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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
After Charlotte Perospero left, Marco came to Reina with a puzzled question: ” Why did you agree to go to that boring tea party? ”
” Don’t you think … this sea should set some rules? ” Reina said with a smile.
” What do you mean? ” Marko was stunned for a moment, even more puzzled.
” In this sea, the navy has been pushed out by us, so … it’s time to fight infighting! Now in the new world, the only ones who can compete with us are Kaido’s Beast Pirates and Charlotte Lingling . The BIGMOM pirate group is only, although the golden lion has been released from prison, but we will not talk about him who is missing! ”
” Since we are now the strongest pirate group, it’s time to set the rules for this sea area! And these rules … it’s our Whitebeard Pirates, we have the final say! ” Reina sneered and said .
” You want BIGMOM to submit ? That’s impossible, right? If they join forces with the Beast Pirates, it’s still very difficult to deal with! ” Marko understood what Reina meant, but he couldn’t believe it.
What he said was a bit tactful, but the truth was that if the Whitebeard Pirates really faced the attack of the BIGMOM Pirates and the Hundred Beasts Pirates, they would definitely not get any benefits.
” So … I went this time to convince BIGMOM that she would agree to respect our Whitebeard Pirates in the future! Although Big Brother is not interested in the position of One Piece, but … we can’t pretend that nothing happened. ! ” Reina nodded and said.
” What did you use to convince BIGMOM ? Threat her? ” Although Marco agreed with Reina, it was impossible to convince BIGMOM .
” Don’t say it so ugly, threats or something, is that a method used by a civilized person like me? I just exchanged it with him! Let him exchange a statement facing the world for a secret! ” Reina smiled strangely said.
” Why do I feel that you don’t seem to have any good intentions? And even if the other party made this statement, it is only a verbal admission, and we have no actual benefit! ” Marko was silent for a while and said.
” No, this is enough! It’s enough for us to take advantage of this stall … to kill Kaido! ” Reina said with a condensed gaze.
” What? Your purpose is the Beast Pirates? ” Marco was surprised again.
” Don’t be so surprised, okay? Isn’t this a clear question? We cooperate with BIGMOM , let BIGMOM recognize our leadership, and then take the opportunity to kill the Beast Pirates, and wait until only the BIGMOM Pirates are left. When the time comes, they will be unable to support them alone! After killing these two pirate groups, we still have the final say in the new world? ” Reina rolled his eyes and said.
” But … Dad wouldn’t agree, would you? A battle of this scale doesn’t mean you can fight it! ” Marko hesitated and said.
In fact, he was also a little tempted. After killing the Beast Pirates and the Bigmom Pirates, they were truly the world’s number one pirates.
” Hey … So … I’m not telling you now? I just ask you to go to the captains. When the time comes, let’s talk to daddy together, maybe daddy will agree! ” Reina smiled badly at Marco said.
” Emotionally, you are using me as a tool? ” Marco then understood why just after sending Charlotte Perospero away , Reina gave him a wink and let him come over.
” Just say whether you agree with my plan! ”
” Okay, I’ll ask, if everyone agrees, we’ll go find Daddy together! ” After thinking about it, Marko agreed with Reina’s proposal.
After a short captain’s meeting, except for Joz’s abstention, everyone agreed to Rayner’s plan, because in this way, Whitebeard could be pushed to the position of the uncrowned king.
But when everyone found Whitebeard, they were rejected by Whitebeard.
” What a bunch of idiots! Who came up with this idea? Don’t you know who would be happiest if we eliminated the BIGMOM pirates and the Kaido pirates? ” Whitebeard said with a grin.
” Big brother means that the navy will attack us? ” Reina responded immediately and asked.
” Of course! There is no need for a king in this sea, and Roger is the best proof! So don’t mention this kind of thing in the future! We just need to do our own thing! ” Whitebeard waved his hand and let everyone disperse.
In desperation, Reina had to cancel the plan. He did not consider the navy, but only thought that if the Whitebeard Pirates reached the top, the navy would still not dare to move.
But they have forgotten that the navy is the first force in this sea. Although they have temporarily lost the right to speak in the new world because of the advent of the era of the great pirates, many pirates have done these things together.
” What do you do now? Didn’t you already promise to go to that tea party? Now that Daddy doesn’t agree with your bullshit plan, what are you going to do? ” After leaving Whitebeard, Marko looked at Reina and asked.
” What else can I do? If you don’t go, it’s not a big deal! ” Reina said indifferently: ” Does she dare to come and trouble me? ”
Even though he said that, Reina drove the boat away a few days later, and he didn’t want to offend BIGMOM because of this.
Starting from the site of the Whitebeard Pirates, it is still a long way from BIGMOM ‘s Wanguo, but at a slick speed, it quickly reached the border of Wanguo.
Wan Guo is BIGMOM ‘s name for her own territory. She intends to build this place into her ideal country. Reina, who is familiar with the plot of the original novel, naturally knows a lot of secrets about this place, but he still behaves the same as the first time he came.
” Haha … the battle is not small! ” Looking at the densely packed egg tart boats ahead, although he knew it was here to greet him, there must be other meanings in it.
” Lick lick … Welcome our distinguished guests to IWC. Next, please transfer to the passenger ship we specially prepared for you! ” Charlotte Perospero said after standing at the front, saluting towards Reina .
Reina didn’t refuse either, and left his boat and came to the big boat where Perospero was.
” Mom is already waiting for you, on the cake island, the tea party will start tomorrow! ” Perospero said with a smile.
” I haven’t seen Sister Lingling for a long time. By the way, I don’t know how the head chef is? I haven’t seen him for many years! ” Reina said with a slight smile.
The head chef’s body is fairly tough, and our brothers are the ones who fight externally. He seldom goes to the battlefield!
Reina knew that Long Bread’s combat power was not strong, but as Lingling’s leader, his status in the BIGMOM Pirates was still very special.
Along the way, Pelos Pello introduced Reina to the scenery along the way, chatted with Reina, and soon arrived at Cake Island.
“ma~mama~ Reina, your kid is here at last! Did the Whitebeard mess up? Come to me, I won’t treat you badly! ” When she came to the palace gate of Cake Island, Charlotte Lingling actually Meet at the door in person.
” Sister Lingling, if eldest brother hears this, I’m afraid he’s not going to knock on the door and break my legs! So don’t say such things again in the future! ” Reina replied with a smile.
“ma~mama~ That guy in Newgate hasn’t died yet? It’s too bad! ” Charlotte Lingling said it as a joke, but Reina heard the sincerity in her words.
” Big brother is in his prime now, and his strength is at its peak. No one should be able to kill him in this sea! It’s Sister Lingling, who has not seen you for all these years, and you have become a middle-aged woman, no longer the same as before. Ah! ” Although Reina smiled on the surface, but his words made the expressions of the BIGMOM Pirates officers present change.
” Boy, how dare you talk to your mother like this, don’t you want to live? ” Charlotte Lingling jumped out and said before she could speak , the three-bladed guy with golden-orange hair and what looked like a flame jumped out.
Reina knew that this person was Charlotte Owen , who was a triplets with Katakuri and Daifuku.
” Oh? Sister Lingling, this should be your son, right? So unruly? If you don’t know, you think he’s the captain? Don’t you need me to educate you? ” Reina said indifferently, leaving Owen behind.
” Well~ it’s like this when there are too many children. Sometimes they neglect discipline! But if you can, I don’t mind you helping me discipline me! ” Charlotte Lingling said softly , staring at Renner.
” That’s it! In terms of seniority, he wants to call me uncle! It’s just adults who discipline children. I’m good at this job! Leave it to me! ” Reina looked at Owen with a smile, and slowly walked towards the other party.
” Be careful, the other party is not a small character! ” Dafu, who was standing next to Owen, said with a solemn expression.
” Don’t worry, I won’t lose! ” Owen said confidently.
Although Reina is a well-known pirate for a long time, he is not someone who has never seen the world. In the BIGMOM pirate group, his combat power is firmly in the top ten, helping his mother to lay down a lot of territory.
” As a junior, you shoot first! I’m afraid that if I shoot first, you will have no chance! ” Reina smiled and said to Owen.
” Hmph, arrogant! ” Although Owen said this, his hands were not slow, and his body began to turn red. This is his fruit ability, which can transfer heat to any object he touches to instantly heat the object, and can also heat the object instantly. He heats himself up and burns anyone he comes in contact with, and can even use his eyes to insulate objects designated by him until it catches fire.
However, Reina already knew about his ability, but Owen may not understand Reina’s ability.
” Fist of heat! ” After his fists became red, Owen punched Reina directly.
” Is that so? ” The ice wheel pill with the scabbard blocked Owen’s fist and directly absorbed all the impact. It looked like Reina easily resisted Owen’s fist.

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