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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” What the hell is this ? ” Reina scolded a little depressed after being evaded by the golden giant again.
He was actually driven by a monkey to run around, and it was a bit embarrassing to say it out.
” Oh … Hehehe … Give it up, human beings! Be my effort! ” Ciro Willis held the scepter, stood on top of the golden giant’s head, and shouted to Reina with a big laugh.
” Really … It seems that if you don’t show any strength, you will really be underestimated! ” Reina stopped running away, turned around and punched the golden giant, and the opponent did not take Reina’s attack seriously.
Although Reina’s attack was powerful before, the golden giant was not a real creature, so there was no response to Reina’s attack.
But this time, after Reina and the golden giant fought against each other, the golden giant was like a nobody, not even a single scar was left.
This is because he directly absorbed the impact of the golden giant’s fist just now, and he took the opportunity to jump on the golden giant’s arm and ran towards Ciro Willis above its head.
” Didn’t I say it? It’s useless! ” Seeing Ciro Willis , with a wave of his scepter, the golden giant’s head immediately wanted to melt, wrapping Ciro Willis in it .
Reina also used this method to knock down Ciro Willis first , but after hiding in the golden giant, Reina had no way to take the opponent.
” Really? This time … it’s different! ” Reina stepped directly onto the golden giant’s shoulder and kicked the golden giant’s head.
This time, in addition to his own attack power, he also released the energy he had just absorbed.
” Ton … kacha …”
Reina flattened the golden giant’s cheek with one kick, and as his energy was released, the golden giant’s head felt like it was about to be kicked out.
” That guy … the strength has increased a lot! ” Marko said hurriedly, watching Reina’s attack.
They had all tried to attack the golden giant before, even Vista and him could only injure the golden giant, but could not attack Ciro Willis, who was hiding in the golden giant’s brain .
” Crack …”
” Death to me! ” Reina roared, he felt the flow of energy in his body, hit all the energy in the legs, and then released it.
” Boom! ”
Half of the golden giant’s face was kicked away by Reina, revealing the stunned Ciro Willis inside .
” You … you …” Ciro Willis looked at Reina incredulously, he was terrified by Reina’s attack just now.
” Hu ~ hu ~ hu ~ I still want to thank you! After developing for so long, I have never had a move that belongs to me, and now … I finally have it! ” Reina said, gasping for breath and smiling.
His previous battles were all based on the ability of the Black Emperor and the ability to write the wheel eye. Although now he has more armed and knowledgeable colors, he always feels that he lacks some high-explosive moves.
It’s not a gross move like Hei Huang’s brain to release energy, but a move that he can control and belongs to himself.
So when exercising the body technique and the ability of the Black Emperor, Reina tried to master the energy in his body and release it according to his own thoughts.
But no matter how hard he tried, he still felt a little short of it. Although the energy in his body could be felt and manipulated, the energy released according to his thoughts during the battle would always fail to meet her requirements.
It was just the feeling of blessing that he felt in his heart, which made him flow the energy in his body directly to his feet according to a specific line, and then released it at the same time after gathering. The strength of the energy is poor.
You must know that he only absorbed the impact of the golden giant’s punch just now. Logically speaking, it is not enough to achieve such power.
According to the release method just now, if it is released after absorbing it to the limit, then his attack power can be increased several times in an instant, and the damage caused will be even greater.
This is what he has always wanted to develop, an explosion of energy, not the previous absorption and release.
To make an analogy, now he absorbs 100 points of energy, and then releases it in one row, the damage that may be caused is only 90 points or 80 points, because he will waste part of it.
In addition, these energies are not his, but are temporarily stored in his body, so it is difficult for him to mobilize!
But now it’s different. According to the release method just now, he only absorbed 30 points of energy, but after releasing it, the destructive power caused has reached 80 points or even 90 points, which is comparable to the power of the energy he released with all his strength before.
So now if he absorbs 100 points of energy, theoretically, he may be able to release more than 290 points of destructive power, which is double the growth than before!
So after mastering the new abilities, especially the ones developed by himself, Reina was quite happy.
” Since feet are fine, then using fists … should be fine too! ” According to the gourd and the scoop, Reina hit the energy on the hand again in the same way as before, but did not release it immediately, but after gathering a certain amount of energy , hit directly at the shoulder of the golden giant under his feet.
Boom ~~
Sure enough, this time, Reina still punched with far more power than usual, directly denting the shoulder of the golden giant.
” Since it’s a move after gathering energy, let’s call it a cohesive strike! ” Reina gave his move a simple name, and then smiled and looked at Ciro Willis , who was trying to escape .
“You still want to run? Die! ” Reina stepped a little, and Zhijiu rushed towards Ciro Willis .
Ciro Willis was shocked and subconsciously used the scepter in his hand to resist Reina’s attack.
” Crack! ”
The scepter that Reina’s fist hit directly shattered the gorgeous scepter.
The moment the scepter in Ciro Willis shattered, all the stone and golden giants stopped.
” Dangdangdangdang …”
With a sound, all the stone men turned into stones and scattered on the ground. The crew members who had been hit by Ciro Willis with the scepter also turned back into human beings, lying on the ground not knowing their lives or death.
Among the other stone figures, some were pirates, and some were monkeys.
And the high gold giant also seemed to be melted, turned into a pool of gold liquid, and then quickly cooled into a large irregular piece of gold.
” jijijiji …” The white-haired monkey who disappeared at the beginning of the battle, rushed out from nowhere at this time, and picked up a strong white-haired monkey that fell from the stone man.
” Bastard … you … you actually broke this king’s scepter? ” Ciro Willis slumped to the side, staring at Reina with hatred, roaring angrily.
Reina was a little surprised. Originally, he thought that this ability belonged to Ciro Willis himself, but he did not expect it to be the ability of the scepter in his hand.
” Is that the ability of that scepter? ” Reina slowly turned his head, looked at the angry Ciro Willis , and asked.
” Yes, this was originally a human kingdom. There was a wizard in the kingdom. He had the ability to turn living beings into slaves. He ruled here with this ability, but he was betrayed and stolen from him. The scepter, and he was seriously injured! So in the end, before he died, he destroyed this place with powerful mana! ” Ciro Willis slowly stood up from the ground and said.
” How did you know? ” Reina asked curiously.
” You don’t need to know this … because … you are all going to die here today! ” Ciro Willis roared, his body shape actually began to change, turning into a huge ape.
” Ahhhhh~~~ ” Ciro Willis , who turned into a giant ape , roared, beating his chest with his arms.
” Is it really a devil fruit person? Zoology? Or is it originally an ape that ate the human fruit? ” Losing the restraint of the Stone Man, Marco quickly landed beside Reina.
” No matter what he is … He actually destroyed such an important prop … I have to kill him! ” Reina stared at Ciro Willis , he had already opened the wheel.
The scepter just now had such a powerful ability that it was simply a magic tool! The results of it? In the end , it was destroyed because Ciro Willis didn’t make it clear!
If Reyna knew, he would never destroy that scepter.
” Isn’t that what you destroyed? ” Hansen came to Reina with a puzzled look, and said inexplicably.
” Bang! ” Reina kicked Hansen away with one kick, then rushed up and fought Ciro Willis, who had turned into a giant ape .
After a while, the wounded Ciro Willis lay on the ground unable to move.
” Bastard! How dare you break my magic tool! ” Reina spat at Ciro Willis on the ground and said disdainfully .
Ciro Willis twitched the corners of his mouth, and then passed out.
” Kill me! ” Ciro Willis said calmly to the old white-haired monkey after waking up .
” Chijijiji …” The old white-haired monkey danced and said something to Ciro Willis , who turned his head and didn’t look at it.
” What’s the situation? ” Joz, who finally arrived, found Reina and the other group of monkeys surrounded by a clothed monkey, his head full of inexplicable.
” I was originally a member of the monkey group. Once in a while, I ate a fruit. I later learned that it was what you call a devil fruit. Ape! ” Ciro Willis, who was lying on the ground, actually started to talk about his past.
” Didn’t you eat the ape fruit , the devil fruit in the form of a humanoid? Or did you eat the humanoid fruit originally? ” Reina asked in surprise when he heard Ciro Willis ‘ words.
” What’s so important? ” Ciro Willis smiled bitterly and continued: ” Later I discovered this ruin. From the murals on the ruins, I learned the truth about the destruction of this human kingdom, so I followed some clues. , really found the scepter buried in the treasure! ”
” So you started using the scepter to enslave your people? ” Reina interjected.
Ciro Willis glanced at Reina and said: “That scepter can control the heart, it can magnify the little bit of evil in your heart, and finally let you destroy yourself! Now my life is coming to an end, Quan The rod was also destroyed by you, please don’t hurt my fellow man! ”
” Don’t worry, our goal is just treasure, not monkeys! ” Reina said, pouting.
After Ciro Willis finished speaking, he closed his eyes.
The monkey group left with the strong white-haired monkey who was rescued by the old white-haired monkey. Before leaving, the old white-haired monkey bowed to Reina and others to express his gratitude.
Reina looked at the gold that had turned into a large piece of gold and was worried, how should I take it away?

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