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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” How’s the situation? ” Reina asked Marco, who had just arrived on the island beside him.
” It’s all going according to plan. The movement of the Moby Dick has taken away most of the watchers of the Navy and other forces! Only a few naval watchdogs are still around, but they have all been resolved! ” Marko laughed back.
” Do you know how they monitor the sky island? ” Reina nodded and asked.
” As you guessed, they are looking at whether the island is still on Xuanyue Island! ” Marko spread his hands and said with a little humor.
” Very good! Then let’s go! ” Reina glanced at Xuanyue Island below and said with a smile.
When the sky island was lifted into the sky, the people who stayed on Xuanyue Island had already filled the good big rocks here into the big pit after the sky island left, although it can be seen from a close distance, But from a distance, it looks like the empty island is still on Xuanyue Island.
On the Moby Dick , Blenheim fidgeted around the deck for a while, and then planned to go back to the cabin.
” Captain Blenheim, where are you going? You’re a father now! You have to sit here! ” The members of the ninth division wanted to laugh when they saw the fearful appearance of their captain.
” Um ~ can’t I know the cabin? Dad also entered the city and stayed in the cabin! ” Blenheim said a little embarrassedly.
He is now playing the role of Whitebeard. From the clothes to the weapons, he is exactly the same as Whitebeard. From a distance, he can’t really tell the difference, but once he sees it up close, he can tell it immediately.
” Please … Captain, you are pretending to be a father and deceiving those guys. If you go back to the cabin, what are they looking at? ” The members of the ninth division all said.
In desperation, Blenheim had to sit in the special chair where Whitebeard usually sits, but he never felt right there.
” This is Dad’s seat, isn’t it bad for me to sit here? Or I’ll go in the cabin! ” Blenheim asked tentatively.
The members of the ninth team rolled their eyes one by one and looked at their captain, but they didn’t usually see that their captain was such a coward.
However, in order not to wear gangs, Blenheim had to enter the cabin to rest.
The purpose of their trip is the BIGMOM pirate group of all countries, in order to turn everyone’s attention to this side, so as to facilitate the main action of the real Whitebeard Pirates.
” It’s almost time, let’s start moving! ” On the bottom of the sea, several pirate ships, similar in shape to Moby Dick , but smaller, were traveling through the bottom of the sea.
” Reina’s method is really good. If you go to the bottom of the sea, you won’t be discovered! ” Bista said with a smile.
Beside him is the main force of the Whitebeard Pirates, and the members of each battle team and most of the captains are here.
” Isn’t the direction wrong? Don’t go to the wrong place, it will be bad! ” Lakyo looked around and asked worriedly.
” Don’t worry! It’s Yo-Yo and Namuer who will lead the way, there will be no problem! ” Saatchi said with a smile.
According to Reina’s plan, the entire Whitebeard Pirates was divided into several parts, each using their own methods to gather towards the Navy G10 branch.
The first is the various pirate groups under the Whitebeard Pirates, which are the largest in number. They are numerous and the most difficult to control, but after they are broken down into pieces, the navy is also the most difficult to track.
So Reina asked them to go to the G10 branch separately, and let them go to various sea areas leading to the G10 branch to ambush.
In addition to reducing the chance of being discovered by the navy, this can also avoid others’ attention.
The other is the empty island where Whitebeard, Reina, and Marco are located. They used the trick to pretend that the empty island is still on Xuanyue Island. In fact, they have already passed the empty island and headed towards the G10 branch.
In the end, it included all the main combat troops where the captains were. They used the small Moby Dick after the coating to go to the G10 branch on the bottom of the sea.
In addition to these, Reina also let Blenheim, who is most similar to Whitebeard, pretend to be Whitebeard and take the real Moby Dick to the world of the BIGMOM Pirates to attract the world’s attention.
The battle between the two pirate groups that control the new world will inevitably attract the attention of the world, and the navy does not dare to relax, and must invest a lot of surveillance power in this area.
And he also took advantage of what the red-haired Shanks had promised him before, causing Shanks to misunderstand, resulting in the assembly of the red-haired pirates, making the situation even more chaotic.
Although the navy has joined Shichibukai, Reina has already learned through Moriah and Hancock that they have assembled in the G1 branch of the Navy, Reina has also made arrangements, and they will rush to the G10 branch by then. Rescue will never catch up.
In the middle of the night, Sky Island finally stopped moving.
” Reina, we have arrived over the G10 branch of the Navy! ” Dr. Ahsie came to Reina and said with a complicated expression.
” Doctor, don’t worry! Although we are pirates, we are definitely not indiscriminately killing innocent people. In this operation, we will only settle accounts with those bastards who trafficked people! ” Renner knew what Dr. Sière was worried about.
Such a large-scale battle will inevitably involve many innocent people, and the casualties will inevitably be countless, so he can’t bear it.
” I know, be careful with yourselves! ” Dr. Ahsie nodded and replied.
Reina smiled slightly and asked Marko, who was beside him, ” How long until the assembly time? ”
“The assembly time is tomorrow morning! ” Marko replied softly.
” Then we will attack tomorrow morning as planned. I will go down to confirm the information now! ” Reina said after thinking about it.
” You go down by yourself? This platform is dangerous! ” Marco stepped forward and stopped.
” Don’t worry, there will be no problem, I just want to know … Is the navy here all helping to traffic people? If so … Then tomorrow, even if I pay some price, I will definitely turn this place into ruins, but If there are innocent people in the navy here, then we can’t do that! ” Reina nodded and said.
” Then I’ll go with you! The two of you take care of each other! ” Marko said after thinking for a while.
” Reina, bring Marco, this is not the time to be a hero! ” Dr. Sière was a little embarrassed. He thought it was what he said just now that Reina made this decision.
” That’s fine! But your flames are a bit conspicuous in the dark night. You landed from another direction, and I’ll be waiting for you below! ” Reina nodded and replied.
” Okay! ” Marko jumped directly from the sky island and turned into a phoenix form in the air.
Reina, on the other hand, took out the ice wheel pills and directly turned on the swastika mode. After having wings composed of ice, Reina could easily fly down from the sky island.
After a while, he and Marco came to meet on the shore of the G10 branch.
” Let’s go, go and have a look first! ” Reina said softly, looking at the fort-like naval branch behind him.
” You didn’t intend to go in just like that, did you? ” Marco asked, taken aback.
” Ah ~ what else? ” Reina turned his head to look at Marco and replied.
“…” Marko was speechless.
” Wouldn’t that be what they would find out? ”
” Then what can you do? ” Rainer rolled his eyes and asked.
” Find the two lonely guys first, let’s change into their clothes! ” Marko said after thinking about it.
“What ‘s the difference between going in directly? ” Reina pouted and said in disapproval.
In his opinion, only the navy exists on this island, so they must all know each other. If you can sneak in just by changing your clothes, it would be too underestimated by the navy.
But when the two knocked out two navy soldiers and changed into navy clothes, Reina knew that his understanding of the world was still too superficial.
“I didn’t expect to be able to pass the border like this! ” The two wore navy costumes and walked in the G10 branch with integrity. No one suspected them. There were even many navy soldiers who greeted them, but none of them recognized them. out both of them.
” Let’s go, let’s find out if there are any captured slaves! ” Reina said to Marko after the two were hanging around for a while.
” Aren’t you looking for it just now? ” Marko asked, taken aback.
” No! ” Reina replied as a matter of course.
” Then what are you doing with me? Are you taking a walk? I thought you were observing the terrain just now! ” Marko said, his face darkened.
He feels that now Reina seems to be less reliable than before, and he is more and more free to do things.
” Ah ~ ah ~ Don’t worry, don’t worry, I have found the best way just now! ” Reina said with a slight smile.
” Huh? ” Marko was stunned, did he misunderstand?
” Come on, let’s go over there and ask! ” Reina pointed to the navy soldiers standing guard beside him, smiled and said.
” Ask? ” Marco Mantou was confused and didn’t understand what Rayner was going to do.
But seriously, Reina never messed around, so he followed Reina to the navy soldiers standing guard.
” Hey ~ you! Take me to prison! ” Reina stepped forward, showed something from his pocket, and said to one of the soldiers.
The navy soldier was taken aback for a moment, and after looking at Reina and Marco, he asked at a loss: ” I don’t know who the commander is … ? ”
” Don’t ask too much! I’m on a secret mission! I just showed you my documents, but don’t leak them out, otherwise I’ll be in trouble! ” Reina pretended to have a deep face.
” Yes! ” The navy soldier replied immediately with a salute.
Then he turned around with Reina and Marko directly and walked towards the mobile building.
” Hey, what did you show him just now? Why does he believe it!? ” Marco, who was following Reina, couldn’t help but asked curiously.
” I showed him a blank piece of paper, and there was nothing on it, but I moved so fast that he shouldn’t have seen anything clearly! ” Reina said with a smug smile.
” What? ” Marko looked at Reina in shock and asked, ” Aren’t you afraid of being exposed? ”
” What are you afraid of? It won’t take long to solve the two of them if they are exposed? ” Reina said with a natural expression.
“And then? Find two more and continue to ask? ” Marko said with a dark face.
” Of course! ”
“…” Marko was speechless in the face of Reina’s calmness.
Soon, the two were led by the navy soldier to the prison of the G10 division.
” Okay, I have nothing to do with you here, you can go back! ” After arriving at the place, Reina first whispered to the navy who led the way. Then he did the same trick again, showing his ID to the prison guard, saying that he wanted to go in and look for a criminal.
” This …” The prison guards were obviously hesitant. They didn’t receive any news, so they didn’t know what to do about the sudden appearance of Reina and Marco.
” Don’t worry, Lieutenant General Steger knows what I’m doing! But I can’t tell you, it’s good for you! ” Reina said to the guard with an inscrutable look.
The two guards looked at each other, then opened the prison door.
” Sir, do you need us to accompany you? ” a guard asked cautiously.
” No! We won’t take anyone out, just go in and find someone! ” Reina walked in without looking back, and Marco immediately followed.
” Do you see anything? ” After entering, Reina’s face sank and said.
” It seems that the navy here … has a problem! ” Marco finally saw Reina’s purpose. He deliberately used this tone to speak to those navy soldiers. If the other party didn’t know anything, there would be no such thing. a situation.
Implying that now that their purpose has been achieved, it can only prove … The navy here knows that what they are doing is not visible, so this is the reason.
” Let’s go! Go and have a look first, so that the final decision can be made! ” Reina took a deep breath and said.
Marco nodded, followed behind Reina, and walked towards the interior of the prison.

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