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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” That’s right, that’s it, your talent is so much stronger than mine! ” Reina sighed, looking at Robin in front of him.
The two were on the boat without incident, so Rayner started teaching Robin something.
At the beginning, he just taught Robin some fighting methods, and told Robin about some joint support ideas, and Robin is also a member of the future protagonist group. He learns very fast, and can even draw inferences from one case. Many Reina did not mention it. Robin can quickly grasp the things that are received or explained.
While learning combat skills, Reina also began to develop some life skills for Robin.
But whether it’s music, painting, sailing, or even playing games, Robin has shown super talent.
” Hehehe … it’s still my father who is amazing. Without my father’s teaching, I wouldn’t be able to learn this! ” Robin covered his mouth and said with a smile.
” Don’t look at these may be useless, but sometimes sailing on the sea can save your life. If you learn one more skill, you can have one more ability to protect yourself in times of danger! ” Reina said with a smile. .
” Yeah! I know, I have been exposed to these since I was a child, and my father was very clear when he taught, so I learned so quickly! ” Robin shook his head and said slightly modestly.
Reina was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that Robin in childhood was different from other children. When others were playing, she had already started running around for her own life.
” Sorry …”
” Why is my father apologizing? Is it your fault, and I’m fine now! ” Robin said with a smile, pulling the sea breeze’s messy hair back behind his ears.
” It will be better in the future! ” Reina nodded and said.
In this way, the two of them moved towards the windless zone, while Reina taught Robin various skills and knowledge.
” How? Have you made up your mind? Do you want to go back to the Whitebeard Pirates with me, or to Alabasta? ” On this day, the two finally arrived in the windless belt, and it was time for Robin to make a choice.
” What does my father want me to choose? ” Robin asked after pondering for a while.
” This matter should be chosen by yourself, not by me! From my personal emotional point of view, I hope you can return to the Whitebeard Pirates with me! But … I know very well . You know, your future is no longer the Whitebeard Pirates, so if it’s for your own good, you should go to Alabasta! ” Reina replied seriously after thinking about it.
Robin was silent for a while, but still couldn’t make a choice. She knew very well that Reina wanted her to go to Alabasta. Reina knew that she would not die in the destruction of O’Hara. He chose to find her, not only because he didn’t know that he was his daughter, but also because he knew his future.
” Then I choose to go to Alabasta! ” Just when Reina couldn’t help but want to ask Robin to return to the Whitebeard Pirates with him, Robin finally said.
” Why? ” Although Reina wanted Robin to go to Alabasta, but when Robin made such a decision, he was full of reluctance.
” Because … that’s what my father wanted! ” Robin replied with a smile.
” No! ” Reina shook his head suddenly and said seriously: ” This is not what I hope, what I hope is your own choice! ”
” Father …” Robin was stunned for a moment. After she understood Reina’s words, she suddenly felt a warmth in her heart. It was the warmth of feeling love and being taken care of.
” Although it’s good for you to go to Alabasta! But I believe … it’s not bad to follow me back to the Whitebeard Pirates! ” Reina said confidently.
Robin took a deep breath, nodded, and said, ” I want to go to Alabasta, I want to see what those guys are like, if they don’t satisfy me, I’ll notify my father to pick me up. go back! ”
Reina was stunned, he didn’t expect Robin to say this.
That’s right, the current Robin is no longer the same as the Robin in the original book. He is no longer the lonely Robin in the original book, who even planned to give up his life.
Now he has a father who loves her, is backed by the pirate group known as the world’s number one, and has Whitebeard as his godfather. Now she is not Nico Robin who has no background in the original book. She is now My name is Benelli D. Robin.
” Okay! Then you should go and play! This is my life card, you can take it, and you can also take this one. It is a special phone bug researched by the doctor. When you are in danger, take this phone bug. Come out and crush it, as long as the phone bug here dies, I will immediately know that you are in danger and will come as quickly as possible! ”
Reina gave Robin his life card first, then gave it a mini phone bug, and instructed.
” Well, I get it! ” Robin nodded, and after unraveling the confusion in her heart, she felt that she was full of energy again.
After deciding on the next itinerary, the two changed their direction and headed towards the Upside-Down Mountain.
If there is no wind, it is best not to go if you can. Even if they ride in a hard shell, if they encounter some ferocious sea kings, they will still be in danger.
When the two passed the Upside Down Mountain, they arrived at the lighthouse of the Twin Gorges.
” Hey ~~~ Krokas ~~ are you there! ” Reina shouted loudly towards the lighthouse while standing in the hard-shelled front yard.
” Huh? Is there anyone my father knows here? ” Robin asked curiously.
In her opinion, her father has been active in the new world for a long time, so he should not know the people here.
” Ah ~ that guy! The old rival from the past, he was the ship doctor on Roger’s ship. After the disbandment of the Roger Pirates, he has been here forever! ” Reina explained with a smile.
” One Piece’s crew? ” Robin was surprised, but he didn’t expect that there would be such a legendary figure at the entrance of the great route.
” Just a laid-back old man now! ”
” Hmph, it’s not a good thing to speak ill of people behind their backs! ”
Just as Reina’s words fell, an old man walked out of the hut on the edge of the strait, looked at the two with sharp eyes, and said.
” Hahaha … Kurokas, aren’t you a laid-back old man now? ” Reina ignored the other party’s eyes and said with a big laugh.
On the other hand, Robin, who knew the identity of the other party, and the eyes of the other party, suddenly felt that he was a big man.
But then the old man’s performance immediately disappointed her.
” What ~ it’s Reina! Why do you have time to come to me? ” When Krokas saw it was Reina, he immediately removed his disguise and said with a big laugh.
Just when Reina and Robin found Kurokas to reminisce about the old days, at the Marine Headquarters Marine Fando, in the office of the Warring States Marshal.
” Has the matter been confirmed? ” Warring States asked in a deep voice.
” Yes, it has been confirmed that the girl beside Reina is the survivor of O’Hara, the son of the devil with a bounty of 79 million Berry, Nico Robin! ” A non-commissioned officer saluted and replied.
” Nicole …” Sengoku fell into deep thought when he heard Robin’s name. After a while, he said to Aokiji who was covered in bandages: ” It seems that Reina recently found this Nicole Robin , That’s why I took action against you, as a revenge for our destruction of O’Hara, but who is this Nicole Robin , and what does she have to do with Nicole Olvia ? ”
Aokiji, who was sitting there, had a wry smile on his face, which explained why Reina stared at him and beat him, but why he was merciful in the end!
After the incident, he thought about it carefully. In the end, Reina’s move should be more ruthless. Although it was related to the timely rescue of the yellow monkey, even without the yellow monkey, he should not die there. It seems that this is the favor that I let go of Nicole Robin back then!
” Olvia … This matter was handled by the World Government back then. If you want to know the answer, it seems that you can only go to them! But don’t hold out too much hope, after all … O’Hara has been destroyed . Ah! ” Garp said in a rare and serious manner.
But even with that said, Garp and Sengoku have no hope. Maybe this Nicole Robin is just a child of Olvia’s relatives, so it may be impossible to find out her identity. .
As for the fact that Robin is Olvia’s child, neither of them thought about it in any direction. If it is the child of Reina and Olvia, then it should not be called Nicole.
” Forget it, let’s find someone to ask! ” After thinking about it, Warring States nodded and said.
” Marshal, since we know that Nicole Robin is now protected by Reina, are we …” Aokiji asked.
” No, although that Nicole Robin is very dangerous, and now has the protection of Reina and the Whitebeard Pirates, but … because it is the Whitebeard Pirates, so there is no need to be so nervous, they are not so nervous about that No interest! ” Warring States shook his head and said.
” But …”
” Wow hahaha … Don’t worry, if that guy in Newgate is interested in this matter, it’s really hard to say who became the Pirate King back then! ”
Aokiji wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Garp who was laughing.
Aokiji nodded when he heard the words, but he thought it started when he let Robin go, so it was necessary for him to keep an eye on Nicole Robin , but now it’s clear that Nicole Robin has surpassed him monitoring range.
” Now that you know the purpose of the Whitebeard Pirates’ attack on you, then you don’t have to worry, you can withdraw the troops of the Chambord Islands, they don’t have any ideas about the Chambord Islands! Karp, during this period of time, white The Beard Pirates will give it to you! ” Warring States handed the document on the table to the goat beside him and said.
Garp nodded, expressing his understanding. Now in the navy, only Garp can wrestle with Whitebeard.

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