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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Although Reina saw that the other party’s state was fake, he did not act rashly.
First, I don’t know if the other party can really change the ability of Whitebeard, and secondly, it is obvious that the other party is pretending to be weak and enticing him to attack.
But Reina is not very worried, because whether it is true or not, the other party can’t really reach the level of Whitebeard, so now he is just a little cautious, not afraid of the other party.
” I didn’t expect you to become my eldest brother … Then let me try … You have the strength of my eldest brother! ” Reina smiled slightly, stepped a little, and rushed towards the other party.
Kadlec knows his own abilities, and his fruit of change can transform himself into what he imagines, but it is only an appearance and cannot possess the ability of the changed person or thing.
So in the face of Reina’s attack, he was a little overwhelmed.
” Boom! ”
Reina’s Hingren Maru was blocked by a long sword. It was Gamenio who opened the writing wheel. He also knew about Cadlec’s ability, so he also knew that Cadlec was not Reina’s opponent at all. .
” Take Sani away, let him block it! ” Gamenio turned his head and said to his companions behind him.
Kadlec nodded and ran towards Sani, who was nailed to the ground by Reina with a dagger, but was stopped by Hansen.
” Sure enough, it’s just an appearance? The changes are quite like that! You guys form a scam pirate group, I’m afraid it will be a big fire! ”
Reina saw that the other party did not dare to fight with him at all, and knew that everything just now was an illusion, and the other party estimated that he could not use the ability of Whitebeard at all.
” Humph! Don’t be too proud! ” Camenio snorted coldly, picked up the long sword in his hand, and attacked Reina directly.
When Reina and the two were fighting fiercely here, Hansen and Kadlec over there were also capable of fighting.
Because both hands were injured, Hansen now has many moves that he can no longer use, but as a former swordsman-level powerhouse, not just anyone can defeat him.
Apart from the four people who are fighting, the only one who is still fighting is the navy who is watching the battle.
They didn’t know what was going on at all and were completely at a loss.
” Chang Cao, what are we going to do now? ” A group of navy members were completely at a loss when they saw the pirates fighting themselves.
” Hoo ~ don’t get close to them, let them fight by themselves, we can just watch from a distance! Maybe there is still a chance to find out! ” Cao Chang took a deep breath and said.
So a few navies retreated again under the leadership of Chang Cao and found a hidden place to hide.
Over there, Carmenio has been completely suppressed by Reina, and Reina, who is holding the ice wheel pill, is not comparable to the ability of the black emperor or the ability of the wheel eye.
What’s more, Reina is more familiar with his abilities than him, and also knows what kind of opponent he is most afraid of encountering, and the ability to control the ice is Hinrenwan, Reina himself does not have that ability at all.
” How … how is it possible? I don’t believe … there is such a big gap! ” GAMENIO charged towards Reina again, and his face was already covered in blood at this time.
” It’s over! ” Reina chuckled lightly, and the ice wheel pill in his hand did not even begin to solve it, and stabbed at Gamenio who was rushing over.
” Pfft …”
Looking at the ice wheel pills pierced into the body, the writing wheel eyes in Gamenio’s eyes slowly faded and became the original appearance.
Over there, seeing that Reina had already decided the outcome, Kadlec immediately separated from Hansen and looked at Reina with a vigilant look. He was ready to escape at any time.
” Then next … it’s you! What kind of person are you going to become to fight me? ” Pulling out the ice wheel pill, and ignoring Gamenio who fell to the ground, Reina chuckled and walked towards Kadlec. asked.
” Phew ! ” Kadlec took a deep breath and jumped backwards. When he was in the air, he turned into a giant dragon.
” Roar! ”
Looking at the realistic giant dragon in front of him, when the other party roared, he could even ask about the sour smell in its mouth.
” Giant … great dragon? ” Although he knew that this was a transformation of Kadlec, Hansen was still a little shocked.
” Go to hell! ” said the dragon, opening his mouth.
After he finished speaking, a huge fireball sprayed directly towards Reina and Hansen from his mouth.
” Hold the grass! ” Hansen was startled and ran away behind him.
But Reina didn’t leave. He lifted the ice wheel pill in his hand and slashed towards the huge fireball with a slash.
” A single blow , frozen for a thousand miles! ”
The slash with the air of ice slashed towards the huge fireball.
” Thorn …”
The expected explosion did not sound, and Reina’s slash was like cutting paper, cutting the opponent’s fireball directly in half, and the fireball that turned into two halves slowly turned into a mist of water and disappeared.
” Qi ~ I’ve been fooled! ” When the surrounding water mist dissipated, Reina found that the fallen Carmenio and Sani, who had been pinned by him before, had disappeared.
When his slash came into contact with the opponent’s fireball, Reina knew that he was fooled. The opponent didn’t really release the fireball, but just used his ability to change it.
Just like when the other party changed into a white beard before, he also changed the appearance of the Zhenzhen Fruit when he concentrated, making him think that the other party really had the ability of the Zhenzhen Fruit.
” Do you want to chase? ” Hansen came to Reina at this time and asked.
” Of course, with two injured guys, they can’t run far! ” Reina nodded, put away the ice wheel pill, and Hansen chased in the direction of the other party’s escape.
The hidden navy saw Reina and the others going in, and then slowly came out of the hiding place.
” This … is this the pirates of the New World? They are all monsters! ” said a navy soldier, slightly terrified.
” Don’t think about this, there are strong men in our navy, even Chitong Reina, who was caught by Lieutenant General Garp and almost imprisoned in the advance city! ” Although Chang Cao was also full of shock, but he Still said firmly.
Thinking of the navy’s own powerhouses, especially when they defeated the Whitebeard Pirates some time ago, these navy soldiers rekindled their fighting spirit.
But at this moment, there was a sudden explosion from the port, and the navies looked towards the port one after another, then looked at each other and their faces changed greatly.
” No, let’s go back! ” Cao Chang obviously thought of something, and ran to the port with the navy soldiers.
At the port at this time, Cadlec, who brought Carmenio and Sani, was planning to take away the naval warship.
It’s not that they didn’t have a boat, but in order to fear Reina’s discovery, they only hid a small boat nearby. At this time, it was obvious that the small boat could not escape Reina’s pursuit, so they thought of taking away the naval warship.
Sani, whose palms of both hands were pierced by Reina, even if he only had his legs, the navy soldiers who were still fighting were losing ground.
” Sani! Don’t fall in love with the fight, go! ” Camenio, who woke up from a coma, said softly when he saw Sani who was still fighting.
” Go? Where to go? Back to the new world? Can you take me for a ride? ” At some point, Reina appeared on the warship and asked softly.
Seeing Reina’s appearance, the three of them turned pale at the same time. Sani, who was cleaning up the navy soldiers just now, was already looking around, trying to escape.
He is the ability of the speed fruit, and has the ability to make his body speed up, such as increasing the speed of his legs, so that he can move very fast, and his kicking skills are more powerful.
So if he was alone, he could even run on the sea for a short time.
However, Reina is also concerned about him, because Gamenio has lost the ability to escape, and after Kadlec is seen through, it is not worth mentioning, only he still maintains a certain combat effectiveness.
” Reina, don’t push people too hard! Let us go now, and when Captain Teach destroys the Whitebeard Pirates, we can also intercede for you! ” Perhaps knowing that his chances of escaping were not high, Sani directly confronted him. Reina said.
” Really? Then you ask these navies if they agree? I plan to catch you and give them to them. I don’t know if you have a bounty. Maybe I can make a fortune! ” Reina chuckled . said.
” Want to catch me? Then try it! ” Sani gritted his teeth and jumped directly into the sea from the side of the boat. He knew that his chances of running from the sea to the next island were not high, but it was better than staying and being killed by Reina. Be strong.
” Run? Then you have to be able to run away! Spiritualism · Yoyo! ” Reina made a mark with both hands and summoned Yoyo directly.
“The two of them are handed over to you, don’t let them run away, especially that guy! ” Reina pointed to Carmenio lying on the ground and said to Hansen behind him.
” Don’t worry, you can’t run! ” Hansen grinned and said with a smile.
So Reina jumped off the boat directly, came to Yoyo’s head, and chased after Sani who was running away.
Not long after, when Renner came back with Sani, who had passed out, Hansen was sitting on a deck chair on the deck of the naval warship, next to Camenio and Kadlec, who were handcuffed by Hailoushi.
” Yo ~ why are you? You didn’t intend to rob this warship, did you? ” Reina jumped on the warship and asked with a smile.
It’s not that Renner was talking nonsense, but the navy soldiers were on the other side of the deck, gathered there from a distance, as if they were gathered by Hansen.
” I don’t have such interest! They just rescued their chief, they were afraid that I would do something to them, so they were guarding me! ” Hansen shrugged and said with a smile.
Reina looked towards the navy, and sure enough, he saw that the navy soldiers were looking at them nervously, and the leader seemed to be the navy officer who stayed before.
” Okay, don’t be nervous, I said, these three guys are given to you! But you can only take their heads … how? ” Reina smiled and said to the naval officer.
” In other words, they must die by our hands, right? ” The naval officer said with a cold face and a little nervousness.
” Just understand, I hope that the two of us will not exist in the report of the Navy. The three of them were killed by you, and it has nothing to do with me … Promise? ” Reina smiled and nodded and said.
Hansen, who was on the side, also reacted, and then he understood why Reina said before that he would give the three to the Navy.
In this case, it should be able to disrupt Blackbeard’s plan.
” Yes! But I will report the matter here to the headquarters truthfully! If you don’t want to, you can kill me now, and then re-select the partner for cooperation! ” The naval officer has no other choice but to promise, because he knows What is the fate of refusing, but the justice in his heart does not allow him to do so, so he has to make concessions.
” No problem, as long as you can guarantee that there will be no me in the report of the Navy! ” Reina nodded, pointed to the huge 41 on the canvas , and said with a smile: ” If we appear in the report , then … I’m going to destroy your branch 41 ! “

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