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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
After watching the Navy decapitate the three members of the Blackbeard Pirates, Rayner and Hansen left in hard shells.
The reason why Reina killed these three people was that in addition to their being Titch’s helpers, there were also three reasons why they acted too viciously.
In order to lure them into being fooled, he actually slaughtered the villagers on the entire island, which made Reina somewhat unacceptable. In addition, if the fruit copying ability really knew how to use his own fruit, it would become a very difficult existence, so Reina chose to kill them.
After leaving the island, Reina took Hansen straight to Xuanyue Island, because he already knew that Tiki was still in the new world and was even planning something, so he had to rush back.
Three days later, Reina looked at the newspaper report that the navy had successfully arrested the murderer of the island, and nodded with satisfaction. The names of him and Hansen did not appear on it at all, but he pointed out the identities of the three guys, Blackbeard. Pirates also appeared in the newspaper for the first time.
Just when Reina rushed back to the new world, Robin, who was wandering alone, was taken to Alabasta by a group of people. These people were very strange. They only used code names to each other, and they seemed to be a huge organization.
At this time, Robin had been living a homeless life for several years, and she was quite exhausted in her heart. If it wasn’t for the mission of finding Reina and O’Hara that had not been completed, she would have been unable to persevere.
Meanwhile, the new world.
” Brother Tai, are we really not going back to Fishman Island? Now everyone admires Big Brother Tai very, very much, and even many compatriots are sitting quietly in front of Dragon Palace, hoping that bastard Nipton will take back the order to expel you! ” Aaron asked Fisher Tiger with admiration on his face .
They have now established the Murloc Pirates, Fisher Tiger is the captain, and there is one of the future Shichibukai on board. Murlocs from the island.
Because of Reina’s relationship, although the world government pays far less attention to Tiger than in the original book, Tiger is still worried that the world government will anger Fishman Island, so he has no idea of restoring relations with Fishman Island.
This also made many residents of Fishman Island puzzled. He was obviously a great hero of the fishman family, but why was he expelled from Fishman Island? Just because you disagree with Neptune’s politics?
Many people even believe that Tiger must have discussed with Neptune before going to Mary Joa. Nepton was timid and disagreed and was afraid of being implicated, so he expelled Tiger from Fishman Island.
So now Neptune’s approval rating on Fishman Island has dropped a lot, reaching a historical freezing point.
The only murlocs who knew about this were Nepton, Otoji and Tiger, and none of them had any intention of explaining it to the outside world. According to Nepton, Tiger had already taken such a big risk for the murloc. , and he only needs to bear the mere infamy, which is quite easy.
Similarly, because of the reasons that Nepton did not explain, many young murlocs left the murloc island one after another, and joined the murloc pirates like Ah Long and Xiao Ba.
” I won’t go back. King Neptune did nothing wrong. I really can’t go back to Fishman Island! Aaron, if you have time, persuade those young people. Fishman Island needs you more than me! ” Tai Greg shook his head and said with a smile.
” I won’t go back! Neptune is a bastard, and Big Brother Tai should be the king! ” Aaron replied with a look of disdain.
Tiger patted Aaron’s head, smiling without taking it seriously, while Jinbei on the side was thoughtful.
He guessed that maybe Tiger didn’t return to Fishman Island, and it wasn’t because of King Neptune.
Because with what he knew about King Neptune, the other party was not a bad person.
” Okay, don’t talk nonsense, there are still a lot of human beings that have not been sent away! Send them all away first, and then start our adventure! ” Tiger stood on the bow and announced loudly.
” Oh ~~” All the crew members responded to Tiger.
This is a new pirate group, and it is the first pirate group composed entirely of murlocs. At this time, they are in high spirits and dream of running wild on the sea in the future.
At the same time, on Xuanyue Island.
” Dad and the others have been out for a long time, why haven’t they come back! It’s really boring to stay at home! ” said Bramanke, the captain of the sixth team, weakly.
” No way, who made us lose the game of chess? ” Bista replied in the same way.
Because of the reconstruction work on Xuanyue Island, Whitebeard has been staying on the island since he came back. A few days ago, Whitebeard, who finally couldn’t stay there, planned to go out to sea, but who stayed was a problem.
In the end, Olga proposed to play Monopoly, and whoever loses will stay.
So a vigorous Monopoly game started again, but this time only the captains participated. As a result, the sixth team captain Bramanke and the fifth team captain Bista both lost the game and took the players to stay at Xuanyue Island.
” Really, this time we even went to the empty island, wouldn’t it be good for us to go together? ” Bramanke glanced at his mouth and said.
” Don’t worry, after Reina comes back and improves the defense system, there will be no need for people to defend here! ” Bista said with a smile.
” Speaking of Reina, I don’t know if he found Titch or not. I really want to go with him! ”
” Hahaha … As long as you don’t stay on the island, you want to go anywhere, right! ”
” Hahaha … that’s for sure! ”
Just when Bista and Brahmanque were bored on the island , there was a banquet on the Moby Dick .
This time, Whitebeard defeated several pirate groups, robbed a lot of treasures, and subdued a powerful pirate group. At this time, they were hosting a banquet to welcome each other.
” Dad, Captain Reina has already explained, you can’t continue drinking like this! ” The maid Genia, wearing a nurse’s costume and leopard-print boots, saw that Whitebeard was actually drinking again, and immediately Step forward to stop the road.
” Gu la la la … That bastard boy, you just listen to him like that? You are my daughter! ” Whitebeard put down the wine gourd in his hand and said a little unhappily.
” Because what Vice-Captain Reina said is right! It’s because you care about Dad that you are asked to drink less! ” Genia patted Whitebeard in dissatisfaction and replied.
” Okay, okay … I see! ” Whitebeard looked at the gold bracelet on his wrist, and a smile appeared in his eyes.
” By the way, Dad, why didn’t I see the Vice-Captain this time? Is it because he stayed at Xuanyue Island? ” The newly joined pirate group leader Karam asked curiously.
” Reina has something to do, and he is not in the new world now! When he comes back, he will introduce you to each other! ” Marco on the side said with a smile.
” By the way, Captain Marko, do you know? Didn’t a swordsman named Hawkeye challenge Captain Bista before? He has recently found the red-haired pirates who are in the limelight. Shanks, the leader of the Hair Pirates, is comparable in size! ” Karam said with a smile.
” Oh? Shanks’ strength is not weak! But that swordsman is indeed powerful. Bista said that if light is used in terms of swordsmanship, he may already be regarded as the top swordsman! ” Marco heard the words, nodded back.
” Hmm … ? Is that the swordsman who defeated Bista last time? How could he be on a par with the red-haired brat? It seems that a new batch of powerhouses will come out ! ” Said thoughtfully.
On the other side, Reina, who rushed back to the New World with Hansen, finally arrived at the Chambord Islands again.
After chatting with the three Hancock sisters for a while, Reina got up and said goodbye. Now he is more worried about the conspiracy on Titch’s side, so he wants to return to Xuanyue Island as soon as possible.
” Hancock, Yo Yo I’ll leave it for you, here’s the whistle … just whistle when you need it, and I’ll keep Yoo around here! When you meet Amazon Lily , follow the plan Do it! ” Reina said, handing Hancock a characteristic whistle before leaving.
” Yes, I see! Thank you, Uncle Rayner! ” Hancock stuck his tongue out mischievously and said.
” Then Mr. Reilly, the three of them will leave you alone! ” Reina said after saluting Reilly again.
Reilly nodded and replied, ” Say hello to Newgate for me! ”
Reina smiled and waved with Hansen to say goodbye to Reilly and others.
After returning to the new world, Reina and Hansen went straight to Xuanyue Island. Now they don’t know what Tickey’s plan is, so they must be fully prepared.
” Tiki, your plan on your side has been destroyed by the navy, and your crew has also been arrested by the navy. Is it necessary for us to continue now? ” Katakuri said expressionlessly on Cake Island. Titch asked.
They have been waiting for the news over there, as long as they receive the news of Reina’s death, they will immediately attack the Whitebeard Pirates.
Because of Tickey’s understanding of Whitebeard, as long as Reina’s death spreads to the Whitebeard Pirates, they must send their captain to investigate, and even Whitebeard is very likely to go there in person.
At that time, they will be ambushing and blocking halfway, and they will definitely be able to deal heavy damage to the Whitebeard Pirates.
But after waiting for so long, the news of Reina’s death was not received, and the news that his crew was arrested by the Navy came.
” Hmph ~ I knew that your subordinates were so useless, so I used our people! ” Charlotte Mondor, the secretary on the side, said with a look of disdain: ” It’s a waste of our time! ”
” With their strength, it is impossible for them to be destroyed by the mere naval branch. I will visit in person to find out the reason. As for this alliance, let’s do it here! ” Tich said with a gloomy face.
Titch didn’t believe that his subordinates would be arrested by the navy at all, but there was no evidence now, so he knew that it would be useless to say more.
He even had some doubts that his subordinates had already met with Reina, and it was likely that Reina was defeated and then put the matter on the head of the Navy.
” Huh! Whatever you want, we didn’t lose anything this time anyway! ” The officials of the BIGMOM Pirates were obviously a little disdainful of the fact that the plan was forced to end before it even started . I just don’t look down on Tiki, who is like a lost dog.
” Qi ~ what, how dare you call yourself Blackbeard? Save him like this and dare to be compared with Whitebeard? ” Kelica said disdainfully, looking at Titch who was leaving.
Although as an opponent, the strength of Whitebeard is recognized by the world, and it is not comparable to Tic at all.
” Don’t underestimate him, his strength … is very strong! ” Katakuri said to his arrogant younger brother.

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