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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
After all the people who should come have arrived, everyone has come to the conference hall, and the occupancy rate of the place that can accommodate 5,000 people has reached almost half.
On the round table that was just replaced in the middle, Whitebeard sat in the first place, with Reina and the captains of each battle team on the right, and the captains of the pirate groups on the left.
” Everyone , please be quiet! ” Seeing that everyone had arrived, Reina got up from his seat, clapped his hands, and said, ” First of all, thank you very much for coming. Today is the headquarters of our Whitebeard Pirates, Xuanyue. When the island is officially built, although it is not completely ready, it has already begun to take shape! ”
” And everyone here is our own, so I’ll be polite ! First of all, I have a few things to announce to everyone! ”
After Reina finished speaking, he looked at Whitebeard, and when he saw Whitebeard nodded at him, Reina continued:
” First of all, because the captain of the second team, Kozuki Oden, has died in Wano, so I will temporarily take the position of the second team captain, and the members of the second combat team will temporarily follow my command! ”
After Reina finished speaking, Titch, who was sitting in the ordinary seat, felt inexplicably tight. As a member of the second combat team, he will be managed by Reina in the future.
Like Titch, there are not a few second-team members who share the same concerns.
” Let’s talk, you can tell from the looks of you, you must be dissatisfied with the fact that I am also the captain of the second team! Brother, I said that this position is not suitable for me! ” Seeing the faces of the members of the second team, Reina Tan Spreading his hands, he said to Whitebeard deliberately funny.
” Just say whatever you have, don’t be frightened by this shitty conference room! We are all family, and we are here just for convenience! ” Whitebeard knocked on the table and said to the members of the second combat team .
” Dad, we have no objection to Vice-Captain Reina becoming our captain. The strength and ability of the Vice-Captain is obvious to all! But … but everyone knows his attitude towards Titch, so I am worried that after he becomes the captain, he will It ‘s not good for Titch! ” A member of the second combat team, ignoring the pull of his companions, stood up and said.
At this time, other unknown guests and the leader of the pirate group who joined later all looked at Reina, and they were all waiting for Reina’s answer.
” Then talk about it! ” Whitebeard glanced at Reina and said with a chuckle.
” Okay, okay ~ I thought you guys were against my being the captain, but I didn’t expect it to be such a broken reason! ” Reina pretended to be helpless: ” First of all, if I’m not good for him, I won’t be the captain of the second team, He can’t escape! ”
When Reina pointed at Titch and said this, he did not hide his disgust and hostility towards Titch at all.
” It’s actually true? I didn’t expect such a thing to happen in the Whitebeard Pirates? Is it because the members are at odds? ”
” Shouldn’t be! I’ve been in contact with Vice-Captain Reina, and he’s reconciled, and he gets along very well with everyone on the boat!? It’s the one named Tiki, I haven’t had such contact with him, so I don’t know what he is like. people! ”
” I’ve been in touch with Titch, he’s a very forthright person, and he’s a good guy. Why would he have a conflict with the vice-captain? ”
After Reina’s undisguised words came out, there was a lot of discussion below, and the members of the second team were silent. What they were worried about was Reina’s attitude towards Titch.
And Titch lowered his head and didn’t speak, no one knew what he was thinking.
” Okay ~ Stop arguing! I just expressed my attitude just now, Tiki, I said it when you got on the ship! You can have your own ambitions, or you can use any means! But if you dare to hurt any of the crew members on the ship … … then no matter you escape to the ends of the earth … I will end your life with my own hands! ”
” But I also promised eldest brother that before you do that kind of thing, I won’t touch you, I’ll just stare at you! So don’t worry, as long as he doesn’t want to hurt anyone, then although I don’t like him, But it won’t use any means against him! ” Reina looked at Titch and said in a deep voice.
” Deputy captain … Although I don’t understand why you are so sure that I will betray everyone, don’t you think that your attitude is probably the reason for all this morning? I believe that if you were not like this, I would have nothing to do with it. The reason is betrayal! ” Titch slowly raised his head and said to Reina.
His words were obvious, and he really blamed Reina. If he really betrayed in the future, he would be persecuted by Reina.
” Hahaha … Very good! It’s finally a bit of a look. If you keep retreating and pretending to be weak, it’s really unnerving! A little counterattack is a pirate! Tiki, let me tell you something, pretend to be a pig. Eating a tiger is indeed very powerful, but if you pretend to be a pig for too long, you will really become a pig! ” Reina laughed before looking at Titch and said.
When Titch heard Reina’s words, he looked resentful, making people think that Reina was bullying others.
” Okay okay ~ You guys … As his companions, haven’t you found out that Tiki’s strength is far beyond yours? He is hiding among you, doesn’t he have any other thoughts? ” Look Looking at the members of the second combat team, their faces became ugly, and Reina said with a little sarcasm.
Hearing Reina’s words, everyone looked at Titch. Although they were dissatisfied with Reina’s attitude towards Titch, they still recognized Reina as a person.
” What do you mean? ” Titch asked, pretending to be puzzled.
” Forcing me to break it down? How boring? You should remember the last time Titch was seriously injured, right? Do you know who his opponent is? Yes, it’s the red-haired Shanks who made a lot of noise recently, the original The trainee crew on One Piece Roger’s ship! Whether his strength is strong, don’t ask me, you can ask Marko! ”
” But our Titch, an ordinary member of the second combat team, under the siege of all the Red Hair Pirates, was able to injure the red hair, leaving him with indelible scars, everyone. Ask yourself, can you do this! ” Reina pointed to the members of the second combat team and asked in a deep voice.
” What? Is there such a thing? He caused the wound on the redhead’s face? ”
” With such strength, it shouldn’t be bad to be a captain, right? ”
Hearing Reina’s words, everyone started talking.
” Tiqi, do you really have such strength? ” The member of the second combat team sitting next to Teach also looked at Titch with a confused look and asked.
Titch squeezed his fist and didn’t answer.
” How is it? Do you want to eat this? ” Reina, who had already prepared, took out an animal fruit and handed it to Titch who was standing there. He said sarcastically, ” Aren’t you a person with the ability of the yellow spring fruit? Buddha? Sa, how is your investigation of the thing I asked you to investigate? ”
Fossa, who was holding a cigar, slowly got up and said, ” According to the information given by the vice-captain, I went to the Misty Delta in the first half of the Great Route, where I did find a skeleton that could move. According to him, he was the The person with the ability of Huangquan Fruit, because his body died in battle, his soul returned from under Huangquan, but he got lost there, so when his soul returned to his body, his body had turned into a skeleton! ”
” What? There is such a thing, I didn’t expect Huangquan Fruit to really have the ability to come back from the dead, it’s really powerful! ”
” So, Titch did deceive everyone and hide his strength. It seems that he has a lot of plans! ”
After hearing Captain Fossa’s words, public opinion changed, and everyone believed more and more in Reina’s judgment, because if there was no evil intention, he would not have to do such a thing.
” Okay! This is the end of the matter, Reina is also the captain of the second team, and the matter is decided! Titch, I said, I won’t convict you for what you haven’t done yet, get on the boat Then it’s a family! ”
” I hope you can truly treat us as family in the future. Although Reina is a little harsh to you, he has never used any means against you, right? Your team members are sincere to you, right? In the future It’s up to you which way you want to go! ” Whitebeard glanced at Reina lightly, and then said to Titch.
When Reina and Titch confronted just now, the captains were silent and did not speak, because they already knew about these things, and they trusted Reina more than Tic.
Reina smiled and didn’t speak when he saw that the matter was settled. There was a reason why he chose to expose Titch’s affairs today, so that when he had to deal with Titch in the future, he could also be said to have discovered his thoughts. It was done in advance to be detrimental to the Whitebeard Pirates.
If there is no such thing as today, it can be seen from the attitude of the second team members that if he really starts with Titch, some people will definitely be dissatisfied, and even if there is evidence, others will be suspicious.
But after today, even if he has no evidence, no one will doubt it.
Titch, who was speechless by Reina, was starting to feel a little uneasy sitting there. The second team members who usually believed in him the most and supported him the most, had already developed some distrust of him at this time.
Once this distrust arises, it is very difficult to restore.
After the meeting, it was time for the banquet. Reina specially prepared nearly 500 catties of white wine, just so that everyone could drink a little bit. As for the rest of the drinks, there were countless others. They emptied their inventory.
” Hahaha … Reina, come, let me introduce to you, these are my juniors on Fishman Island, they are all very good young people, you have to take care of them in the sea in the future! ” Tiger didn’t know anyone here, so he pulled Jinbei and Ryuu and wanted to introduce them to Reina.
” Tig! Have you been drinking too much? I’ve known Jinbei for a long time! As for this … We met on Fishman Island last time! ” Reina pointed to Aaron, who was somewhat reluctant. said.
” Really? Then you definitely don’t know this guy. His name is Little Eight. He’s a good boy! ” Tiger pulled another octopus man and said to Reina.
” Xiao Ba? Sure enough, he is a good boy! ” Reina looked at Xiao Ba with a strange smile.
” Hey hey … he’s still a child, don’t scare him! ” Tiger saw Reina and knew that the other party definitely thought of octopus balls, because Tiger knew very well how much Reina liked eating octopus balls .

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