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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” What the hell is going on here? Who can give me an explanation? ” Sengoku shouted loudly as he watched the video of the children and murlocs rescued by the Whitebeard Pirates in the office.
There was no sound in the office, except for the voice on the screen that continued to tell things, as if mocking him and all the navy.
” Immediately give an order to Kizaru and Aokiji, rush over as quickly as possible, and find a way to clean up the mess. If this matter is settled, our navy will be really shameless in the future! ” After getting angry , Sengoku sat down on the stool and said with a little effort.
” Yes! ” A non-commissioned officer immediately saluted and walked out of the office.
And the generals who stayed in the office all looked solemn.
” Although I really don’t want to say this, but … now we absolutely cannot admit the truth of this matter, even if we tell the truth, we don’t know it, and the people won’t believe it! So we can only deny it completely … otherwise … we The reputation of the navy is really worrying! ” Ah He, who was sitting there, pondered for a moment before reluctantly said.
” This matter is absolutely related to Heaven … the world government. Now that they are like this, they must also take responsibility! ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, who was a little angry, took a deep breath and said.
As a righteous navy, seeing such a thing, not only can I not fight, but I also have to wipe the opponent’s ass … Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel feels extremely angry when he thinks of this.
” Marshal … there is no need for scum like this anymore … I think … they can all be killed! ” Over there, Huoshaoshan closed his eyes and opened his eyes, and said directly.
Garp, who was sitting next to Ah He, didn’t speak the whole time. He lowered his head and seemed to be sleeping, but neither the Warring States Period nor the other generals seemed to have seen him, and no one raised any objections.
At the same time, Kizaru, who was rushing towards the G10 branch with all his strength, was besieged by several pirate ships. The reinforcements led by Aokiji who were in the same situation were also attacked by the Whitebeard Pirates. The band of thieves was surrounded.
” Yo ~ yo ~ yo ~~ It seems that we have been prepared for a long time! Even our support route has been figured out. It seems that you have been scared a lot this time! ” Huang Yuan stood on the bow, Said with a wretched face.
” Captain … it’s Kiabou! What to do? Do you want to fight? ” A pirate on the pirate ship looked at Kizaru and asked his own captain.
” Fight! Why not? Just a lieutenant general of the naval headquarters! Don’t be afraid of them, they only have one warship, we will retreat when the warship is sunk! ” After thinking about it, the captain replied firmly.
” Captain Moment … Didn’t Dad say it? If you encounter Aokiji, Kiaburu and Akainu, try not to provoke them! ” The crew hesitated and said.
” Humph! Retreat without even fighting. When we talk about this big event in the future, what do you want us to say? We saw Kiabou … so we retreated directly? Wouldn’t that be laughed at by everyone? Everyone … … Listen to my orders, fire the artillery and sink the warship! ” the captain shouted, raising the weapon in his hand.
So several pirate ships adjusted their direction and fired artillery towards the naval warship.
” Ah ~ what a hassle! ”
” Report! Lieutenant General Porusalino, there is an emergency call from the headquarters, let’s hurry to the G10 branch, which has been breached! ”
Just when Kizaru was about to raise his hand to release the laser, a sergeant suddenly ran over and said to Kizaru.
” Is it broken so soon? ” Although he was not far from the G10 branch, the other side broke through the G10 branch so quickly , which still surprised Kizaru.
” Yes, the headquarters ordered … to obliterate all the people in the G10 division! ” After the sergeant saluted, he replied.
” Huh? ” Huang Yuan was taken aback, this command is a bit strange!
If he was asked to rush to save people, or repelled the Whitebeard Pirates, although he felt a little embarrassed, he could understand it, but what did this all-member obliteration order mean?
Could it be that the current G10 branch has been slaughtered by pirates? So he angered the Marshal of the Warring States Period and issued an order to obliterate all the staff?
” This … The Whitebeard Pirates rescued a lot of effort in the G10 branch, and detained many children, girls and murlocs! ” The sergeant hesitated and replied.
” So that ‘s it … It seems that I’m going to take care of the aftermath! Those idiots, don’t they know who they are arresting before they arrest them? ” After hearing this, Huang Yuan immediately showed an expression like this.
In his opinion, it must be the G10 branch that is engaged in human trafficking, and accidentally caught the Whitebeard Pirates, which is what caused everything today.
In the other direction, Aokiji also received an order to figure it out, but unlike Kizaru, he had watched the live broadcast before he received the order, so he knew why the headquarters issued such an order.
” It seems that it is indeed an emergency! Eight-foot Qionggouyu! ” Huang Yuan put down his raised arm, and then jumped up directly, turning his whole body into a dazzling light.
” Oops … Oops! Everyone avoids! Ah! ”
When the rays of light were the most dazzling, they began to radiate everywhere, and the rays of light that radiated everywhere flew directly towards several pirate ships, knocking down most of the pirates to the ground.
” Captain! Are you alright! ” A pirate looked at the captain who fell to the ground and immediately ran over in a hurry, asking.
” Go, let them retreat immediately, we will stay behind! ” The captain glanced at Kizaru who had slowly recovered his human form and landed on the warship again, then looked at his companions around, and saw that most of the pirates were He had already fallen into a pool of blood, so he could only grit his teeth and shout loudly.
” Yes! ” The crew immediately got up and replied.
Aokiji on the other side also just returned to his warship, but unlike Kiabou, he is not dealing with pirates, but a pirate ship!
The pirate ships surrounding him were all frozen on the sea, and they could only watch Aokiji approaching the G10 branch aboard the warship.
” No … This is simply monster-level combat power. Immediately inform Dad and the others that Aokiji (Kizuna) has passed! ” The captain of the pirate in charge made a decision to report at the same time, and they were already powerless to stop it.
” What an idiot … Didn’t I tell you to let them come over? ” Whitebeard sat on a chair on the empty island, drank a drink from a big wine gourd, and replied to the phone bug who reported it.
” Dad, sorry we couldn’t stop them! ”
” Gu la la la la … Didn’t you say it? Don’t worry, are you all alright? ” Whitebeard said with a big laugh.
” Our people are all right, but the pirate ships are frozen by the green pheasants, and they may not be able to move for a while! ”
” Our side … our side … it’s all my fault for being able to kill a lot of my friends who were killed by Kizaru! ”
The captains of the two pirate regiments who reported to Whitebeard at the same time shared their losses.
” Is the yellow monkey … ? Well, you try to save your companions first, you don’t have to worry about it here! ” White Beard slowly got up, and after finishing speaking, he hung up the phone bug.
” Newgate, the sky island has already descended to a minimum. If it is descending … you need to restart the propellers when you leave! ” Dr. Ahsie pushed his glasses and turned to Whitebeard who came to the edge of the sky island. said.
” Ah ~ I see, please, Doctor! ” Whitebeard nodded and replied.
” No, if necessary, the sky island can continue to descend at any time, but if it descends further, it is best to stay on the sea! ” Dr. Ah Xie waved his hand and said.
” No need! ” Whitebeard smiled slightly, looked up at a rapidly approaching light in the distance, and said, ” That guy … has already come over! ”
At the same time, although Lieutenant General Steger and Rear Admiral Abbott have both been defeated, in order to survive, those ordinary navy soldiers did not give up the fight, and they were still fighting the pirates to the death.
Reina was standing beside Steger and Abbott, watching the ongoing war, while Marco led people to capture and take away the freed slaves.
But at this moment, a ray of light fell from the sky and landed directly in front of Reina.
” Ouch ~~ What a lost war! The navy has never lost so ugly! ” The light slowly converged, and it was the Kizaru who came quickly using the fruit ability.
At the same time that Kizaru appeared, Warring States in the office issued an order to intercept all phone bug signals in the G10 branch.
” pat …”
” pat …”
“The co-captain … the camera phone seems to have fallen asleep all of a sudden! ”
The members of the Whitebeard Pirates holding a video phone bug suddenly found that the phone bugs in their hands were all asleep at the same time, and immediately shouted at Reina.
” Ah ~ it seems that the navy has used the means! It doesn’t matter, let them rest! The next thing … there is no need to live broadcast! ” After speaking, Reina slowly turned to his side and looked at Kizaru.
And those forces that are watching this war, when the video was cut off, they also knew that the navy and the world government had taken action, otherwise ordinary people would not be able to do such a thing.
“I have to say … Kizuna, you are more daring than I thought! How dare you come to the rescue alone! ” Reina, who opened the Sharinyan, slowly pulled out the ice wheel pill, facing the surrounded Kizuna said.
At this time, there were no less than five captain-level combat power around Kizaru.
” Yo ~~ yo ~~~ yo ~ ! It’s so scary! If I say I’m just a road …”
” Hey ~~”
Before Kizuna’s words were finished, he suddenly sensed a powerful energy on his head approaching him again, so he immediately elementalized and planned to leave the place.
” Cut! ”
But before he could leave, the tired man over there had already taken action, cutting off the light with one knife, forcing Kizaru to come out of the elementalization.
” Bang! ”
” Boom ~~~~”
The yellow ape who had just been forced out of the elementalization, a staggered, white beard fell from the sky and punched Lian in the face.
Whitebeard’s super energy, coupled with the force of falling from above, made Kizaru punched into the ground before he could move.
” Boom ~~~~”
The surrounding captains and Reina jumped away when Whitebeard came down, so they were not implicated.
The dust and mist dissipated, and I saw Whitebeard standing at the bottom of a huge pothole with a Naginata in his hand, and Kiabou had disappeared.
” Gu la la la la … I heard … you hurt a lot of my children just because you came here … ? ” Whitebeard raised his head and asked Kizaru who was already covered in blood and appeared in the air.
At this time, the frivolous and leisurely nature of Kizaru had long since disappeared. After landing with blood on his face, he looked at Whitebeard with fear and did not speak.

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