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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Let Kizaru rush to the G10 branch immediately! ” Warring States roared while holding the phone bug.
” Yes! Lord Marshal! Lieutenant General Kizaru and Lieutenant General Aokiji have already set off! ” On the other end of the phone came the soldier’s answer.
Hanging up the phone bug, Sengoku sat on the bench, he didn’t understand why the Whitebeard Pirates chose to raid the G10 branch.
In terms of importance , the G5 branch is obviously more important. The G10 branch is on the edge, and there are not many surrounding islands. If the navy’s power in the new world was suppressed by the pirates, they would not pay much attention to the G10 branch.
So before the Warring States period, I never thought that the Whitebeard Pirates would attack the G10 branch, because that kind of feeling … It was like two people, the other party tried their best, and they just came to your house to steal a roll of toilet paper.
Although you will be lucky, but at the same time there will also be a feeling of ” I have a lot of gold and jewels all over the floor, but you just stole a roll of paper? ” .
As soon as he received the news of the G10 branch asking for help, the Warring States arranged for reinforcements to pass, but he knew in his heart that the G10 branch might not be able to keep the Whitebeard Pirates in such a big battle .
However, he still tried his best to rescue, and even thought about fighting back.
” Notify Sakaski and let him confirm whether Whitebeard is on the Moby Dick , if not … then sink him! ” Sengoku picked up the phone bug again and instructed.
Far away in the waters of the world, Sakaski, after receiving the order of the Warring States, directly ordered the warship to move towards the Moby Dick , but when they were about to arrive, they saw that the Moby Dick actually began to sink. .
” Lieutenant General Sakaski, the other party’s ship has completed the coating and is trying to escape from the bottom of the sea! ” The lookout put down the telescope in his hand and shouted to Sakaski.
” Hu ~~ Want to escape? Artilleryman, attack me! ” Sakaski said directly, breathing out a smoke ring.
Seeing the other party running away, Sakaski was very sure that Whitebeard was not here, otherwise it would be impossible to escape in this way.
Following Sakaski’s order, the Navy warships began shelling the Moby Dick, which was diving , but preparations were made there, so the Navy’s shelling basically missed the Moby Dick .
” It looks like Dad has already started! ” Blenheim took off his disguise and turned into himself, watching the approach of the navy, but was not in a hurry.
” Captain, are we going back to Xuanyue Island as planned, or … go there? ” a member of the ninth division asked with some expectation.
” Don’t think about it, when we rush over, it will be over long ago! So let’s be honest and go back to Xuanyue Island! The little ones … say goodbye to the Navy, let’s go! ” Blenheim laughed and stood up. said.
Upon hearing this, the members of the ninth division burst into laughter, ran to the side that leaned against the naval warship, and shouted loudly, ” Thank you for sending us off from the navy, everyone … we’re leaving! ”
After the members of the ninth division finished shouting, they saw a strong airflow spurted out of the stern of the Moby Dick , and the Moby Dick quickly sank and left.
Looking at the quick news of the Moby Dick , Sakaski smashed the guardrail of the warship with a punch, and angrily ordered the warship to return to the G10 branch.
Although he also knew that by the time he arrived at the G10 branch, the war would have been over, but … as a vice admiral, he had no choice but to do so.
At this time, in the G10 branch, the Whitebeard Pirates had broken through the outer wall of the base and attacked the inside of the base in an all-round way.
Although Major General Abbott was reluctant in every possible way, there was no way out now. The pirates did not give them any hope of escaping, and completely blocked the entire sea area, so he could only resist desperately with Lieutenant General Steger and the navy soldiers.
At this moment, on the sky island, the phoenix covered with blue flames charged directly towards Lieutenant General Steger.
” Boom! ”
” Phoenix … Marko! ” Lieutenant General Steger blocked Marko’s kick, his heart sank slightly.
Now that the first team captain Marco has appeared, will Whitebeard also appear? If Whitebeard didn’t come here, he still had the possibility to escape, otherwise … he would surely die.
Before, he had clearly received the news that the Moby Dick was heading towards the waters of the Ten Thousand Kingdoms. In his opinion, the actions of the Whitebeard Pirates this time were probably for the BIGMOM Pirates to break the Xuanyue Island. and revenge.
Unexpectedly, the other party actually feinted a shot and killed him in front of him.
The only thing he expected now was that Whitebeard would be on the Moby Dick , in a lead role, and he hoped that the Navy’s scouts would see it right.
” Lieutenant General Steger, be careful! ” At this moment, the adjutant beside him suddenly shouted at him.
At this time, Steger discovered that another strong man was attacking him, and before he could turn around, the arm covered with the color of the weapon hit him directly behind him.
The expected confrontation did not happen. He felt that his attack hit a ball of cotton, but his eyes clearly saw his fist, blocking the opponent’s weapon.
” You are the top commander of this base? ” Reina, who had turned on the state of Hirinmaru’s release, asked softly towards the other party.
” Chitong … Reina!? ” Steger knew who the opponent was, and some of Reina’s abilities had become the focus of the Navy’s attention over the years, so he knew very well that what he felt just now should be It was the impact on the fist that was sucked away by the opponent.
However, at this time, Reina’s eyes were not flickering with an evil red light, but a blue-blue color that represented ice, so Lieutenant General Steger was a little stunned.
” Boom! ”
” Since you know it’s me … how dare you be so careless? ” Reina suddenly disappeared from Lieutenant General Steger’s eyes and punched him in the stomach.
Lieutenant General Steger was directly knocked into the air, and he stopped after smashing the wall of a building.
” Cough cough … You Whitebeard Pirates dare to do such a thing, don’t think the Navy will let you go! ” Lieutenant General Steger wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and walked out of the dust mist.
” Really? What happened next … I’m afraid you won’t be able to see it! ” Reina waved the ice wheel pill in his hand, released the swastika, and said with a chuckle.
” Cough cough … I have 5,000 troops here, enough to support the reinforcements to the headquarters! Reina, you dare to openly attack the naval base … This time you will surely suffer the consequences! ” Steger roared with a grim face. road.
At this time, a piece of his abdomen was already covered by ice, which was when he was hit by Reina just now. Although he also has the color of armament, he could not immediately dissolve the energy of the ice.
” Really? Since you want to see my ending so much … then I’ll give you a chance! Marko …” Reina shouted towards Marko in the distance.
Marko nodded, spread his arms, turned into wings, and flew directly in the direction of the prison.
Steger’s face turned pale when he saw this. He finally knew why the Whitebeard Pirates attacked the G10 branch.
” You …” Lieutenant General Steger’s heart at this time was like 10,000 divine beasts rushing past.
In his opinion, it is very likely that his subordinates caught someone related to Whitebeard, and this was the revenge attack of the Whitebeard Pirates.
” Bang! ” Sure enough, after Marco kicked open the gate of the prison, a group of pirates rushed in, and soon came out with some tattered, yellow-faced and thin-faced children and murlocs.
” Tell me … when the world knows what your navy has done, it will treat you like this! ” Reina said with a slight smile.
” Phew ~~ You won’t get your wish! Major General Abbott, today we are dead! But the glory of the navy cannot be destroyed in our hands! Everyone obeys the order … Even if we die, we will kill them all in the Time! ” Lieutenant General Steger, taking a deep breath, pointed at the slaves rescued by Marco and the first squad, and shouted loudly.
The surrounding navies looked at each other, although they knew about it and participated in it, but up to now, they did not think the glory of the navy was more important than their own lives like Lieutenant General Steger did.
The 3,000 navy here are already demons with blood on their hands. No, it should be more than 2,000 navy soldiers! Because some of the navies who were righteous and opposed to them doing such a thing … have already been killed by them all.
” Hahaha … It’s ironic! At this time, you still remember the glory of the Navy? I wonder how Mr. Zhan Guo would feel when he heard your speech? ” Reina stepped aside, a few others A pirate with a camera phone bug appeared in front of Lieutenant General Steger.
” Bastard …” Lieutenant General Steger knew that he was finished, even if the Whitebeard Pirates didn’t kill him today, the World Government and the Navy would never let him go!
Lieutenant General Steger, who was furious, charged directly at the pirate holding the camera phone.
” Boom! ”
But halfway through, he was kicked back by Reina.
” When I don’t exist? Hmph ~ a group of wolves in sheep’s clothing! Let the world see, this is the so-called naval base … The whole base is actually engaged in human trafficking! You … You are not even better than pirates! Give me Watch carefully … your final end! ” With a wave of the Hingren Maru in Reina’s hand, a water column flew directly towards Lieutenant General Steger.
Lieutenant General Steger just wanted to dodge, but the water column flying towards him suddenly split into four, flying towards his hands and feet.
” Crack and wipe …”
The moment the water column touched Lieutenant General Steger, it turned into ice cubes and pinned him to the wall.
” Ah ~~”
Lieutenant General Steger just wanted to struggle, but Reina, who was following him, directly pierced the tendons and hamstrings, and instantly lost the ability to resist.
” And this! ” At this time, Bista, who came over, said with a bit of disgust, holding Major General Abbott, who had already been snotted and bursting with tears.
Reina snorted coldly and nailed Major General Abbott to the wall just like Lieutenant General Steger.
At this time, the live video shared by the Whitebeard Pirates caused an uproar all over the world.
The navy, which has always been the army of justice, is secretly doing human trafficking. When they look at the yellow-faced and thin children through the video, they can’t believe their eyes.
This is the navy they have always trusted to protect them? This is the navy they have high hopes for?

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