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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
When Reina and Marco saw that there were not only many human children, but also many murlocs in the prison, they knew that their information was not wrong. This navy seemed to be protecting the safety of civilians. Branch, in fact, is a cannibalistic hell.
” Let’s go! Tomorrow … get them out again! ” Reina turned to Marco after reaching the end.
Marco nodded and followed Reina without saying a word.
That night, the two did not alert anyone, and the two navy members who had taken a pair of buckles from them, they also faked it to look like an accidental death, and then returned to the empty island.
” Dad … this is indeed a human trafficking base! ” Back in the sky island, Marko said to Whitebeard with a heavy face.
” If that’s the case … then let’s act according to the plan tomorrow! ” Whitebeard nodded and returned.
” Big brother … This is a simple map of the G10 branch. The location of the prison is here. It is filled with human children and women, as well as some murlocs! ” Reina drew the prison’s location based on memory.
” Other place? Where is their headquarters? Your simple picture is too perfunctory? ” Hansen, who was on the side, looked at Reina’s simple picture, and complained with a smile.
There are only buildings on it, but there are no signs, not even the places where the other party usually stays in the middle, the painting is quite perfunctory.
” Because … there’s no need to know about those places! ” Reina showed her teeth, smiled slightly, and replied.
Although he was smiling, Hansen felt a murderous aura inexplicably and subtly, causing him to be smart all over.
” Those guys … did it go too far? ” Hansen turned his head and asked Marko who was beside him.
Marko nodded, and said with some reluctance: ” There are some children inside …”
He is an orphan himself, so he is especially sensitive to this kind of thing.
” It seems that tomorrow … it will be a rainy day! ” Hansen sighed and said.
The next morning, unlike what Hansen expected, the sun rose early from the sky, representing the arrival of a new day.
” Then … Big Brother, please give an order! ” Everyone on the empty island was already ready to go, and they were just about to give Whitebeard’s order.
” Gu la la la … little ones, let’s have a big fight! ” Whitebeard said with a wave of the Naginata in his hand.
” Oh ~~~” Everyone raised their weapons and shouted loudly.
Ah, Dr. Sière was ready in the control room early, waiting for Whitebeard’s order.
” Idiot father, the father has already ordered, attack! ” The door of the control room was pushed open, and Olga in the battle suit pushed the door in and shouted towards Dr. Ahsie.
” Got it! ” Dr. Ah Xie nodded and began to control the sky island’s descent.
Now Olga, like Robin, has grown into a big girl. Although her strength is still very poor in Reina’s view, in fact, it is more than enough to deal with some ordinary naval soldiers and even non-commissioned officers, so this In the next battle, after asking Dr. Ahsie, he did not rule out Olga, but gave her a battle suit instead.
This made Olga very excited, and even looked forward to the start of the battle.
Although Whitebeard never allowed the women on his ship to appear on the battlefield, he didn’t know what Olga was going to, because this time the battle was not only involving the Whitebeard Pirates himself, but also nearly 30 of his subordinates. A pirate group, the total number of people is expected to exceed 2,000 people, so the details of the war are arranged by Reina, and he only needs to be responsible for the battle.
” Hey ~~~ Boom! ”
” What’s the matter? Where did the shelling come from? ”
When the sky island descended, a cannonball was fired at the G10 division, and this run was like a signal, starting a war worthy of being recorded in the annals of history.
” Look, the sky … it’s an empty island! It’s the empty island of the Whitebeard Pirates! ”
” Bastard, the Whitebeard Pirates’ target is us, hurry up, contact the headquarters and ask for reinforcements! ”
The sky island descended from the sky and was immediately discovered by the navy on the ground. The huge flag of the Whitebeard Pirates was immediately seen clearly by the navy with binoculars.
But before they could reflect, the soldiers on the surrounding bunkers and defense towers discovered in horror that they had been surrounded by countless pirate ships.
” Yes … yes … it’s the Whitebeard Pirates! ”
” They … they came through the sea! ”
Seeing that the coating on some pirate ships has not completely dissipated, the navy immediately understood how the other party appeared unexpectedly.
” Lieutenant General Steger! What should we do? It’s the Whitebeard Pirates! There are many pirate ships outside! There are still their empty islands in the sky, what should we do now? Are we going to launch a counterattack? ” G10 points The Adjutant of the Ministry Base, Rear Admiral Abbott of the Navy Headquarters asked anxiously.
” At this point, other than all-out resistance, do you think there is any other way? ” Steger also looked at the countless pirate ships outside with an ugly face, and said in a deep voice.
” Boom boom ~~~”
His words just fell out, and the sound of countless shells exploding came over. It turned out that in addition to the empty island, the pirate ships that had approached the island also began to attack.
” Counterattack … All artillery attack immediately! ” Although the navy made a sudden attack, they also responded immediately and launched a counterattack against the pirates.
However, Reina had long anticipated this situation, and dispersed the captains when assigning them, so that the captains could protect the ordinary members and prevent unnecessary casualties from the naval artillery.
Sure enough, the navy’s artillery had just been fired, when the scattered captains took action to intercept it.
With the help of the captains and the sudden attack of the pirates, soon, the pirate ships began to dock on the shore.
” Shine · Crash! ” Joze, who landed first, did not move towards the gate, but charged directly at the city wall of the naval base. The diamond-shaped Joze directly knocked out a big hole in the city wall of the naval base.
” Quick! Keep up with Captain Joz and go in! ” In the direction of Joz, all the pirates followed behind Joz and killed the naval base.
On the other side, the double swords in Bista’s hands turned into petals, and two slender slashes also slashed on the city wall, directly collapsing the city wall.
In the rest of the place, the captains also deployed their own means to attack the G10 branch.
” Bastard, Abbot, you immediately take someone out to resist! We must insist on the arrival of reinforcements from the headquarters! ” Lieutenant General Steger said to Major General Abbot beside him.
” Hoo ~ The pirate’s offensive is too fierce! Lieutenant General Steger … We’re afraid we won’t be able to bear it anymore! ” Major General Abbot said with fear.
He didn’t want to go to the battlefield at this time, and his life as a boss in G10 all these years has long since dispelled his passion and enthusiasm.

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