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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Deputy Captain, everyone is almost here now … Can we talk about our purpose this time? ” On the second day after the banquet, in the conference room, except for the cadres of the Whitebeard Pirates, everyone The leaders and officers of the pirate group attended the meeting.
” Don’t worry! ” Reina shook his head and said with a smile: ” Now whether it’s the navy or any other force, everyone is waiting to see our actions, so our purpose can’t be hidden from them! But … I have no plans to act publicly! ”
” Then what are you going to do? Now the eyes of the whole world are on us, and when we were having a banquet yesterday, there were at least five naval surveillance ships around! ” Markola asked with raised eyes.
” Sky Island! ” Reina said with a slight smile.
” Empty island? ” Hansen was stunned, frowned and said: ” But the empty island can’t accommodate so many people, and the empty island has been exposed, no matter who it is, it will definitely be on guard! ”
Reina rolled his eyes and said, ” I mean to send Sky Island out and find out those surveillance ships! ”
Hansen smiled awkwardly and closed his mouth.
” Okay, now it’s up to the captain to announce the purpose of this time … and the battle plan! ” Reina nodded to Whitebeard when he saw that no one was talking.
” Okay, this time our purpose is here. As for the plan … it’s also very simple … It’s just to make the pieces whole! Reina , please explain to everyone! ” On the nautical chart of , a position marked with a fork, said.
” Where is … Naval Division G10 ? ”
” Are you finally going to take action against the Navy? ”
” But I don’t have so many people, how can I pass by without knowing it? ”
Seeing the location pointed to by Whitebeard, everyone couldn’t help but talk about it.
As the number one force in the sea, the navy is not in vain. So far, at least no pirate group will blatantly attack the navy.
Including the Whitebeard Pirates, when they see the navy, they are far away from it, and it is better to do less than one thing! Unless it is really a last resort, it is rare to take the initiative to take action against the Navy.
” Okay, everyone be quiet! First of all … the purpose of our operation … is to give a response to the Navy! Tell them that relying on the so-called Qiwuhai … can’t affect us! ” Reina took a photo He clapped his hands and said, ” In addition to this purpose … another reason for attacking the G10 branch … is because their commander … Lieutenant General Steger of the G10 branch is secretly helping the Tianlong people to capture slaves! ”
” What? How dare those bastard navies act as human traffickers in private? ”
“I didn’t expect that the current navy has become like this! But … Deputy Captain, do you have any evidence? ”
Hearing Reina’s words, many captains got up one after another with angry expressions on their faces.
Although they are pirates, and although they burn, kill, and loot, they have always followed the rules set by Whitebeard, that is, they must not attack civilians.
And human trafficking is a practice that the Whitebeard Pirates expressly prohibit.
Most of the people who can join the Whitebeard Pirates are orphans. They have no family, so they treat their companions as family.
” Do you think I’ll talk nonsense about this kind of thing? Can’t my words become evidence? ” Reina frowned slightly and asked the captain who asked the question.
” No, deputy captain, don’t get me wrong, what I mean is … after we capture the G10 branch, we can disclose the evidence to the world, so that our reasons will be more sufficient, and it will also give the navy a greater blow! ” The captain who asked the question stood up immediately and explained.
Reina nodded and said, ” When we stayed in that sea area before, when Sage went out to purchase, he found that many nearby islands had news of missing children. Later, after his investigation, he found that the traffickers were actually Under the cover of the navy, he is committing crimes, so he has been unable to arrest those guys who set children up! ”
” What? Attacking the child! What a bloody bastard! ”
” Deputy captain, tell me, when you want to do it, let’s just kill it! I don’t believe it, a mere naval branch can resist the attack of our Whitebeard Pirates! ”
Hearing Reina’s words, and Saatchi’s confirmation, everyone became angry.
” Don’t worry, this time we gather together, the eyes of the whole world are on us, if we just rush past, the navy must be prepared, and will send a large number of reinforcements, let’s not say whether we can finally The question of victory, even if you win, the price to pay is too great and not worth it! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” You are all ready, be quiet, and listen to Reina’s battle plan! ” Whitebeard also spoke at this time.
” First of all … From tomorrow, you will leave from Xuanyue Island, return to where you should have been, and then cover up, secretly move towards the direction of the G10 branch, but don’t rush over there. !
Look at the map, a few of you go here, a few of you go here, and a few of you go here! When the time arrives, set up an ambush on the spot! If any reinforcements from the navy pass by, come out and kill them for me! ” Reina pointed to the hanging chart while assigning tasks to several pirate captains.
” Huh? Deputy captain, don’t we participate in the battle? ” Several captains who were named immediately got up and asked with displeasure.
” Don’t ask too much now, just remember your mission. If you don’t understand anything, ask me privately after it’s over! ” Reina waved his hand, meaning he sat down.
Reina then continued to assign the general combat tasks.
” Captain … I have something I don’t know if I should ask! ” At this time, one of the people sitting at the bottom listening to Reina explaining the battle plan suddenly whispered to his own captain.
” Huh? What’s wrong? ”
” Why … I feel that Mr. Reina’s battle plan is very messy? And there is only a general battle plan, which doesn’t seem to be detailed. If this is the case … I’m afraid there will be problems at that time! ”
The captain smiled slightly and said, ” Idiot, that’s what Reina did! He is such a cautious guy … His detailed battle plan must have been told to Dad! He will definitely tell us what we need afterward. What to do, as for what the rest are going to do, everyone only knows about it! ”
” This … is there a traitor among us? ” The pirate immediately understood the captain’s words and asked with a look of surprise.
” No, it doesn’t mean that there are traitors among us. According to Reina, this is just in case! There may be any accidents in such a large-scale military operation. In addition to the traitors, there may also be people. It leaked out unintentionally! So doing this is to minimize possible accidents! ” The captain shook his head and said.
” But … but shouldn’t partners trust each other? Mr. Reina doesn’t trust us when he does this? ” Pirate asked in confusion.
” Hahaha … In fact, when Reina did this for the first time, everyone opposed it, including the father, everyone thought the same as you, and thought it was a question between partners! But … In fact, this is the case. What we do is the greatest protection for ourselves! ”
” Why? ”
” Because … if you really accidentally leaked the information, you wouldn’t have affected your companions! ” The captain blinked and said to his crew with a smile.
The pirate’s mouth widened and looked completely incomprehensible, causing his captain to laugh and say, ” In the future, you will understand! The guy at the beginning was under great pressure to facilitate this matter. , and finally proved that he was right! Now … listen to the battle plan! ”
” Okay, that’s all I have to say, wait for someone who doesn’t understand … Come and find me in my room! ” After Reina finished explaining, he nodded towards Whitebeard, and then sat back in his seat .
” Okay, now that the battle plan Reina has finished, everyone should pay attention to this battle, the navy … is not such an easy guy to deal with! If you encounter an opponent that you can’t deal with, don’t mess around, just let them come over. , I will be waiting for them at the G10 division! ” Whitebeard added directly upon seeing this.
” Understood, Dad, if it’s all right, we’ll prepare! ” The pirate captains got up and said.
” Go! Be careful with each one, and don’t die! ” Whitebeard nodded and said, ” You do n’t have to say goodbye when you leave. We’ll see you at the Navy G10 branch then! ”
So the heads of the various pirate groups said goodbye directly to Whitebeard, and then went to Reina in an orderly manner to receive their own detailed tasks.
After everything was completed, these pirates were divided into parts again according to Reina’s request, returned to their own territory, and also released words, this is the party of their Whitebeard Pirates, which will be held every year in the future. once.
After the news was passed out, many pirates in the new world were relieved. The Whitebeard Pirates gathered all the pirates under their command in such a high-profile manner. They were really afraid that there would be a super war, so they all held back. Take a breath and wait for the result.
I didn’t expect this answer in the end. While I was a little disappointed, I was also a little fortunate, because if the war really started, it was really hard to say whether they would be affected.
But Charlotte Lingling ‘s side and Kaido’s side are a little less convinced. They understand Whitebeard, and that man is not someone who can do such things.
So on the surface, they seem to have returned to their previous appearance, but they still maintain a high degree of vigilance in the interior.
The navy made the same choice as them, and Sengoku didn’t believe that the gathering of the Whitebeard Pirates was just for the simple purpose of having a banquet.
At this time, in the first half of the great route, in the empty sky, on the countless floating islands, the golden lion Shiji was laughing with the latest information.
” This kind of thing … It looks like the handwriting of that kid Reina, it seems that they have made some big moves here! Indigo … How is your experiment? ”
” Puzi puff …” Indigo made a fart-like sound while walking, and when he came to the golden lion, he frowned and said, ” It’s a bit tricky, although the previous problems have been solved, but there are new ones. The problem came out, so … still no success! ”
” It’s alright … I still have time … But the speed has to be accelerated. Watching these old friends messing around with wind and rain makes my heart start to itch! ” Shikey said with a smile.
” Yes, I understand, Captain! ” Indigo nodded and replied.

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