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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” This … the time is uncertain. Sometimes if my mother is happy, it may last for two or three days, but usually it is a whole day. ” Facing Reina’s inquiry, Pelos Pello thought for a while, back.
” It’s been so long? Then you go first, I’ll go in the afternoon! ” When Reina heard this, he immediately returned to his boat, saying that he would not go to the tea party now.
” ??? ” Pelospelo looked at Reina who turned back to the boat, surprised and didn’t know what to say.
There was no way, and Reina didn’t want to. If it took a whole day, his basic work time could not be completed. Wouldn’t the continuous check-in time be interrupted again? He doesn’t want to!
You must know that since the last time he was arrested by the navy, the sign-in was interrupted, and Reina has only interrupted once. He is about to sign in for five consecutive years. According to his guess, this time there should be a big gift package, and This kind of continuous sign-in will not be too bad.
” Your Excellency Reina, this is already here, why don’t you go to the tea party? Is there any misunderstanding? Licking …” Pelos Pero had no choice but to ask.
” I still have work to do today, this work must be done today! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Work? What kind of work is it? I can send someone to do it for you! ” Pelospelo said quickly.
” No, I’m free to do this kind of work myself! ”
” Then what should I do? Can’t everyone wait for you? ” Pelos Pero was also a little angry. He felt that Reina just didn’t want to participate in the tea party, so he made such an excuse.
” Well, go and ask Sister Lingling. I’m going to the tea party now, but I have to go back to my boat at noon! I’ll go with you if I can! ” After thinking about it, Renner felt the same way. He would look a little strange, so he said to Pelos Pero.
Pelos Pero looked at Reina with a serious face, and really had the urge to curse.
But Reina didn’t want to go, and he couldn’t tie him to go. Besides, with the combat power Reina showed yesterday, he couldn’t beat it!
So in desperation, Pelos Pero had to let the soldiers stay here, and he quickly returned to the castle to report the situation to his mother.
Sure enough, when Charlotte Lingling heard Pelos Pero’s words, she was furious.
BIGMOM Pirates have long been dissatisfied with Reina, and they all clamored to look good on Reina.
But at this moment, Charlotte Lingling seemed to have thought of something and asked: ” Did that kid Renner say that his work must be carried out on the ship, and he will not get off the ship unless he completes the work? ”
” Yes, Mom! That’s exactly what he said! ” Pelospero nodded and replied.
” As expected, ma~mama~~ Then do as he wants! Let him go back to his boat at noon! ” Charlotte Lingling suddenly put away her anger and said calmly.
Her children were puzzled about her mother’s sudden change, and Charlotte Owen asked Charlotte Lingling: ” Mom, that kid obviously doesn’t give us BIGMOM pirate face, why do you want to? Promise him easily? ”
” You don’t know about it, but I know it! That’s that kid’s quirk! He won’t go anywhere unless he finishes his work for a certain amount of time every day. He’s been like this since a long time ago! If anyone disturbs him Work, that kid will really kill! ” Charlotte Lingling said with a smile .
” Ah? ” Everyone was puzzled. Does anyone else have this quirk?
In fact, they didn’t know that it wasn’t that Reina couldn’t get off the ship. On the site of the Whitebeard Pirates, he could also complete his working hours, but this was not the site of the Whitebeard Pirates, and there was no Whitebeard Pirates hanging there. flag, so he can only stay on the pirate ship.
After getting Charlotte Lingling ‘s permission, Pelos Pero came to the coast again, conveyed Charlotte Lingling ‘s meaning to Reina, and then rushed to Cake City with Reina.
Along the way, Pelos Pero looked at Reina differently. What kind of person was he to have such quirks?
And Reina naturally didn’t know that he would have left such an impression on Charlotte Lingling when he worked so hard to complete his working hours on the Rocks ship .
When the group arrived at Cake City, Pelos Pero used his ability to create a spiral staircase that led directly to the top of Cake City, where the tea party was held.
” It’s a really good ability! It’s very artistic! ” Looking at the spiral staircase created by Pelos Pero, Reina couldn’t help but admire.
” Thank you for the compliment! ” Pelos Pero also seemed very happy when he heard Reina’s praise.
When most people see his ability, they will only admire his strength. Few people say that he is artistic. In fact, he is very creative. In the BIGMOM Pirates, in addition to being the eldest son of Charlotte Lingling , he is also the eldest son of Charlotte Lingling. Similar duties as a boatman.
When the two came to the top floor, the tea party was ready to start, and the people at the venue were almost all there.
” Look, who is that person? He was accompanied by Pelos Pero himself! ”
” That’s … Akahito Reina of the Whitebeard Pirates ? Why is he here? ”
” Is the Whitebeard Pirates going to join forces with the BIGMOM Pirates? This is a big event! ”
The appearance of Reina surprised everyone who attended the tea party. Some people were even thinking about whether the Whitebeard Pirates had planned to join forces with the BIGMOM Pirates. After all, Reina could completely replace the Whitebeard Pirates. one of the people.
” I’ll introduce you to …”
” No need, what about Sister Lingling? Haven’t started yet? ”
Pelospelo looked at the surprised look of the people around him and was very proud, but when he was about to introduce the people who participated in the tea party to Reina, Reina directly refused.
” It’s about to start! Your position is here, please come with me! ” Pelos Pero smiled lightly, he understood what Reina meant, it was nothing more than despising these people.
Those who came here to participate in the tea party were all allies of the BIGMOM Pirates, and had nothing to do with their Whitebeard Pirates, so Reina naturally didn’t care.
So when Pelos Pero took the radar to the main seat, he stepped back, just as Charlotte Lingling came out of the castle singing all the time .
” Oh ~ Sister Lingling is here! ” Reina stood up and greeted.
“ma~mama~~ What a happy day! Reina, come here and sit next to me, we haven’t seen each other for many years! Let me chat more today! ” Charlotte Lingling seemed to be very kind .
Reina smiled and nodded, and sat in the position closest to Charlotte Lingling .
Just when Reina thought the tea party was about to start, Charlotte Lingling waved her hands solemnly, and soon two maids walked out slowly holding a photo frame.
” A photo of Sister Carmelite? ” Reina thoughtfully looked at the photo held by the maid, as if thinking about something.
” Mom, Sister Carmelite is still sunny today! ” Pelos Pero said with a smile.
” Hahahaha …ma~mama~~ Yes, the nun is the light of the world! The world I built is the wish of the nun, and what she hopes most is to build a country where all races are equal! ” Charlotte Lingling is happy said.
After the photo of Sister Carmelite was in place, the next step was the gift-giving session. The guests who came to the tea party took out gifts packed in treasure boxes and gave them to Charlotte Lingling , who had been looking forward to it.
” Ah ~ I still want to give gifts! I really … forgot about it completely! ” Reina’s face collapsed . Like Charlotte Lingling, he only likes to receive gifts, not to give them.
Even so, but now he really has to give it away, otherwise he will not only hit the face of the BIGMOM Pirates, but also lose the face of the Whitebeard Pirates.
But now he is not ready, and in desperation, he has to take out a bottle of white wine from the inventory and put it on him.
” That … Pelos Pero ~ Come here! ” After Reina prepared the white wine, he called out to Peros Pero, who was serving as the emcee of ceremonies.
” What’s wrong? ” Perospero came to Reina and asked.
” I didn’t prepare any other gifts, so pack this for me! ” Reina handed the liquor to Pelos Pero and said with a smile.
” Wait … Could this be … the gold in the wine that has no market price on the black market … Baijiu? ” Pelos Pero had just received the Baijiu handed over by Reina, and immediately a guest stepped forward with a look of excitement. asked.
Hearing this person’s words, the rest of the guests and the officials of the BIGMOM Pirates also looked over in surprise.
” Isn’t this surprising? Don’t I send Sister Lingling a bottle every year? ” Reina said with a chuckle.
” Guru …” Pelos Pero couldn’t help swallowing when he heard Reina’s confirmation. Although Reina gave Charlotte Lingling and Golden Lion Shiki each a bottle every year, that was not enough for summer. Lot Lingling drank alone .
Among their brothers and sisters, Katakuri was given a small glass because of credit. Even Charlotte Lingling is usually very precious for this kind of liquor!
” Hahahaha …ma~mama~ Reina, I’m not talking about you, you are too stingy as a younger brother. Only one small bottle every year is not enough! ” Charlotte Lingling immediately put it down when she heard it was white wine He took the treasure chest in his hand, snatched the liquor in Pelos Pero’s hand, and held it in his arms.
” Sister Lingling, it’s not like you don’t know how small the output of this kind of liquor is! The elder brother is also a wine lover. He basically drinks all of my output every year. I usually drink rum myself! Except for you and Big Brother Shiki, I have never given it to outsiders! ” Reina spread her hands, pretending to be helpless.
” Well ~ If I didn’t know that your output is low, I would have called the door! Edward is really lucky! ” Charlotte Lingling said with a sigh.
After a while of gossip, the tea party finally started. Thanks to Charlotte Lingling ‘s ability, the food and tea on the table don’t need your hands, they will run into your mouth by themselves. It’s a different kind of feeling, although it’s not a very good feeling.

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