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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
The appearance of the empty island not only completely detonated the war, but even the navy who was watching the battle and some forces that did not want to end before also appeared one after another and rushed towards the direction of the empty island.
” Quick, adjust the direction of the artillery and shoot down that island for me! ”
” Wow quack … Sky Island … it’s mine! Whoever grabs it will be killed! ”
” Boom boom boom …”
Although Marco and others tried their best to stop it, they were simply too busy.
” Get down! ” Marko kicked a non-commissioned officer who was trying to approach the sky island with a moon step, and then glanced at his bleeding left shoulder.
This was just injured by the leader of the Hunter Pirates, Demon Hunter Idar.
At this time, the wound was burning with a strange green flame, so that the flames of his phoenix could not heal the wound.
However, although the other party injured him, he was kicked into the sea by him, and the whole pirate ship was sunk by the shells that flew from nowhere. In Marko’s view, this hunter pirate group is finished. .
Now this film is still being staged is a melee, there is no reason to say it, cut people when they see them.
Pirates, navy, bounty hunters and even some people from underground forces are completely red-eyed.
Marco’s previous pirate ship has long been sunk, and now the members have been scattered, even Marco himself doesn’t know where they went, and there are less than ten people left by his side.
” Damn … these guys are completely crazy! Captain, you go to the empty island and leave first! ” A member of the first combat team shouted to Marko who was at the forefront after cutting down the opponent.
” What nonsense! Hurry up and find other people, and when the sky island drops a little more, I will take you away! ” Marko said without looking back.
“I can’t let the sky island drop anymore. Those artillery pieces are enough to threaten the sky island. If the sky island is also damaged, it’s really bad! ” Another team member also came to Marko and said.
” That’s right, Captain! You go to the empty island first, let them leave, and we will grab a ship. When there is no empty island, the fighting may stop, and we can leave then! ”
In the face of the team members’ proposals, Marko hesitated for a while, and it is indeed unrealistic to rely on the sky island to save them in this situation.
The appearance of the empty island has sucked up all the firepower. If they take advantage of the chaos to grab the ship and leave at this time, maybe it is the best way.
” Okay, I’ll go up and contact the people on the empty island now. You find the rest first, and I’ll come over then, and let’s grab a boat and leave together! ” Marko nodded, then spread his arms, and directly became A pair of wings flew towards the empty island.
” Everyone … how about we rob the Navy’s warships? ” Marco had just left, and the team members who proposed earlier said with a strange smile.
” Hahaha … It’s exactly what I want, we still have an unresolved account with the Navy! ”
” Walk around … while the captain is not around, everyone … die as soon as possible! Hahaha …”
It turned out that they had already made up their minds. As long as Marko left, they would either die directly, or they would really shoot a ship and leave, and would never hold back Marko.
And Marko, who had just taken off, was attacked by most of the other forces. They knew that once Marko landed on the empty island, it was very likely that the empty island would leave, so they were trying their best to prevent Marko from landing on the empty island.
“That group of idiots! ” Marco, who was forced back, immediately found the first team of players heading towards the naval warship, so he had to give up landing on the empty island and instead intercepted the team members, now they are the target of all targets, It is obviously not wise to provoke the Navy at this time.
Just when everyone was fighting for the sky island, suddenly a burst of singing came out.
” Yohehe ~ yohehe ~ hehe ~~~”
” Yohehe ~ yohehe ~ hehe ~~~”
” Bring Binks’ wine ~ to you ~”
” Like the sea breeze, do whatever you want ~ Ride the wind and break the waves ~”
A Binks wine with the solo sound of a violin suddenly sounded on the battlefield, causing those in the frenzied battle to slowly put down their weapons and look around for the source of the sound.
” Quick … Look, what is that …”
At this time, a pirate suddenly discovered that a pirate ship was slowly approaching on the sea in the distance, and the sound seemed to come from there.
” That … that’s …”
” is the vice-captain? ”
” It’s Reina … the vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates … Akahito Reina! ”
As the hard shell slowly approached, most people recognized Rayner.
” That guy … really didn’t die! ” On the warship, Liya held a long sword and looked at Reina who appeared, with a hint of indescribable joy in her heart.
” I knew, you guy won’t die so easily! ” After seeing Reina, Marco also showed a happy smile on his face.
” It’s Reina! That guy … it’s really worrying! ” Dr. Sière on the empty island also found Reina who suddenly broke into the battlefield, and the heart that he was originally holding was slowly released. , it seems that with him there, there is nothing that can’t be done.
” Everyone … the idea of my Whitebeard Pirates … do you think you can fight against us? ” Entering the center of the battlefield, Reina put down the violin in his hand and asked with a smile.
No one answered Reina’s words. The battlefield that was extremely frenetic just now became extremely quiet because of the appearance of one person, which made everyone feel a kind of depression.
” It’s okay … yo … go and take Marco and the others over! ” No one answered Reina’s words, Reina said with a smile.
As his words fell, a huge sea king with a crocodile head appeared on the sea.
Seeing this, Marko immediately jumped onto Yoyo with the members of his first team.
After seeing Yoyo and Marco heading towards the empty island, Reina asked with a smile, ” You have all heard about the magic of the empty island, so you want to capture the empty island? It doesn’t matter, if you want to see … … I can let you guys go up and see! Let’s see what’s the difference between an empty island and an ordinary island …”
As Reina’s words fell, Sky Island seemed to be very cooperative, and had already landed from the sky to the sea.
” How is it? Do you want to go up and take a look? ” Reina asked with a smile as he walked towards the empty island.
Pirates and bounty hunters, as well as those underground forces, are all about to move, only the navy is silent.
” Okay, come up now if you want to come up! As long as you have enough courage … But since everyone from the Whitebeard Pirates dares to attack, you shouldn’t be afraid, right? ” Reina also stepped into the air. After the island, Marco beside him clearly felt Reina relieved.
Those forces that were just about to move, after hearing Reina’s words, were a little hesitant. They were afraid that there was really some powerful mechanism on the empty island, and they would be wiped out after going up.
” Hahaha … That … Vice Captain Reina, if I say this is a misunderstanding … I don’t know if you believe it or not? ” A pirate saw that the atmosphere was a little depressed, so he stood up and said with a smile.
” Oh? Misunderstanding? As long as your explanation is reasonable, I have nothing to disbelieve! ” Reina nodded and said with a smile.
” That … We heard that the empty island of your Whitebeard Pirates was stolen, so I came to see it this time. After all, if the empty island is in someone else’s hands, then it’s nothing if we got it, right? “The pirate leader tightened the weapon in his hand and said reluctantly.
He was afraid that Reina would start a fight if he disagreed. With the opponent’s strength, no one here was afraid that no one could beat Reina.
” In other words … are you kind? ” Reina slowly put away his smile and said softly: ” So now … it has been confirmed that the empty island is in the hands of our Whitebeard Pirates, do you still want to try it? ? ”
Those who peeped at the sky island forces knew that the chances of wanting to seize the sky island from Reina were not high, but they were a little unwilling to let them retreat like this, so the scene became a strange stalemate for a while.
” Hey … Reina, what the hell are you doing? Can’t you just do it with them? ” Marco came to Reina and whispered.
In his opinion, with Reina and himself, it is enough to protect the empty island to retreat, and there is absolutely no need to continue to talk about it with them here.
But Reina stopped him with his eyes.
His own body knew that he had taken a lot of risk when he came out now. If a fight really broke out, it would be bad.
The forces peeping at the empty island slowly gathered together, and they were discussing with their eyes what to do now.
” Why don’t you fight! It’s already reached this point, and the Whitebeard Pirates have already offended them anyway. Do you still expect them to let go of the past? ” A captain said suddenly.
His words seem to have been approved by many captains, but at this time, the navy took the lead and drove the warship directly towards the empty island, which caused many forces who were ready to stop and wait and see. Say it again.
On the entire battlefield, the only one who is not afraid of the Whitebeard Pirates’ revenge is the navy. Anyway, they were originally on the opposite side of the Whitebeard Pirates.
” Red pupil Reina … I didn’t expect you to die under that circumstance! What a fate! ” Major General Gumir stood on the bow, looking at Reina suspiciously, and said.
” Hahaha … Everyone here can leave today … Only your navy … can’t! ” Reina suddenly laughed, staring at all the navies, and said.
As soon as his words came out, the pirates suddenly realized that Reina’s goal was the navy, but the rest of the forces here were quite numerous, and if they really fought, even if they could destroy the navy, there would be certain losses.
So as long as the rest of the forces retreat, then they can deal with the navy with peace of mind.
The many forces that originally planned to attack, after thinking about it, hesitated.
Some people want to take the opportunity to join forces with the navy to hit the Whitebeard Pirates hard, so as to snatch the island, while some people want to leave now. After all, the Whitebeard Pirates are not the target of them. If they really fight later, then It’s really an endless scene.

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