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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Kulokas, this is my daughter, Robin, Benelli D. Robin! ” Reina happily introduced Robin to his old friend.
” Benery D ? Is that your name? Are you actually a member of the D family? ” Kurokas was surprised when he heard Reina’s words, and asked.
” Ah ~ I forgot, you guys have followed Roger to the island of the end, and you know what D means! Forget it, I’m not a member of the D family, just this name! ” Reina said with a headache. .
” Hahaha … you guy … if you’re not a member of the D family, why didn’t you reveal your full name all these years? It’s also to prevent those guys from the world government? ” Kurokas heard Reina If so, he immediately laughed.
“D ? Father, what does the family of D mean? ” Robin heard the news about D again and asked immediately.
” This … you need to find out for yourself! Before you have the ability to protect yourself, don’t reveal your name easily. Of course, it doesn’t matter if someone knows about it! ” Reina smiled and said.
” I see! ” said Robin, nodding.
” What are you doing here? I heard that your Whitebeard Pirates did a big thing in the Chambord Islands some time ago? ” Kurokas asked Reina with a smile, lying on his reclining chair.
” Ah ~ I just solved a little personal grievance! Now that the child is old and wants to go out on his own, my old father is worried. Didn’t he send her here in person? ” Reina said half jokingly, half seriously.
” Oh? Are you so relieved? In the sea now, there are all kinds of monsters, ghosts, snakes and gods! If something goes wrong, the world will be lively! ” Kurokas was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile.
” It doesn’t matter … If someone really dares to attack my daughter, I don’t mind turning the world upside down! ” Reina laughed and replied.
” Ah ~ people like you! It’s really scary, I can only pray that no one really has such courage! Otherwise … the world will be in turmoil! ” Kurokas slowly Putting away his smile, he sighed.
He knows how powerful the Whitebeard Pirates really are, and he also knows that they have never shown their full strength to the world at all. They are people of the same era, so he knows very well how powerful the Whitebeard Pirates are.
Just like Reina, others don’t know it, but basically everyone in the Roger Pirates knows that Reina has the ability to see the future. This ability really can’t be thought about, because as long as you think about it, it is simply terrifying.
” Fuck! Don’t be so righteous. If it wasn’t for Roger, would there be the era of the great pirates? What are you planning, I know very well! ” Reina rolled his eyes and said disdainfully.
” Hahaha … So what? Although Captain Roger used his death to open the era of the great pirates, don’t forget, you also played a role in it! ” Kurokas said with a big laugh.
” Qi ~ If it wasn’t easy to see Roger, do you think I would help him? Look … what is my reputation now? It’s a good thing that I didn’t seek compensation from you, but you dare to say me! ” Reina pouted and said.
” Eh ~ ? Compensation? How do you plan to ask us to compensate? This matter … I think you’d better go to Captain Roger and discuss it with him. After all … the play was played by you and him, and it has nothing to do with us! ” Kurokas immediately waved his hand and said.
” Pfft, hahaha … You’re a man, you’re quick to throw the blame! It’s not bad that you’re a member of the Roger Pirates, everyone is exactly the same! When I talked to Rayleigh about this, he was also the same. The deputy refuses to admit it! I am afraid that I will use this as an excuse to pull him on board. ” Reina said with a big laugh.
” Reilly? I really miss it! ” Kurokas seemed to recall the happy time when his friends were on the adventure together, with a slight smile on his face.
” Okay, I didn’t come to listen to your memory of the past! ” Reina interrupted Kurokas’s memory ruthlessly and said with a smile.
” Then what are you here for? Show off? ” Kurokas glanced at Robin and asked with a smile.
” That’s a must ~ Besides, as an elder, don’t you have any gifts to give? ” Reina asked, raising his eyebrows.
” You bastard … I’m just a poor doctor. I have nothing of value, as everyone knows … Captain Roger put all his treasures there, I have nothing of value! ” Kurokas shook his head, slightly said helplessly.
Originally, Robin listened to Reina and Chlokas talking about the past with relish, but unexpectedly, the topic suddenly came to her.
” No, no … Father … Isn’t it bad to ask someone for a gift like this? ” Robin said shyly.
” Humph! Don’t give it? Kurokas, don’t forget, I’m a pirate. If you don’t give it to me, you’ll grab it yourself! Don’t think I don’t know, you researched an antidote that claims to be able to detoxify all toxins. Although it can’t be used, but Robin is walking alone, maybe he can use it anytime, so … if you know the shape, hand it over quickly, don’t let me do it! ”
Reina said aggressively as if I was a vicious big pirate.
” Hahaha … I said why you are so kind and suddenly come to see me! It turned out to be eyeing that thing! Alright … I’ll give it to you if you want, I didn’t take it out before, and I thought it was right. You’re useless, it’s not suitable for Robin’s meeting gift, since you like it, I’ll go get it! ” Knowing Reina’s purpose, Kurokas laughed and walked into the room.
” Father …” Robin looked at Reina with some embarrassment, how could someone ask someone for something like this? Grab it if you don’t give it … So Robin is a little embarrassed.
If this thing belongs to an outsider, then if you rob it, you will rob it. Just like what Reina said, he is a pirate!
Do pirates need a reason for robbery?
But Kurokas and Reyna were obviously old friends, and it was a bit ugly to do so.
After a while, Kurokas came out with a small bottle and said to Robin: ” This is something I made by myself. Although it is not a good thing, it has miraculous effects on some toxins in this world. There is basically no problem with general snake venom, except for those special poisons, which can be used to detoxify after poisoning! ”
Although Kurokas said that it was not a good thing, Robin could see that he was very satisfied with his work.
” This … Father …” Robin looked at Reina hesitantly, but before she could finish speaking, Reina grabbed it and put it into Robin’s pocket.
” Okay, I’ve got the things, I won’t talk to you anymore, let’s go! Old friend … don’t die too soon! I’ll drink with you next time when I have time! ” After getting what he wanted, Reina brought With Robin ready to say goodbye.
” Hmph! Don’t worry, I will definitely outlive you! ” Kurokas looked disdainful, but the smile in the corner of his eyes betrayed him. It is indeed a very rare thing to see an old friend at this time. matter.
” By the way, I’ll tell you a piece of good news for free, that brat Shanks seems to be doing pretty well in the new world recently! If you can’t get along here, you can go to him! ” Before climbing on the hard-shelled back, Reina shouted towards Kurokas.
” Really? It’s really pleasant news! ” Kurokas waved his hand and replied to Reina.
After Reina and Robin left, Kurokas said softly: ” I hope that guy won’t mess around! You who can see the future … why did you make such a choice? ”
He was very puzzled about the fact that Reina let Robin go out to sea alone. Judging from the contact just now, Reina should be very concerned about this daughter, otherwise he would not come to him with the idea of potion, don’t look at Reina said He was so vicious, if he insisted on saying no, Reina would leave without saying a word, instead of really robbing him as he said.
But the more Reina valued Robin, the more puzzled Kurokas became. Wouldn’t it be better to keep his daughter by his side? Why let her come to the first half of the Great Route? You must know that even the Whitebeard Pirates are out of reach here, and if something were to happen, Reina would never be able to rescue him.
On the other side, on the back of the hard shell, Reina asked Robin to keep the potion well, because it was a precious gift from the branch.
” Since it is very precious, why is my father …” Robin asked in confusion.
Originally, she thought that her father really disliked the potion, so she said that to Kurokas, but now it seems that it is not the case at all.
” Who do you think Crocodile is? He was a guy who won the title of supernova when he was a rookie, and even went to the new world to challenge the big brother! Although he failed miserably, not everyone has the strength to challenge the big brother. ! ” Reina shook his head and said:
” And as far as I know, in addition to the fruit ability, that guy is best at using poison, so you can take this for self-defense! ”
” Father …” Robin finally knew why Reina had to get the potion. It turned out to be for his own safety.
” With my life paper, plus the emergency phone bug, you can use it when you are facing dangers that are not very urgent, and in order to deal with sudden dangers, antidote is a means of coping, other than that … big brother The ring for you also has this effect!
If you encounter a very urgent life and death situation, take out the ring and tell the other party, let it go, you can use the ring to come to the Whitebeard Pirates to find me to fulfill a request! ” Reina said seriously.
” This …” Robin was taken aback, he didn’t expect Reina to make such a decision.
” Okay, these are all means to ensure that you won’t die, but they can’t be said to be foolproof, so you should be more careful yourself, you know!? ” Reina touched Robin’s head and said with a smile.

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