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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Kapp, I don’t know why, but I always feel something is wrong. Has there been any new trend in the Whitebeard Pirates recently? ” Sengoku sat in the office and asked Karp who was eating senbei.
” Eh? Don’t they just have a banquet? Don’t be so nervous, haven’t you figured it out already? ” Warring States said indifferently.
Sengoku’s face darkened, he really had nothing to do with Garp.
You’d say he’s an idiot … his fighting wit is pretty strong.
But you have to say that he is a wise general … No … You can’t say a wise general, you can only say a normal person. In some aspects, he is not much different from an idiot.
” You think they just got together for a banquet? ” Warring States asked, suppressing his anger.
” Yeah! Didn’t they all say that? ” Karp nodded and replied.
” Get out of here! ” Sengoku finally couldn’t help it and yelled at Garp.
” What’s the matter ~ I came here to ask you to eat senbei, but you are so ruthless! Now even pirates know how to gather for a banquet … Why don’t we have a banquet too? How about it? Let’s have a senbei banquet! ” Ka Pu said expectantly.
” If you don’t leave … I’ll kill you! ” Sengoku said to Garp with a dark face.
” Qi ~ Isn’t it just that I feel bad for that little bit of money? ” Garp whispered as he walked towards the door.
Sengoku over there found that he couldn’t talk about this with Garp, or he would have to be pissed off.
” Someone! Call me Sakaski, Polsalino, and Kuzan! ” Sengoku shouted to the soldiers outside the door after calming down.
After a while, the three of them came to the Warring States’ office one after another.
” Yo ~ what a leisurely day! Marshal … what are you looking for from us? ” The older Kizaru was the first to speak.
” What do you think about the actions of the Whitebeard Pirates!? ” Sengoku said directly without being fussy.
” They must have something to do, the so-called banquet is just to hide people’s eyes and ears! ” Sakaski, who took a cigar, said slowly.
Warring States nodded, finally met someone more reliable today.
” But now we don’t have any news at all. The Whitebeard Pirates’ ship has been staying at Xuanyue Island and has not left! ” Warring States shook his head and said.
” Marshal of the Warring States … Don’t forget, they own an empty island! If you want to transport troops away, the empty island is the best choice! ” Kizaru sat on the sofa and said while cutting his nails.
Warring States shook his head and said, ” The airspace around Xuanyue Island is already under surveillance, and their empty island has not left! ”
” It’s so strange ~~ If that’s the case … Could it be that they really only held a banquet? Are those pirates who left Xuanyue Island being watched? ” Kizaru asked with a little puzzlement.
” We have already sent people to monitor them. Some of them got rid of the surveillance after they left, and some of them have been under control. They are all the same! ” Warring States nodded and said.
” Report to the marshal! Information about Whitebeard is coming from ahead! ” At this moment, a non-commissioned officer walked in and reported loudly.
The spirit of the Warring States was lifted and he asked, ” What news? ”
” The Moby Dick of the Whitebeard Pirates … is dispatched! ”
” What? ” Sengoku stood up from his seat and asked sharply, ” What direction are they heading in? ”
” It’s not clear, but the surveillance ship has followed! ” the sergeant replied.
” Send the order, and tell the Whitebeard Pirates in an all-round way, and report any troubles immediately! Qingzhi, you should set off immediately, lead the team to the waters of Xuanyue Island, and preside over the surveillance work! ” After a moment of contemplation, the Warring States said directly.
But after he finished speaking, he didn’t hear Aokiji’s answer.
” Kuzan? ” Warring States turned to look at Qingzhi who wanted to sit there, only to realize that the other party had fallen asleep without knowing when.
” Blue pheasant ~~~ ! ” Warring States roared, and then Qing pheasant slowly opened his eyes and looked at the angry Warring States in a daze.
” Forget it, Sakaski, I’ll leave the surveillance to you! ” Sengoku sighed and said directly.
Akainu held a cigar, glanced at Aokiji, and then got up and nodded towards Sengoku.
” Polusalino, you lead the mobile unit and are ready to support Sakaski at any time! ” Sengoku then said to Kizaru.
” Ouch ~~ What a troublesome thing! Can’t we all get along peacefully? ” Kizaru got up lazily and said while walking towards the door.
After Kizaru and Akainu had both left, Sengoku said to Aokiji who was sitting there: ” Do you still mind what happened last time? ”
Aokiji was silent and did not speak.
” That matter … If you want to deal with it, now is the best time. The Whitebeard Pirates must have some plans now, so things over there will definitely not be able to take care of it. If you want to settle it … I can let you go! ” Warring States said in a deep voice.
” Well ~~ Forget it, let’s just go with the flow! ” After thinking about it, Qingzhi said, ” I will keep watching her in the future. If Nicole Robin , no, it should be Bernery D. Robin, if there is any action … I will kill her as soon as possible! ”
” You know, she is now the only O’Hara remnant who has mastered the ancient script. If she returns to the Whitebeard Pirates … then you should be very clear about what it means! ” Sengoku said with a blank expression.
” So what does the marshal mean … ? ” Aokiji asked, looking at the Warring States period.
” Destroy her … or send her to the advance city, this is in line with the justice of our navy! ” Sengoku said softly.
Aokiji was silent and did not speak. The reason why he let Robin go was because of his disapproval of naval justice, and so far, Robin has not shown a threat to the world, even if she has met Reina, Nor did he choose to stay with the Whitebeard Pirates.
So Aokiji is a little reluctant to shoot Robin at this time.
” I know, if I find out that she has any changes, then even if you object, I will choose to attack her! ” Looking at the silent Aokiji, Senguo nodded and said.
“The marshal can rest assured that if she really has any changes, I will bring back her head without the marshal’s order! ” Qingzhi replied sternly.
” Go, go to the G5 branch, ready to support Sakaski at any time! ” Sengoku nodded and said.
At the same time, the newly established King Shichibukai received a call from the navy, and asked them to go to the new world to stand by, ready to fight against the Whitebeard Pirates at any time.
Alabasta, headquarters of the Baroque Works.
” Guhahaha … The Whitebeard Pirates … I didn’t expect it! It’s so fast! Robin, when I leave, I’ll leave it to you here! ” After receiving the summoning order, Crocodile said said Robin.
” Don’t you need me to go with you? ” Robin asked with a slight smile.
” No need! ” Crocodile stared at Robin for a while, then said with a smile: ” Daz ( Mr.1 ) just walk with me! ”
” Then leave the matter here to me! ” Robin nodded and replied.
Devil’s Delta, on the Dreadnought Dhow.
” Hee hee hee … That’s why Reyna cooperated with us, what a great guy! Perona, pass the news to Reina, and tell him the news from the navy! In addition, Absalom, It’s up to you to accompany me this time! ” Moonlight Moria looked at the summoning order sent by the navy in his hand, and said with a strange smile .
” Ha ha ha ha ha ha … I know, Lord Moria! ” Perona in the ghost body floated in the air and replied with a smile.
After receiving the news from the navy, the rest of the members of Qiwuhai under the king were all preparing to go to the new world. They never thought that they would fight against the Whitebeard Pirates, but they just wanted to see it in the past.
On the other side, on a small island in the new world, the red-haired pirates are gearing up here, but they have not received any news from Reina.
” Boss, someone is coming! ” a pirate came to Shanks and whispered.
” Huh? Is it from the Whitebeard Pirates? ” Shanks looked up and asked.
” No, I’m here! You really reached an agreement with the Whitebeard Pirates! ” Not far away, Mihawk, who was carrying one of the twelve supreme swordsmen, ” Ye ” , came over and said.
” Yo ~ it’s Mihawk! Why are you here? ” Shanks said with a slight smile.
Mihawk handed the summoning order in his hand to Shanks and said: “The world government has issued a summoning order to us! What are you going to do? ”
” If I say I don’t know … Do you believe it or not? ” Shanks replied helplessly, spreading his hands.
” Huh? ” Mihawk looked at Shanks in surprise, and then said directly: ” Then I’m leaving! ”
” Let’s go now? You don’t really plan to fight the Whitebeard Pirates, do you? You know how stingy that guy Reina is. If he hates him again, you can do it yourself next time! That The guy is getting better and better now! ” Shanks said resentfully.
Mihawk, who was about to leave, paused and said softly: ” Thanks for the last time, but if there is a next time, let me solve it myself! After all … you are disabled now! ”
When Shanks heard Mihawk’s words, his face darkened, and he got up and said, ” You bastard, who is a disabled person? Are you going to come and try it with me? ”
” I have no interest in you who lost an arm! ” Mihawk said softly.
Although Mihawk looked indifferent, Shanks jumped up and down in anger, threatening to look good on him.
At this time, at the center of everything, on Xuanyue Island, Reina was standing on the slowly rising empty island, stroking a long sword.
” Does this mean to let me go the second sword style? ” Reina looked at the Bing Lun Maru hanging on his waist, and at the long sword in his hand, for a while he couldn’t decide.
He obtained three weapons from the system, the first one was the demon sword Muramasa, which he gave to Hansen.
The second one was the Hirinmaru on his waist, and it was also the saber that accompanied him all the time.
And the third weapon in his hand is the second Zanpakutō opened from the treasure hunt box after the last treasure hunt – Senbon Sakura!
” It’s really … I can’t make a choice! Hingrenmaru has already tried it out, but Qianben Sakura is also very powerful and cool! ” Reina enchanted Qianben Sakura’s blade, and he really couldn’t choose.
It’s not that he doesn’t want to have two Zanpakutō at the same time, but … Zanpakutō doesn’t allow it.
Unlike ordinary weapons, Zanpakutō has its own soul, and it will never allow its owner to own another Zanpakutō.
So Reina had to make a choice, otherwise he would not be able to even activate the initial and swastika states of Hing Lun Maru.
” It’s really troublesome! But as a partner who has been with me for so long, I really can’t give up! Chibon Sakura, I can only let you rest! ” Reina sighed and put Chibon Sakura back in the dimensional inventory among.
When Reina made a choice, the light on Qianben Sakurablade instantly dimmed, while the Hingrenmaru around his waist was shining brightly.

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