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” Dad, what is the Qiwuhai under the king is really established! ” Marko looked at the newspapers full of introductions about the Qiwuhai under the king, and said to Whitebeard lazily: ” But these people … Really Can you compete with us? ”
” Don’t underestimate them! That Hawkeye has the strength not to lose to the redhead! ” Bista said.
” Hey … they are all pirates. Even if they are recruited by the World Government, they can’t change what is in their bones. Want them to fight us with all their strength? The World Government is too simple! ” Reina smiled and shook Shaking his head, he said.
” Didn’t you already do it? There’s no need to pay attention to this kind of news, right? ” Marcora on the side shrugged and said.
” No, although we know that the Qiwuhai is not a threat to us, but others don’t know! Our Whitebeard Pirates may have been silent for too long, and the world has forgotten how terrible we are! Big brother … Interested in finding the navy to play “Huh ? ” Reina said with a weird smile.
” Gu la la la … What do you want to do, kid ?” Whitebeard asked with a slanted glance at Reina, and asked with a smile.
” I plan to … take this place down! ” Reina said, pointing to an island marked with seagulls on the chart.
” Oh? Division G ? This is one of the few divisions of the Navy in the New World! Do you want to take it directly? ” Whitebeard asked slightly surprised.
He didn’t expect Reina’s appetite to be so great. Now the navy’s territory in the New World is not much, and the remaining several branches have basically invested a large amount of troops to guard them. Take the G10 branch as an example. , the defense here is far more powerful than the rest of the division.
Other branches are generally guarded by a major general or a lieutenant general, but the G10 branch is different. The chief officer there is the lieutenant general of the naval headquarters, and the adjutant is the major general of the headquarters. In one branch, two generals exist at the same time. , this is also a scale that is only available in several bases in the New World.
In addition to the generals, the G10 branch has more than 3,000 permanent troops. If it is not high-level combat power, it is stronger than the troops of their Whitebeard Pirates.
That’s why Whitebeard was so surprised after Rayner proposed to attack G10 .
” Since it’s a warning from a world government, then we should destroy Gu Laxiu and kill them! It’s also time to show our power to the world! ” Reina nodded and said.
Reina’s words made the captains a little impatient. The sea has indeed become much calmer than before.
At least in the early years, there were pirates who came to challenge Whitebeard, but now … let alone those who challenged Whitebeard, even the slightly better pirates couldn’t see it.
” Gu la la la la … If that’s the case, then let’s do it! ” Whitebeard nodded and said.
So with Whitebeard’s approval, all the pirates under Whitebeard’s command received the news to gather at Xuanyue Island.
” Oh? Is it Dad’s assembly order? Is there any big move? Don’t care, Navigator … Divert me and go to Xuanyue Island immediately. ”
” Wuhahaha … It seems that the world government established the Qiwuhai that made my father a little unhappy! He also said that it was specially established to contain our Whitebeard Pirates! Then let them see, The Whitebeard Pirates … how powerful are they! ”
After receiving the summoning order, the captains of the pirates under the Whitebeard Pirates began to move towards Xuanyue Island.
The actions of the Whitebeard Pirates naturally attracted the attention of the navy and some other major forces.
“ma~~mama~~ What does Newgate want to do? It won’t be pretending to be with the navy, and playing tricks behind the scenes, right? That guy is not a fuel-efficient lamp! ” On Cake Island, the captain of the BIGMOM Pirates, Xia Lot Lingling asked suspiciously .
” At present, the true purpose of the Whitebeard Pirates has not been found out, but it has been confirmed that the pirates under his command are gathering on Xuanyue Island. ” Secretary Mondorhui reported.
Charlotte Lingling was silent for a while, then opened her mouth and said: “The order goes on, all the islands are put on alert, and everything is prepared according to the war period before we find out what they are really doing! ”
In the face of the changing Whitebeard Pirates, even the BIGMOM Pirates had to work hard. If they were successfully attacked by the opponent, the consequences would be disastrous.
And the one who made the same choice as Charlotte Lingling was Kaido of the Beast Pirates. After he killed Kozuki Oden, he knew that there was already an irreconcilable conflict with the Whitebeard Pirates. .
Unlike them, it is the red-haired pirates. Although they are also gathering, they are waiting for news from Reina. Because of Reina’s request before, Shanks thought that after he got his answer, the Whitebeard Pirates would become a member of the Whitebeard Pirates. Only then did this action take place.
Although he didn’t know what the other party was going to do, he was ready to join the war at any time.
On the other side of the Navy, because of the movement of the New World Pirates, they also became nervous. In addition to giving orders to the newly appointed Wang Xia Qiwuhai, they also began to dispatch troops to advance and prepare for defense.
” Warring States, what is Whitebeard going to do? Are all the pirates in the New World united? ” Garp asked with a surprised look.
He just came back from the East China Sea, there is no way, except for such a big thing, his vacation was forced to end early.
” It’s not clear yet. Originally, only the Whitebeard Pirates were gathering, but slowly all the pirates in the new world began to gather. This situation … is really confusing! ” Sengoku is also a pair of Confused, he replied.
” Is there any news coming back? Isn’t there any information coming back from the warships monitoring the major pirate groups over there? ” Ah He, who was sitting beside him, also frowned and asked.
” No! ” Warring States shook his head and said: ” If they really do something, they will definitely start the surveillance warships immediately. I don’t think those warships can really hide from those guys! ”
” What do I do now? Can’t just wait passively like this? ” Karp asked, sitting on the sofa.
” Report to the marshal, new information has been sent back! ” Just as the Warring States side spoke, a non-commissioned officer came in and saluted.
” Bring it to me! ” said the Warring States spirit, shocked.
” Yes! ” The sergeant immediately handed a document to the Warring States.
After Sengoku looked at it carefully, he handed it to Ah He, who was beside him.
” What news? ” Karp asked directly.
” It was passed from the Beasts Pirates and the BIGMOM Pirates! The intelligence personnel hid, so they were not found by the other party! ” Sengoku shook his head, frowned and said: ” It’s a bit strange to have two pirates, They all took a defensive posture, as if … the Whitebeard Pirates were targeting them! ”
” You said … do they also know the purpose of the action of the Whitebeard Pirates? So they were afraid that Whitebeard would attack them, so they made this defensive form! Together, even Whitebeard can’t do it! ” Ah He said after thinking about it.
” It’s very possible! But the main thing now is the purpose of the Whitebeard Pirates! At least Kaido and Charlotte Lingling can be ruled out now ! ” Sengoku nodded and replied.
” What do I do now? Do I need to send someone over there? ” Garp asked, looking sideways at Sengoku.
“You must figure out their purpose, otherwise … it ‘s too disturbing! ” Warring States nodded and replied.
Just when the major forces were in turmoil because of Whitebeard’s movement, the Whitebeard Pirates’ station at this time – Xuanyue Island.
” Hahahaha … you guy, it’s been a long time since you went out to stop the captain and didn’t come back to see! Hurry up, Dad, Reina, and the captains are all in the banquet square, go! ”
” Look, another pirate ship is here! It’s been a long time since our Xuanyue Island was so lively! ”
At the port of Xuanyue Island, Hansen is leading the members of the escort team to do the welcome work. Pirate ships are approaching Xuanyue Island, and countless pirates are gathering on Xuanyue Island.
At the same time, the huge banquet square on Xuanyue Island was already overcrowded.
Beside Whitebeard, in addition to Reina and the captains, all the leaders and cadres of various pirate groups are here.
“The vice-captain’s plan this time is really good. Just by letting us gather, the whole world has already begun to get nervous! You said that we will have a banquet here and then disband, will they scold the mother? ”
” Pfft hahaha … You’re so bad, but I like it! By the way, we Whitebeard Pirates, do we have a time every year to get together? ”
” You really think about it! Do you know how much the banquet will cost? You are the leader of the pirate group yourself, and you still want to play wool? Have you thought too much? ” Reina No. 1 There is no way to object, the huge gathering of thousands of people consumes a huge amount of food and drinks!
” Hahaha …” Hearing Reina’s words, the leaders of the pirate group couldn’t help laughing.
The captain of the pirate team proposed earlier stood up and said to Reina: “The deputy captain is still like this! I miss it so much! I was taught a lot by you for stealing food! Don’t worry, I came here in a hurry this time, wait until later. When we come over, we bring our own food and drinks, what do you think? ”
” That’s right, Dad, Reina! I also think this proposal is a good idea! At least once a year, the relationship between the people in the province has faded! Moreover, the development of our Whitebeard Pirates is too fast, and many new We don’t know the pirate group we joined, and we can recognize people at this time! ” The Ice Witch Whitebee also got up and said in agreement.
She was the one who followed Whitebeard in the early days, but because of Whitebeard’s rules, women were not allowed to enter the battle team, so she simply went out to sea by herself, and now she is the head of a pirate group.
Aiboita also nodded and said: ” Yes, Dad, I agree with this proposal! But you can add one, you don’t have to participate, you can come here when you have time, if you don’t have time, or you are far from Xuanyuan Tsukishima is too far away, so you don’t have to come here! ”
He was also a member of the Whitebeard Pirates in the early days, and later established his own pirate group, which is currently regarded as a little-known pirate group in the New World.
” Gu la la la la …” Baibeard listened to everyone’s discussion and couldn’t help laughing happily: ” Okay! You decide this matter, you can come or not! ”
” Oh ~~ That ‘s the decision! From now on, on this day every year, everyone gathers to Xuanyue Island when they have time. It’s a gathering day for our big family! ”
” Hahaha … that’s great! I like the atmosphere like this! ”
With Whitebeard’s approval, the captains of these pirates couldn’t help laughing.

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