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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
The first thing Whitebeard did after his return was to settle the people they brought back. After giving them an uninhabited island, Whitebeard also sent people to help them build houses, reclaim wasteland, and wait until everything was done. After that, he left amid the gratitude of that group of people.
The construction of Xuanyue Island has also started again with the return of Reina. The materials brought back from the sea this time are enough for them to use for a period of time, and even many crew members like this kind of robbing everything they see. feeling of light.
Whitebeard prefers the feeling of staying on a boat and sailing, so he will take people out to sea every few days. Occasionally, Reina will also go out with him, but most of the time he stays on Xuanyue Island for construction.
A year later, the first phase of the Xuanyue Island project was finally completed. Most of the buildings have been completed, and the outermost defense system has also been completed.
” This will be our conference hall in the future. It can accommodate 5,000 people at the same time. Only important things will open the conference hall! ” Reina took Whitebeard to visit the most central main building on Xuanyue Island. It was a huge conference room.
” What does this mean? ” Whitebeard pointed to the middle of the conference hall, where there was a rectangular table, the main seat was a huge chair covered with white tiger skin, and two rows of ordinary chairs were placed on both sides. .
Reina smiled and pulled the white beard to sit down on the main seat, and said with a smile: ” This is where the eldest brother sits, and the other two sides are the positions of the officers of the Pirates! As for the ordinary members, they are behind us, you Look! ”
Reina pointed to the back as he spoke. The entire conference room was designed into a semi-circle, and the seats for ordinary members were fanned out. A giant blackboard to record and demonstrate existence.
” It’s very good! But this table … I don’t like it a little bit, it makes me look very special by myself! ” Whitebeard pointed to the rectangular conference table and said.
” Okay! Actually, I designed a round table at the beginning! But it was later changed to this, because I think the most important thing in a pirate group is the captain, especially our Whitebeard Pirates, which is built around the big brother, the big brother’s It’s normal to have a special status! It’s like an elder in a big family, who has the highest authority! ” Reina said with a stand.
” Round table? Is it different from this one? Isn’t it good for everyone to sit down like this? ” Whitebeard asked suspiciously.
” There is only a table called a conference room! If there is a round table, there is no difference between you and everyone. The intention is that all people in the meeting are equal and have the right to speak. Because the table is round, no one is the center. In other words, this rectangular table has primary and secondary seats! ” Rayner explained to Whitebeard the different meanings of the two tables.
After listening to the white beard, he nodded, then pointed to the hanging table and said, ” Change it to the round table you mentioned! Besides, why is this place called the White Tiger Hall? ”
” That … just take it, if you don’t like it, eldest brother can change it! ” Reina touched his nose and said with a smile.
” I thought it had some special meaning, since it’s already done, I won’t change it! ” Whitebeard said with a smile.
After visiting the largest conference room, Reina continued to take Whitebeard to visit the reception rooms on both sides of the conference room, which were used to entertain foreigners.
The one on the right is taller, with more luxurious layout and decoration, and is used to entertain guests with a similar status and status as Whitebeard. On the left is an ordinary reception room, which is used to entertain some ordinary guests.
The second floor of the theme building is designed by Reina as an activity room. Any large-scale group-wide activities can be held here. Of course … Banquets cannot be held here, and the venue for banquets is themed Behind the building is a huge square, which is specially used for banquets.
” Very good! ” After visiting the most central main building, Whitebeard nodded with satisfaction and said.
The entire theme building was designed by Reina to look like a whale. The big mouth of the whale is the door to enter, and there is a striking white-bearded pirate logo on the whale’s forehead.
And the raised tail of the whale is the canopy behind the banquet square. Even on rainy days, as long as you want to hold a banquet, there is no problem at all.
In addition to the theme building is fully completed, all the housing has also been completed!
The area of Xuanyue Island is larger than that of the sky island, so the house designed by Reina this time is not a modern building like the sky island. And the cadres are separated, the three areas are all behind the main building, the cadres’ area is on the lieutenant general, the combatants are on the left, and the non-combatants are on the right.
It’s not that Reina is doing some kind of privilege, but the combatants are almost all real pirates, and the non-combatants are more like ordinary civilians. Although everyone gets along very happily, the life of the combatants is more unrestrained. In order not to disturb the lives of non-combatants, Reina deliberately separated them.
” Brother, the pirates under our forces will basically come over today. At that time, we need to hold a meeting in the conference room to officially announce to everyone that Xuanyue Island is the core of the Whitebeard Pirates! After the meeting, it is banquet time. Now, in the banquet square, food and drinks are already being prepared! ” After the tour, Rayner told Whitebeard about today’s arrangements.
” Is this necessary? ” Whitebeard said with a slight frown.
” Of course it is necessary! This is what our Whitebeard Pirates announced to the outside world. In the future, this place will belong to us. Whether it’s the navy or the rest of the pirates, they must follow our rules when they arrive here, otherwise they will provoke us. Whitebeard Pirates! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Okay! You can figure it out yourself! ” Whitebeard nodded and said indifferently.
” In addition, I plan to hold a monopoly competition for the whole team in the near future. This game seems to be very popular among the crew members. When the time comes, a group of four will be limited to one hour. The player with the most property and cash will win. Advance to the next round! ”
” Oh? This is interesting, I want to participate too! ” Whitebeard’s eyes lit up and said.
Just like what Reina said, the charm of Monopoly has conquered the entire Whitebeard Pirates, and even Whitebeard likes it very much, but his luck has not been very good, and he rarely kills the Quartet in the game. when.
” Of course there is no problem, but Big Brother needs to be the same as everyone. From the first round, whoever wins in the end will win the title of the first Whitebeard Board Game Tournament! ” Reina grinned and said with a smile. .
” Gu la la la la … Why do I feel that this title is inevitable for me? ” Whitebeard said with a loud laugh.
Soon, occupying almost a quarter of the port on the coast of the island, pirate ships came one after another. These pirate ships all have one characteristic, that is, two pirate flags are hung, one of which is the Whitebeard Sea. The flag of the pirate group, they are all pirate groups under Whitebeard.
In addition to the pirate ships, there are also some ships that only hang the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates. They don’t look like pirate ships. Those are all people sent from the islands within the sphere of influence of the Whitebeard Pirates. As representatives of the local island, they came to celebrate the completion ceremony of the Whitebeard Pirates’ Xuanyue Island.
” Huh? Fishman Island has actually sent people, they are not close to here! ” Just when the crew was receiving visitors from all over the port, they suddenly discovered the fisherman island ship.
” Go and inform Dad and Reina, we didn’t inform Fishman Island at the beginning, right? I didn’t expect them to come! ” Lakyo, who was in charge of the port reception, instructed one of his subordinates.
Soon, Reina, who received the notice, came to the port. Because many people came today, Whitebeard did not come to greet the guests of Fishman Island.
” Tiger? Why are you here? ” Rayner shouted to Fisher Tiger who got off the boat with a look of surprise .
” Hahaha … Reina, you are too funny, you don’t even send us invitations for such a big thing as the Whitebeard Pirates, have you forgotten that Fishman Island also belongs to the Whitebeard Pirates. The sphere of influence! ” Tiger laughed and hugged Reina, saying.
” The distance between you is too far. The new world is not as peaceful as it looks on the surface. If something happens to you along the way, it will be bad! ” Reina shook his head and said, ” By the way, how did you know about this? ? We only notified the head of the pirate group under his command, and did not advertise it! ”
” Hahaha … You don’t know yet, do you? The initial construction of Xuanyue Island has spread throughout the sea, and in the future this place will serve as the base camp of the Whitebeard Pirates. With the power of your Pirates, which force would dare to Accidentally deal with it? If you pass by here one day and don’t pay attention to bump into you, wouldn’t you be killing yourself? ” Tiger said with a smile.
” Let’s go! Big brother is in the reception room. Today is a lot of old friends! We must have a good drink at the banquet in the evening! ” Reina said, taking Tiger’s hand and walking towards the island.
” Qi ~ Is this the so-called Xuanyue Island? It’s not as powerful as the rumors from the outside world! ” The murloc Aaron, who followed behind Tiger, whispered with disdain.
” Ah Dragon! ” Jinping on the side hurriedly said, ” This is the place of the Whitebeard Pirates, and even Big Brother Tai respects them very much. They are very kind to us Fishman Island. You You can’t use such an attitude! ”
Hearing Jinpei’s words, Aaron just wanted to refute, but both Tiger and Reina turned to look at him at the same time, and Aaron had no choice but to shut his mouth angrily.
” Sorry, although the situation on Fishman Island is much better than before because of your reasons, but every day around the world, a large number of murlocs are still captured by humans as an effort! Just above Fishman Island, Chambord Archipelago Come on, the mermaid clan is being auctioned openly now, which makes everyone very angry! ” Tiger clenched his fist and said in a low voice.
” Hmph! Those Tianlong people can only do some of these things! One day when they are not happy, I secretly ran to Mary Joa to set fire to let them know how powerful it is! ” Reina said with a cold snort.
Reina’s words made Tiger look at him strangely, because he also had the same idea, but he didn’t tell anyone.

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