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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” That is to say, your father developed pure gold, which not only caused your mother to die early, but also attracted a huge lantern fish that swallowed your hometown in one bite ? ” Said while advancing on the island.
Olga had just told Reina the reason why he was here.
Reina, who recalled the plot, vaguely remembered that her father’s purpose of developing pure gold seemed to be for her, so there was a misunderstanding between father and daughter, not as Olga said, his father was just a Scientist.
And his father seems to be in the belly of the lantern fish. The two have lived in the same place for more than 170 years, but they have never seen each other, which surprised Reina a little.
But now that he remembered it, Reina didn’t mind resolving the small conflict between the father and daughter, so after finding a random reason, he asked Olga to take him around the island.
” By the way, since you said that the lantern fish has three stomachs, how did you get here from the third stomach? This kind of stomach acid doesn’t seem to be something you can resist, right? ” Looking at the greenish-yellow stomach acid around, Reina asked curiously.
” Hee hee hee … It depends! Elizabeth! ” Olga shouted with a smile.
Following Olga’s call, a lizard that walked on two feet like a human came out of nowhere and came directly to Olga’s side, seemingly very close to Olga.
” Elizabeth is a water lizard, can run on water, and their feet can resist stomach acid for a short time! ” Olga explained directly without waiting for Reina to ask.
” This is so cool! ” Reina’s eyes lit up, and she said eagerly.
If he has such a pet, wouldn’t he be able to act at will on the sea? It’s more convenient than a boat!
” Is it? I think it’s cool too! ” Olga said with a smile, as if she didn’t catch the meaning of Reina’s words.
” That … Olga? How did you become friends with Elizabeth? Is there still such a water lizard here? Can I have one as well? ” Reina asked slightly flatteringly.
” Eh? Do you want Elizabeth too? ” Olga asked in surprise.
” I’m not asking for your Elizabeth! I’m asking if there are any other water lizards? Can you get me one too? ”
” Is that so ~ There are still a lot of water lizards here, but when I met Elizabeth, I gave it a fruit, and we became friends after that! ” Olga said with a wink.
” Eh? A piece of fruit was bought? It doesn’t seem to be difficult! ” Reina said, rubbing her chin.
So their next purpose changed from looking for Olga’s father to looking for water lizards, but they searched the entire island and found no second water lizard.
” It seems that there is no more here, let’s go directly to the next island! ” Reina said angrily.
” Then let’s go, I’ll let Elizabeth take us both! ” Olga said indifferently.
So the two came to the second island with the help of Elizabeth. As a result, apart from dinosaurs, no water lizards were found here, nor Olga’s father.
In desperation, he had to continue to the third island.
” Is this your hometown Al Kemi? ” Looking at the dilapidated building in front of him, Reina asked softly.
” Hmm! ” After coming here, Olga seemed to become more silent.
” Olga … have you ever thought … your father … may still be alive? ” Reina asked in a low voice after thinking about it.
” Eh? That bastard father? Impossible, human beings can’t live for so long! And … and at the beginning …” Olga seemed to be caught in the memories.
Although more than 170 years have passed , the memory of the original is still deep.
” Hey … let’s go, let’s go in and have a look! ” Reina patted Olga’s head and said.
Led by Olga, they quickly found an entrance, where Reina found something written on it.
” Whoever finds the shining gold to break into this place will pay with his life! My name is Mischena Ahsiere ! ”
Reina looked at the text above and said softly.
” Eh? Miscina Acière ? ” Olga asked in surprise when she heard Reina’s words.
” Huh? What’s wrong? You know him? ” Reina turned her head to look at Olga.
” What do you know, he is my bastard father who made pure gold! ” Olga said with a bad expression.
She was still unforgivable that Miscina Acière had made pure gold.
Reina shrugged indifferently and continued to move forward with Olga.
At the same time, in a dinosaur lair on the first island, a dinosaur that looks different from ordinary dinosaur babies is competing with the dinosaur babies for the food brought back by the big dinosaurs.
” It’s meat again … it’s meat again … I really want to eat vegetables! ” Dinosaur opened his mouth, revealing a fat face, he was eating food while weeping.
He was Olga ‘s father, Miscina Acière !
At this moment, he seemed to feel something, looked up at the location of the third island, and muttered, ” Who is it? Who entered my research room? ”
Back to Reina and Olga, after passing through the long tunnel, the two came to a hall with a piano placed in the hall.
Next to the piano there is also a slate with writing on it.
” Only those who play the music correctly and have a pure heart can come close to shining gold! ”
” It looks like I need to play! But … I’m not looking for pure gold, I’m just looking for water lizards! ” Reina rubbed his head unwillingly and said.
” Do you want to try it? Didn’t you say that I can live so long, probably because of pure gold? It’s already here, don’t you want to have it? ” Olga suddenly urged Reina to try.
” I don’t want to! Who knows if there are any side effects of this kind of thing! Wouldn’t it be bad if I get some strange disease? Don’t do it! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Bastard … that’s pure gold enough to buy the world! It’s the unparalleled treasure in the world! Don’t you want it? ”
” If you want it so much, you can get it yourself! ”
Reina shrugged, he didn’t intend to get it anyway, this kind of metal of unknown origin is not a good thing to touch.
” I can’t play, my mother can! ” Olga said through gritted teeth.
” You’re weird? Didn’t you say you hate pure gold? It’s because of it that your father became a research maniac and your mother died young! Why do you still want it now? ” Reina turned her head to the side, calmly. asked.
” People … people are just …” Olga was a little confused, yes, why did she suddenly want to get pure gold, isn’t it pure gold that she hates the most?
” Hehe … what a duplicitous little guy! ” Reina slowly walked to the front of the piano, sat down, and turned over the music in front of him and read it carefully.
” Sorry, it looks like we can’t pass this level! ” Reina said with a sigh.
” Why? ” Olga asked in surprise.
” Look, there is a missing part of the movement, and I can’t complete it with my ability, and if I play it incorrectly, some mechanism should be triggered! ” Reina said, pointing to the missing part of the score in front of him.
” Really ? Forget it! ” Olga replied suddenly, somewhat disinterested.
” This is a lullaby, very beautiful music, but unfortunately it’s missing! ” Reina shook his head regretfully and said.
” Huh? Lullaby? ” Olga was stunned, looked at the sheet music on the piano, lowered her head suddenly, and asked Reina, ” Can … can I trouble you to play it? ”
” Play? I don’t have the complete score. If I play it, it will probably trigger the trap! ” Reina looked at Olga and said.
” Sorry, it’s people being too willful! ” Olga said with a wry smile.
” You stand back a little bit, if there is really any mechanism, I may not be able to protect you in time! ” Reina shook his head helplessly and said.
He sensed that Olga wasn’t trying to hurt him, but just wanted to confirm the song for some reason.
After seeing Olga’s distance, Reina began to play according to the tune on the score.
He has F -level musician skills, and he has no problem playing the tunes. Although this peacock piano is a little different from ordinary pianos, Reina still played the general tune.
” This song … Really? Kind smile ~~ Hearty smile ~~ Your lovely smile ~~ Ginko ‘s heart and gold’s heart ~~ I give you all of it ~~ Al Kemi ~~ Al Kai Ma ~~ Holding the golden star ~~ Alkhemi ~~ Alkhema ~~ Going to sleep ~~”
Olga sang along unconsciously when she heard Reina’s performance.
” Huh? Do you know this piece? ” After the performance, because of Olga’s reasons, the missing part was also sung by her, so Reina completed the performance of the whole piece and passed the test.
” Well … this is the music that my mother often sang to others when I was a child. ” Olga said with her head lowered.
” This is a song that contains your parents’ love for you! ” said Rainer, getting up from the piano.
This time Olga didn’t refute, just kept silent, as if she was still in the mood of the lullaby just now.
” Let’s go, since it’s open, let’s continue to see what’s inside! ” Reina said to Olga, pointing to the passageway exposed by the retreat of the magma.
” Hmm! ”
The two moved on.
” Eagle Bridge … If you want to get the shining gold, you must have excellent concentration and courage! If you hit the holy eagle, the suspension bridge will go down! ”
Reina looked at the cliff in front of him. There was an eagle-like pattern on the top of the building on the opposite side. It should have hit the target on the opposite side, so that the suspension bridge would be lowered to allow them to pass.
” I really can’t do it this time, I’m not a sniper! ” Reina looked at Olga, shook his head, and said.
” Really? Let’s go back then! ” Olga looked at the other side and said with a sigh.
” Wait … don’t you think this place … is strange? ” Reina said, holding Olga who was about to leave.
” Strange? What’s strange? ” Olga asked in confusion.
” Look … all the organs here are integrated with the environment here, but your hometown Al Kemi will not have such an environment, right? What does this mean? It means that the person who made this organ is this island. After entering the stomach of the lantern fish, it is made! ” Reina said, standing in the same place, pointing around.
” So what? ”
” But … didn’t you say that you were the only one here? Didn’t you say that your bastard father had already died when he entered this place? Then who designed and manufactured this mechanism? The music score just now … is only Are you capable of lullabies? ”
“… What are you trying to say … ? ” Olga looked at Reina in confusion and asked.
” Maybe … your father is still alive? ”
” Alive? That’s even better! Let me have the opportunity to kill him once again! ” Olga said suddenly with a hateful look.
Reina was shocked. Although Olga said her father was a bastard along the way, she never showed any hatred. She was just angry that her father did not take good care of her mother and herself.
” Roar ~~” ” Boom ~~”
At this time, on the platform in front of the cliff, a huge triceratops ran out, staring at Olga and Reina, as if ready to attack at any time.
” Chirp ~~~” On the other side, a pterosaur flew out from nowhere, staying in the air ready to sprint at any time.
” Looks like we have a way to go! ” Reina said with a slight smile after seeing the pterosaurs.
“The way? What way? ” Olga asked, taken aback.
” You wait for me here! ” Reina didn’t say, but walked directly towards the Triceratops.
After finding Reina approaching, the Triceratops was really provoked, lowered its head, and rammed towards Reina.
Reina smiled and stretched out his hand, easily blocking the front of the Triceratops.
Just as Olga was about to shout in fear, the Triceratops stood still when it touched Reina, as if all its impact had just disappeared.
” Chirp! ” Without waiting for Reina to continue, the pterosaur in the air swooped down and went straight to Reina.

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