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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Due to the sudden intervention of the navy, things turned bizarrely into a confrontation again.
In the face of Reina’s strength, the navy had no intention of compromising, which made Reina a little depressed, and he couldn’t really do it, otherwise it would be useless here, and it would have been a fight.
” Marko, go meet those navies, and … Doctor, be ready to take off at any time! ” Reina whispered as he looked at the approaching navy.
His words surprised Marco and Dr. Ahsie who were standing beside him. What does this mean? Logically speaking, a mere warship won’t let them escape, right? Is there any big man on the warship?
” My injury isn’t healed yet, so I can’t fight with others! ” Reina said with a wry smile when he saw the surprised look of the two of them.
The two suddenly realized, no wonder Reina just stood here all the time, and didn’t seem to do anything, it turned out that the injury was not healed.
” If that’s the case, then what’s the point of fighting? Hurry up and run! ” Olga, who was standing beside Dr. Sière, pouted.
” Idiot, as long as we show a little bit of fear now, believe it or not, those pirates and bounty hunters will definitely rush over and tear us to pieces! ” Reina rolled his eyes and said.
” Then what do we do now? Looking at the appearance of the navy, it seems that they do not intend to let us go! Those pirates are also a little bit eager to move. Once the things you can’t do are exposed, it will not be the same result by then? ” Olga was dissatisfied. asked.
” That’s why I asked Marco to go over and try to destroy the morale of the navy, so that we can leave justifiably, presumably those pirates wouldn’t dare to stop it! ” Reina explained.
” I understand! A major general of the headquarters, there should be no problem! ” Marko nodded and said.
Seeing this, Dr. Sière also asked Olga to quietly leave the crowd, ready to lift off the island at any time.
After the navy approached, Marko nodded towards Reina, then turned into a phoenix and charged towards the warship.
” Phoenix … Marko! ” Major General Gumir narrowed his eyes, jumped up on the deck, and punched Marko.
Seeing the battle between the navy and the Whitebeard Pirates, the rest of the pirates all began to wait and see, as long as one side lost, it would inevitably become their prey.
” Phoenix Seal! ” Marko knew that this battle was a crucial battle, so he made his move with all his strength.
” Moonstep ! Shave! ” Gumir, as one of Zefa’s disciples, although not as powerful as Sakaski and Aokiji, was definitely not an ordinary major general.
” Even if you can master the sixth form of the navy, you are not my opponent in the air! ” Marko saw that the opponent avoided and turned around with a kick.
” Bang! ” Under the unavoidable circumstances, Major General Gumir had to block Marco’s kick with his arm.
” Puff! ”
Marko kicked Gumir into the sea.
” Bastard! ” Gumir jumped out of the sea and saw Marco who had returned to the sky island, his teeth itch.
Although the battle just now ended quickly, it was simply fooled by Marco. The other party didn’t want to hurt him, but just wanted the scene to look better.
” Sir, are you alright! ” Liya immediately stepped forward and asked when Major General Gumir came back.
” It’s okay! ” Gumir shook his head, pondered for a while, and said, ” No, there is a problem here! ”
” What’s wrong? ” Liya looked at Major General Gumir in confusion, she didn’t understand Gumir’s meaning.
” There is a problem with Marko … He wants to end the fight quickly! ” Gumir said with a flash of light in his eyes.
Although the battle just now was short, it was deliberately done by Marco, otherwise he would have injured himself instead of kicking his arm just now.
But the other party gave up such an opportunity, just to make a quick decision, at least it seems that he has defeated himself on the bright side.
” Of course, right? Only by quickly resolving the battle with us, they can deter those pirates! ” Liya said, looking at the pirates who had already retreated.
The strength that Marco showed just now has already made those pirates aware of the gap, and with Reina still here, with the two of them working together, they don’t have much chance at all.
” But in this case … isn’t it better for Reina to take the shot himself? ” Gumir said in a deep voice.
Although he doesn’t think he is weak, in the face of a ruthless man like Reina, he has to say that his strength is not as good as Reina.
Liya hesitated for a moment and said, ” Sir, according to what I know about Reina, it seems that as long as you don’t provoke him, he usually won’t shoot! ”
” Huh? ” Gumir looked at Liya in surprise. Although there were rumors in the headquarters that Major Liya had fought with Chitong Reina before entering the headquarters, in Gumir’s opinion, these should not be true, and He had never heard Liya speak of it.
” I did play against Reina before I entered the headquarters. At that time, I was already a sergeant in the branch. His strength was already very powerful from the beginning, but neither me nor the soldier who was with me at the time, he did not attack. Heavy hand! ” Liya said a little embarrassedly.
After all, she was still very ashamed to talk about the fact that she was defeated.
” I see … it seems that the rumors are true! ” Gumir smiled slightly and said, ” But do you think he can’t take action under such circumstances? ”
” No, according to my estimation, he should have something to consider, otherwise, let alone we just had a war with their Whitebeard Pirates, those pirates who want to capture the empty island, he will definitely not let go ! ” Liya said, shaking her head.
” That’s right, and Marko is also very anxious to end the battle quickly …” Gumir began to think carefully based on the information he knew.
Just when the navy side was a little unsure about raising the flag, Reina was already planning how to leave.
” Doctor, let me know, take off straight away, and let’s go back to Xuanyue Island! ” Reina immediately said to Dr. Sière when he saw that Marco had dealt with the navy’s major admiral neatly.
” Now? Go directly? ” Dr. Sière asked in confusion.
” Yes, it’s about surprise! ” Reina nodded and said: ” Marco, if anyone dares to come forward, just fuck him! ”
” Okay! ” Marko nodded and replied.
So Dr. Sière immediately informed Olga and asked her to lift off the sky island.
Sure enough, the movement on the empty island immediately caught everyone’s attention, and everyone hesitated for a while when they saw the empty island that seemed to be about to ascend.
” Everyone … I still have something to do today, so I won’t accompany me! The green hills are always there and the green water is always flowing, we will have a future! ” Reina stood on the edge of the empty island and shouted loudly.
” Wait … Could Mr. Reina …”
” Phoenix Seal! ”
Just as a pirate captain was about to say something, Marco, who had transformed into a phoenix, turned on all his firepower, and he stepped down and sank all the people and the ship to the bottom of the sea.
” I said, I still have something to do! If I continue to entangle … die! ” Reina, who was smiling originally, suddenly turned cold and shouted.
For a time, whether it was pirates, bounty hunters or those underground forces, they were all shocked by Reina, and they really didn’t dare to move.
When the sky island was lifted into the air and drifted away into the distance, Liya suddenly widened her eyes and said loudly, ” Damn! We’ve been fooled! ”
” What’s the matter? What do you know? ” Major General Gumir looked at Liya in surprise and asked.
” Major General, we have been fooled! Reina has definitely been seriously injured after the advance city battle, but now he is here, plus the time on the road, his injury is definitely not completely healed, or it is not at all. How much strength, otherwise it will never be like this! ” Li Ya said anxiously.
Gumir was shocked. He felt that what Liya said should be right. Everyone ignored him because of his appearance, and he was seriously injured and dying in the advancing city.
” Okay, I’ll try him! Prepare to pick me up! ” Looking at the empty island still in mid-air, Major General Gumir said through gritted teeth.
” Sir …” Hearing Gumir say this, Liya hesitated again. If her guess is wrong and Reina has fully recovered, then Major General Gumir who shot is likely to face Reina’s seriousness. hit.
” Don’t worry, your guess will not be wrong, and this is also a decision I made! You are excellent! ” Major General Gumir patted Liya on the shoulder and said with a smile.
After speaking, Major General Gumir came directly to the bow of the ship, jumped, and used the moon step to drive towards the empty island.
The action on the side of the navy made the pirates who left the headquarters stopped again and looked at Major General Gumir, wondering what the navy was going to do.
” Akihito Reina! Are your injuries okay? So you only let Marco take action!? In the lower headquarters, Major General Gumir, came here specially to learn! ” Major General Gumir in the air used a moon step to move towards the sky. The island hurried away, shouting loudly.
Marco and the others, who had been relieved because the sky island was successfully lifted off, hung their hearts again.
” I’ll deal with him! ” Marco stepped forward, ready to shoot.
” Wait … I’ll do it! Look at those pirates … they are already suspicious. Once they attack together, the sky island will definitely be sunk by them! ” Reina stopped Marco and said softly.
” But … your injury! ” Marco said worriedly.
” No way, I don’t do it, they won’t believe it! ” Reina shook his head and walked towards the edge of the sky island.
Marco and others quickly followed, ready to rescue Reina at any time.
” Since you’re courting death … then don’t blame me! ” Reina said, pulling out the ice wheel pill from his waist, taking a deep breath.
” Hahaha … Reina, why bother! Your injury shouldn’t be enough for you and me to fight, right? ” Major General Gumir was already approaching the empty island, and at this time, he had no way out.
” Bing Lun Wan … Swallow solution! ”
As Reina unlocked the swastika of the ice wheel pill, a huge ice dragon appeared in the sky, a pair of ice wings also appeared behind Reina, and three huge ice flowers also appeared behind Reina at the same time.
” Kaleidoscope writing wheel … open! ”
Reina’s eyes turned directly into a kaleidoscope in the shape of a blade, and then he stepped forward and rushed directly to Gumir.
Seeing Reina with full firepower, Gumir was shocked, and he suddenly had an ominous premonition.
” Ice Dragon Spinning Tail Juekong ! ” With the ice wheel pill in Reina’s hand waving, a huge ice dragon with wings went straight to Gumir.
” Sure enough! ” Gumir, who was in the air, was just about to dodge, but suddenly he found that Reina’s eyes were actually shedding blood and tears, and the clothes on his chest and arms were also soaked with blood, so he was shocked, as long as he avoided Reina , then he succeeded.
” Time … still! ” A strange red light suddenly erupted from Reina’s right eye, Gumir’s expression froze, and he immediately lost consciousness.

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