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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” It’s not over yet! Hot Wind Fist! ” Although Owen felt a little weird, he didn’t care because he was already irritated by Reina’s attitude.
Feeling Owen’s anger, and even the surrounding temperature began to rise, Reina actually felt that he had suffered a continuous injury.
” Frozen for thousands of miles! ” Bing Lun Wan directly unsheathed, and slashed towards Owen with a slash with an aura of ice.
” Look at me melting you! ” Irving ignored it, still raising the temperature, and melting all the ice energy from the Rayner’s slash.
” Huh? It’s interesting! ” Watching Owen dodge his slash at the last minute, Reina stepped a little and disappeared from the spot.
” Pointing to the gun! ” Reina, who was close to Owen, pointed to Owen, which was synthesized from the skill fragments he had drawn. Although he did not usually practice it like this, he still learned and could use it due to the power of the system.
” Bang! ” Owen didn’t dodge this time, but directly punched Reina.
However, Reina did not suffer any damage, because he also absorbed the energy of the opponent while attacking the opponent.
This was only after the Black Emperor’s ability was promoted that Reina slowly mastered it.
It turned out that he wanted to absorb the attacking energy of others, and he could not launch an attack himself, but now he has overcome this shortcoming, making his ability of the black emperor more perfect.
” This is your ability? ” Owen, who took a few steps back, asked Reina with an ugly face.
He had already tried the strange feeling just now twice, and he couldn’t find it if he died, and he couldn’t get to where he is now.
” It’s more than that! Next, I’ll be a little more serious! Gathering a blow , Lanjiao! ” Reina smiled slightly, and then kicked the energy he just absorbed with Lanjiao with a slash, and went straight to Owen. go.
Owen’s face changed, his body went down directly, and he narrowly escaped Reina’s Lanjiao. The flying Lanjiao directly hit the castle gate of Cake City, directly cutting the gate in half.
” It’s too early to get down! ” Reina, who had come to Owen’s head at some point, stepped on his head and directly stepped Owen’s head into the ground.
” Owen! ”
” Fourth Brother! ”
The children of BIGMOM all around stepped forward one after another, with the intention of coming to rescue.
” Or … you go together? ” Reina said with a slight smile.
” Humph! ” An elongated arm hit Reina directly, trying to force him to dodge, but Reina did not dodge, but directly blocked the opponent’s fist.
” Huh? ” Looking at the fist sticking to his arm, Reina turned his head and looked at the young man who punched.
“Charlotte Katakuri of the BIGMOM Pirates ! ” A tall young man with short amaranth hair, strong muscles, slender legs, his mouth covered with a scarf, and lines sewed on both sides walked out, said softly.
” Ah ~ ah ~ So it’s you! Katakuri, what, are you here to fight me this time? ” Reina asked with a smile.
In fact, he had never met Katakuri. Although the other party was older than him, Charlotte Lingling did not take her children with her when she was on the Rocks ship .
” He’s my brother! ” Katakuri said angrily, looking at Owen who was stepped on by Reina.
” If that’s the case … then take him away! ” Reina kicked Owen on the ground to Katakuri. Katakuri quickly retracted the injured fist stuck to Reina and caught Owen with both hands.
” Be careful … Katakuri, his ability is very strange, he can really absorb damage! ” Owen with a scar on his face, half-squinted his eyes, said to Katakuri.
Katakuri nodded and told Owen to Daifuku, who rushed over, before looking at Reina.
” Really? I don’t want to break your undefeated golden body! ” Reina shrugged, not seeming to want to continue fighting.
Katakuri quietly glanced at Charlotte Lingling , and when he saw that the other party was just smiling and did not come out to stop him, he knew what his mother meant.
” Corner rice cake! ” I saw Katakuri’s hand turned into a strip rice cake and hit Reina directly.
” Hehe … the future emperor’s deputy? Then let’s try it! Shaking round eyes … open! ” Reina said lightly.
Reina, who has turned on the three-hooked jade writing wheel eye, can already fully see Katakuri’s moves, so it is very easy to dodge.
” It really is a pair of bewitching eyes! ” The members of the surrounding BIGMOM Pirates were amazed when they saw Reina’s eyes turning red.
Although they had known from the intelligence for a long time, they were still a little shocked when they actually saw Reina’s eyes.
” Cut! ” After approaching Katakuri, Reina slashed at the opponent.
” Dang! ” A trident suddenly appeared, blocking Reina’s ice wheel pill.
” Hey, that’s interesting, then continue …” Seeing that the other party had already taken out all the ” earth dragons ” , Reina also began to get serious.
The two fought fast, although Reina seemed to have an advantage, but Katakuri used his ability to make up for the disadvantage in physical skills.
” When! ”
” Sit upright in the frosty sky ! Ice wheel pills !”
After the two fought against each other again, Reina backed away a little, and directly opened the initial solution of Hing Lun Maru.
” Nice Cake Blade Bomb! ” Kata Kuri’s eyes narrowed, he raised his index finger and thumb and put away the other fingers while turning his hands into a glutinous ball, and then fired a glutinous ball from his index finger, hitting Reina like a bullet.
” This kind of attack … it’s useless! ” With the dance of Reina’s blade, a slender, aqua blue dragon appeared, directly engulfing the glutinous rice ball that hit Reina and turning it into ice cubes.
Seeing this, Katakuri jumped away from the spot, dodging the dragon’s attack.
” Kachakachacha …” The water dragon that hit the ground turned into ice, freezing everything around it.
” What exactly is his ability? Why can one person have two abilities? ” Charlotte Cricket on the side couldn’t help being surprised when she saw that Reina could not only absorb damage, but also use the ability of ice . said.
” Not two, but three, don’t ignore his eyes! ” Dafu said solemnly over there.
” And his physical skills and swordsmanship are not weak at all. Katakuri doesn’t appreciate cheapness at all! Licking … he is really a monster! It’s not bad that he is on the same boat with his mother! ” Perospero also nodded . head, said.
Although he is older than Katakuri, in terms of strength, he is not an opponent of Katakuri at all, so he is also very impressed with Reina who can suppress Katakuri.
” Bake the rice cake! ” Katakuri turned the upper part of his hand into a rice cake and compressed it, and at the same time, the hot air was wrapped like a bazooka and shot directly at Reina.
” One blow , ice dragon spins tail! ” Reina didn’t dare to show weakness, the direction the knife tip swiped directly changed to a frozen area, colliding directly with Katakuri’s rice cake.
” Boom!!! ”
A huge explosion sounded, and the square in front of Cake City was filled with smoke and cold.
Before the smoke dissipated, Reina and Katakuri rushed out of the smoke at the same time, and the trident and Hironmaru collided again and sparked.
The two seemed to be somewhat evenly matched, but only Katakuri knew that he could feel that Reina didn’t seem to be doing his best.
” Take the move, glutinous ball thrusting! ” Katakuri, who no longer kept his hand, directly turned his arm into glutinous rice, wrapped the trident, and then began to spin and attack Reina.
” Briar Wall Ice Formation! ” Reina controlled the ice wall formed by the condensation of moisture in the air to block Katakuri, but was quickly broken through by the opponent, and when the spinning trident was about to hit Reina, Katakuri suddenly stopped his hand and stopped the trident in his hand.
” Huh? Why don’t you continue to attack? ” Reina asked in surprise.
Can Katakuri see the future just by seeing and seeing now? Know that he intends to use the shock of the trident to gather energy?
” I can feel that if I attack … I will lose! ” Katakuri said very calmly.
” It’s really powerful intuition, but … even if you don’t let me absorb the energy, you will lose! Ice Dragon Swirl Tail Juekong ! ” Reina attacked again, and a large amount of ice continued to approach Katakuri.
” Bird rice cake! ” A stick of glutinous rice stretched out from his arm, turned into a whip, and shot directly through the ice to Reina. Katakuri hoped that this would force Reina’s moves to stop.
” Crack! ”
Bing Lun Wan blocked the glutinous rice whip. Although his move was interrupted, he also absorbed the impact energy. After the energy in his body began to gather again, Reina stepped a little and began to quickly approach Katakuri.
” That’s it! Wushuang · Nuo Tuan stab! ” Katakuri’s eyes flashed red, his body was constantly changing, and he also rushed towards Reina.
” Collective Strike , Vacuum Ice Blade! ” An extended ice blade appeared on the tip of Hirinmaru’s sword, forming a vacuum ice blade again in the gap of the ice, stabbing Katakuri straight away.
” Boom! ”
” Crash …”
Katakuri’s trident shattered Reina’s vacuum ice layer, but the spinning trident also stopped because the ice carried on the ice wheel pill froze the trident.
“I didn’t expect your sense of sight to be so powerful! ” Looking at the place where he had been stabbed, Katakuri had used his ability to avoid it in advance, and Reina had to sigh.
” I lost! ” Katakuri shook his arm, shattering the ice on the trident, and took the trident back.
“I didn’t win! ” Reina also retracted the Hirinmaru from the scabbard.
Although he still has trump cards to use, he can feel that Katakuri should still have spare power.
“ma~mama~ What a wonderful battle! Reina, I didn’t expect you to have grown up to such a level that you haven’t seen each other in just a few years! ” Charlotte Lingling laughed when she saw the two of them quit said.
” Although my strength has increased a lot! But compared to Sister Lingling, it’s still not as good! ” Reina also smiled and shook his head, said.
” Hahaha … Little ones, there’s a banquet! ” Charlotte Lingling did not go to see the injured Owen, but directly announced the start of the banquet .
Although tomorrow is the tea party, today’s banquet is specially to welcome Reina.
After the banquet, Reina insisted on returning to his boat. Although he had completed his basic work hours today, he had not yet earned his overtime pay.
After Charlotte Lingling found out , she just smiled and did not force Reina to spend the night in Cake City.
The next morning, a group of soldiers, led by Perospero, came to the coast to invite Reina to a tea party. Reina hesitated for a while and asked, ” How long will the tea party be? “

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