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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” I see … The murals here do indeed record the existence of that kingdom! ” After confirming that there was no danger in the ruins, Dr. Ahsie began to study in the ruins.
However, he is a scientist, not a historian, so he has not researched anything useful. The only help that Rayner gave is to suggest melting the gold with high temperature, then dividing it into small pieces and transporting it away.
But the original value was greatly discounted.
After all, there is still a big difference between antique gold jewelry and gold bars. The angry Reina almost decided not to sell it, and made something with gold and put it on the empty island, but it was still too extravagant to think about, so he finally gave up.
But at night, the system still acquiesced to Reina to complete the treasure digging task, and gave him a treasure package when he settled the salary for the day.
” Di … Check in for the 21st day in a row … Today’s wages are being settled …”
” You get base salary: 210 points ”
” Overtime Pay: Navy Type Six Random Fragments Exchange Coupon ”
” You get the Treasure Pack: Gold 3-Piece Set ”
” Golden three-piece set? ” Compared with the Navy’s sixth-style scrap coupon, Reina was obviously more interested in the final treasure package.
But when he saw gold earrings, gold bracelets and gold necklaces in his inventory, he completely gave up on this treasure pack.
” I ‘m not married, why do I want this thing? ” After confirming that the so-called gold three-piece suit was just an ordinary gold product, Reina almost ran away.
” Congratulations, you have obtained the Navy Six-Style Moonstep Fragment Scroll (2)! ” After using the Navy Six-Style Random Fragmented Fragment Exchange Coupon, he finally gave Reina a little comfort. It was he who most wanted to have the Moonwalk Fragment.
And he also discovered that the Moon Step Fragment Scroll (1) in the previous inventory became the Moon Step Fragment Scroll ( 2/3 ).
It proves that he is only one month away from learning this skill.
Early the next morning, after Newgate heard about the magic of the monkeys in the ruins, he went to the ruins to take a look, but Ciro Willis was dead, so Whitebeard and Whitebeard only watched to the frescoes in the ruins.
After a day of repairing on the island, the pirate group continued to set off. This time, Reina did not suggest continuing the treasure hunt, because he was a little disappointed with the treasure package. supplies only.
On the contrary, Whitebeard and others had a little interest in treasure digging, especially Whitebeard, who missed the adventure the day before yesterday, making him a little unhappy.
” We already have a lot of treasure on the ship. We should find a bigger place first, exchange the treasure, and then buy some materials for building the empty island, as well as the equipment and research materials needed by the doctor! ” Hansen of the treasure map, Reina directly refused.
Although there are still treasure maps from the navigators, everyone thinks that Reina has taken away the best ones, so if you want to hunt for treasures, it is best to get the treasure maps from Reina.
” Blu Bleu … Bleu Bleu …” Just when Hansen was about to say something, suddenly the phone bug on Reina rang.
” Hey, I’m Reina! ”
” Deputy captain, this is the Sky Island Lookout, at one o’clock ahead, a naval warship was found! ”
” Okay, I see! Is it the flag of the Admiralty, or which branch? ” Rainer asked, yawning.
For the Navy, Reina really doesn’t have a good feeling right now, so if you can’t deal with the other party, it’s best to avoid it.
” It looks like a warship of the Admiralty, and there is no branch number on the sail! ”
” Well, I’ll tell the helmsman and navigator to get out of the way! ”
Reina hung up the phone and went directly to the deck. It happened that both the navigator and Joz were there, so Reina told them the message from the sky just now and told them to avoid the direction of the navy.
” Ha ~ After we have the empty island, all the initiative is on our side, which is really convenient! We will often be attacked by the navy in the future, and now only we have the share of sneak attacking others, and no one wants to sneak attack us! ” Lakyo heard Reina said with a smile.
” Don’t be careless! There are times when they don’t notice …” Reina shook his head and said.
Lakyo nodded, there are still many incredible means in this world, even if they have the monitoring tool of the sky island, they may not be foolproof.
Just after Reina and the others turned to avoid the navy, on the navy warship, Zefa looked at the small island in front of him doubtfully and asked, ” Is the news accurate? It doesn’t mean that in terms of time, before we arrive at this small island, we can Did you meet each other? ”
” Theoretically it should be like this. According to the news from the headquarters, they should indeed take this route! ” Karadan also replied with a puzzled look.
” Check with the headquarters to see if there is their location! Let’s go to the island to repair! ” Zefa frowned and shook his head, said.
He went out to sea for the Whitebeard Pirates. This time, after the headquarters had determined their route, he came to intercept them on purpose. Unexpectedly, he still did not encounter each other.
After a while, the adjutant Karadan found Zefa and said: ” Sir, I have confirmed with the headquarters that the Whitebeard Pirates have arrived at Ross Island, and we missed them! ”
” What? Did you miss it? ” Zefa was stunned and asked in surprise.
You must know that this is the second half of the great route. The route is basically fixed, and everyone relies on the recording pointer to move forward. Unless there is an accident, such as a natural disaster such as a storm, otherwise it will generally not deviate. route.
As a very active pirate group in the second half of the great route, the Whitebeard Pirates will not make such mistakes.
So why did they both miss out? This question made Zefa a little puzzled.
” In that case, let me know and set sail immediately to Ross Island! ” Zefa drank the rum in front of him in one gulp, got up and said.
” Yes! ” After Kaladan saluted, he immediately informed his navy and prepared to set sail.
On the other hand, after avoiding the navy, the Whitebeard Pirates arrived on the next island, Ross Island, and were purchasing nautical supplies on the island.
” Brother, do you know Roger? ” Rainer and Whitebeard were sitting together drinking wine in the tavern and asked.
” Roger? How many times have you met, what’s wrong? ” Newgate looked at Rayner and asked.
” No, I just wanted to ask, what do you think of him? ” Reina asked with a smile.
” Roger …”
” Boom bang bang … it’s a monster! ”
” Quick, kill him! It’s a monster! ”
Just when Whitebeard fell into memory, a loud noise suddenly came from outside the tavern.
” What’s the matter? ” Rayner and Newgate looked out at the same time.
” I’ll take a look! ” Hansen, who likes to watch the fun the most, immediately got up and walked out of the pub.
” Wait people, people go with you! ” Seeing this, Olga jumped up from the table and ran after Hansen.
” What a child …” Reina shook his head and said with a smile.
” Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooo _ _
After a while, Hansen and Olga returned to the tavern listlessly, and Reina knew that things were definitely not exciting when they looked at them.
” It’s a lost murloc, who turned out to be treated as a monster by the villagers, and the other party has been scared away! ” Hansen shrugged and said without waiting for everyone to ask questions.
” It’s murlocs? How could they be here? ”
” Huh? Murlocs … Those guys are not easy to mess with, they are afraid of ordinary villagers? ”
The crew began to talk, but neither Rayner nor Newgate spoke, just drinking quietly.
” Murloc …” Speaking of murlocs, what impressed Reina the most was one of the seven seas in the future, where the strait was very flat.
And the other party seems to have a good relationship with his own Whitebeard Pirates, and it seems that Whitebeard also has a good relationship with Fishman Island!
However, when Reina looked at Newgate, he found that the other party was very calm, and it seemed that there was no fluctuation due to the appearance of the murloc.
” Brother, are you going to save that murloc? ” Reina asked tentatively.
” Huh? Why did you do this on purpose? ” Newgate looked at Reina in surprise and asked.
Reina was stunned for a moment. By the way, Whitebeard has not yet become friends with Neptune on Fishman Island, so naturally he doesn’t care much about the fishman.
” Isn’t that a murloc? Usually it can be used as labor, and it can be used as emergency food in times of crisis, isn’t it cool? ” Reina said with a smile.
” Wow ~ Reina, are you a devil? Murlocs are also intelligent beings! You actually want to eat them? ” Olga on the side heard Reina’s words, and immediately looked horrified, pointing at Reina, angry said.
” Pfft hahaha … Yes, yes! Vice-captain, are you too ruthless? What if it’s a mermaid? You want to eat it too? ”
” Hahaha … Vice-Captain, I support you … Emergency food … Hahaha … That’s so funny! ”
The crew burst into laughter. They heard the ridicule in Reina’s words, but only Olga didn’t hear it, so she felt a little strange.
” Hey ~ Reina, aren’t you telling the truth? ” Olga asked after tilting her head and thinking about it.
” Gu la la la … This guy is someone who doesn’t even kill the navy easily. Do you think he will attack innocent murlocs? ” Newgate couldn’t bear to see Olga’s innocent look. Live laughing.
Only Reina smiled and shook his head, and he didn’t care what Whitebeard said.
He just doesn’t want to kill people easily, but he will never be soft on those who deserve it.
The ordinary navy and him are only antagonistic, and there is no reason to kill each other, and Zefa of the navy also let him go a few times.
But just as they were joking, the door of the tavern was opened again, and a group of pirates walked in.
I saw that the pirate headed was quite tall, with a horn helmet on his head, and a short companion sitting on his left shoulder.
Reina frowned, this person … he seems to have seen it somewhere.

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