominate the world. bring his children on board and become his family! ” Reina said with a slight smile.
” There are such pirates? ” Olga asked with a look of interest.
” Yes, yes … It’s weird, isn’t it? Let me tell you …”
So the two of them sat there, eating dinosaur meat and chatting, until all the dinosaur meat was eaten by the two of them, they lay on the ground and didn’t want to move.
” Thank you … It’s been a long time since no one chatted with others like this! ” Olga suddenly thanked Reina with her back turned.
” It’s fate that we can meet here … Can you tell me about you? ” Reina said with a smile.
He seems to know where this is, he vaguely remembers a little, it seems that this little girl left here in the future, met Luffy, and then returned here with Luffy, looking for something.
That thing is the reason why the little girl can live for more than 170 years and still looks like a child.
But Reina didn’t mean to take that thing. He was willing to chat with the other party and solve the other party just because the other party was pitiful.
” Di … I don’t have enough working hours today, and I failed to sign in! ”
At this moment, the sound of the system suddenly sounded in Reina’s mind, indicating that he failed to sign in today.
Reina’s face turned pale, and his continuous sign-in was finally interrupted by Zefa! Last time it was because of Zefa that his consecutive sign-in was almost interrupted, but this time it was still broken by Zefa.
” Zefa … Lao Tzu and you are at odds with each other! ” Reina suddenly sat up and shouted loudly.
” Who is Zefa? ” Olga was taken aback by Reina, he didn’t understand what happened to Reina all of a sudden?
” A bastard who made me fall in! ” Reina said helplessly.
Ah, I know, it’s useless to say anything now, the best solution is to get out of here as soon as possible.
After remembering some of the plots in the original book, Reina also remembered the way to go out. It seems that he needs to go out when he defecates by the huge lantern fish.

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