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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Yagata Mirror · Refraction! ” Kizaru turned into a ray of light and rushed directly to Whitebeard.
” Gu la la la la … What’s so dazzling? ” Whitebeard looked up at the beam of light that was flying towards him quickly, and asked with a chuckle.
” Dad! ” Marco, who just got up, found out that Kizaru had actually abandoned Joz and went directly to attack Whitebeard.
” Have you ever experienced kicking at the speed of light? Whitebeard … ! ” Through the refraction of the light, Kizaru came to Whitebeard’s side in an instant, and kicked the opponent’s neck.
” Little devil … I didn’t go looking for you, but you still came to the door? ” Whitebeard raised his arm and easily blocked Kiabou’s light-speed kick.
He didn’t do it all the time, he just wanted to give the captains more fighting experience, and wanted them to grow more, but he didn’t expect that the yellow monkey would dare to send it to his door.
” If you want to die … I can do it for you! ” The moment he blocked Kizaru, Whitebeard’s other hand grabbed the opponent’s neck directly and pressed Kizaru to the ground.
” Boom! ” The ground was hit again with a big hole, but the yellow ape in Whitebeard’s hand turned into a little light, scattered out, and then reassembled into a human shape not far away.
” What a monster …” Kizaru, who escaped Whitebeard’s blow, had to sigh.
” Kizuna … your opponent is not a father! ” Over there, Marco, who turned into a half-undead bird, rushed up and took a kick at Kizaru. Although Kizaru blocked it, the impact still kicked him out.
” Boom! ”
A building collapsed directly, and the dots of light once again formed a human-shaped Kizaru. Just as he was about to say a scene, the diamond-shaped Joz punched him directly.
This makes Kizaru a little angry. He is also known as a naval monster-level combat power. Isn’t it shameful to be beaten by you like this?
So Kizaru raised his hand and it was a laser that shot directly at Joz.
” When! ”
” It’s useless, I’m a diamond! ” The light shot on Joz, but was directly ejected in another direction.
” Really ? Then I don’t believe it! ” A light flashed in Kizaru’s eyes, and once again, it was a laser beam at Joz.
” Pfft …呲~~”
” Ah ~~ ! ”
This time, Kizaru’s laser shot directly through Joz’s defense, opening a hole in his body. The strange thing was that no blood came out, and the hole was still burning black smoke.
It turned out that Kizaru’s laser was not only light, but also contained extremely high temperature. Just now, his laser was converted into a high-temperature mode, which directly penetrated Joz’s defense.
” Joz! ” Marko landed beside Joz, helped him up, and asked, ” Are you alright? ”
” It’s okay, I can’t die! This guy is really hard to deal with! ” Joz gritted his teeth and stared at Kizaru.
At this moment, a sudden explosion sounded, and then a large amount of ice energy scattered, quickly covering the surrounding area with a layer of ice.
” Fuck ! Come again? ” Marco was taken aback, and he flew directly into the sky with Joz.
I saw Aokiji, who was covered in cold air over there, confronting Reina, who had transformed into a huge ice dragon with four huge ice flowers floating behind him.
The cold air released by the two directly froze the entire island, and many navy soldiers and pirates were also frozen, and only those who reacted escaped.
” You should know everything about this island! ” Reina asked softly, looking at the green pheasant, who was hiding the cold.
Aokiji just stared at Reina and did not return.
” Is this your justice? ”
” The reputation of the navy cannot end here. Since you have achieved your goal, why don’t you leave? This world … needs the navy! ” Aokiji replied grimly.
” Humph! It’s up to you to have the final say! ” After Reina finished speaking, the whole person disappeared from the spot, and when he reappeared, he was already behind Aokiji, and Hingrenmaru directly slashed at Aokiji’s neck.
” Continue to fight, you have no chance of winning … Our reinforcements will only increase! ” Aokiji dodged Reina’s slash, and the ice blade in his hand stabbed Reina.
” Really? Let’s see if we get rid of you first, or your reinforcements come first! ” Reina smiled and replied.
You must know that the pirate group under Whitebeard’s command did not all come here, in order to block the reinforcements of the navy halfway.
Aokiji and Kizaru alone here are not enough to turn the tide of the battle, because Whitebeard has yet to make a move.
In the face of Reina’s half-step not retreating, Aokiji was also a little helpless. He also knew that if Whitebeard did not speak, or let them feel the crisis, this group of pirates would not easily retreat.
Although Kizaru and Dalmesia injured the Whitebeard Pirates just now, they also attracted Whitebeard’s attention. Now Whitebeard has found Kizaru, and with Marco’s assistance, if Aokiji If you don’t hurry over to help, maybe Kiabou is going to have a big problem.
” Get out of the way! Dad is about to shoot! ” Looking at the energy circle on the Naginata in Whitebeard’s hand, the pirates who were in the same direction with Kiabou fled one after another.
” Goo la la la … What did Reina call you? Yellow-skinned monkey? Very vivid! ” Whitebeard slashed towards the yellow monkey, and the huge slash came directly with the sound of space breaking. The side of the yellow monkey.
However, Kiabou was originally good at speed, so he easily avoided Whitebeard’s slash, but the huge slash directly destroyed countless buildings.
” Continue to fight … This small island is about to end! ” Kizaru said to Whitebeard with an ugly face.
” Isn’t this in line with your intentions? All the evidence will be wiped out at that time, and then you can say whatever you want! Isn’t this your usual style? ” Marco, who didn’t know when he came to Kizaru, kicked at the At the same time, Kizaru said softly.
” Bang! ” Kizaru raised his hand to block Marco’s attack, but the strong impact pushed him towards Whitebeard.
Whitebeard’s Naginata seemed to be ready long ago, and slashed directly at Kizaru again.
” Tiancong Cloud Sword! ” Kizaru folded his hands together, and when he pulled it apart again, an energy sword appeared in his hand, directly blocking Whitebeard’s Naginata.
However, although he blocked Whitebeard’s attack, under the suppression of Whitebeard’s enormous strength and energy, the ground under the yellow monkey’s feet was cracking inch by inch.
” Where are you looking? ” On the other side, the ice wheel pill in Reina’s hand stabbed into Aokiji’s shoulder and said softly.
” Bang! ” Although Aokiji counterattacked immediately and kicked Reina, but the blood brought out by Hingrenwan still injured the natural ability person.
Just now, he was distracted by Kizaru and Whitebeard’s fight, and was caught by Reina, so he was hit by Reina.
So the first time after kicking Reina, Aokiji attacked towards Whitebeard, wanting to rescue Kizaru.
However, Whitebeard didn’t even look at him, because Reina over there had already chased after him quickly and stopped the green pheasant.
” What are you thinking? Do you want to attack my captain if you don’t defeat me? Are you crazy? ” Hairenmaru slashed towards Aokiji, who resisted with the ice blade in his hand.
Although the ice extending from the Hirinmaru sword body froze the Aokiji, Reina knew that this would not cause any damage to the Aokiji at all.
No way, even though Aokiji himself is Frost?
Sure enough, the ice that enveloped the green pheasant was like water, and it merged directly into the green pheasant’s body, and then disappeared.
Although he failed to inflict damage to Aokiji, he successfully blocked the opponent.
” It’s a little nerve-wracking, it’s actually an ability that overlaps with yours! ” Reina said a little depressingly, seeing that Aokiji easily resolved the biggest feature of Hingrenwan.
” This is not your ability … isn’t it? ” Qingzhi smiled and replied.
After fighting with Reina for so long, the Navy has long known that Reina’s ability to create ice comes from the weapon in his hand.
” You don’t want to take my weapon away, right? Come … if you like … I can give it to you! ” Reina smiled, and as he said that, he was about to hand the Hiranimaru in his hand to Aokiji. .
However, Aokiji was not stupid enough to believe Reina. The weapon seemed to have some connection with Reina, and as long as Reina wanted, he could make Hironmaru appear in his own hands at any time.
They don’t know, this is the power of the system, including the Demon Sword Village that Reina gave away. Reina can return this special weapon to his dimensional storage bar at any time, and then easily out of the storage compartment.
But this ability is only limited to these weapons with special attributes, and nothing else will work. This is the reason why the weapon will not be lost after Reina is defeated or stunned several times.
” Boom ~~~” Without Aokiji’s rescue, Kizaru finally relied on his own ability to escape from Whitebeard at the last minute.
Looking at the big pit that was bombarded by Whitebeard, Kizaru felt that it was a terrible day.
He, who was injured before, would obviously not be able to play against Whitebeard and Marco alone here.
However, except for Aokiji, the rest of the navy generals were suppressed by the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates. They did not need his rescue. They had already worked very hard. If they wanted to come and help him, it was a fool’s dream.
After all, the number of captains has already surpassed the number of admirals.
Although with the arrival of the naval warships, the advantage of their numbers is no longer so obvious, but if it continues, he and Qingzhi can still support it, and the rest of the naval generals may not be able to support it.
” What do I do now? ” Kizaru dodged, came to Aokiji’s side, and asked.
The meeting of the two made Reina stop the attack, but he didn’t think he had the ability to deal with Aokiji and Kizaru.
” How long will it take for Sakaski and the reinforcements from the headquarters to arrive? ” Aokiji turned his head and asked.
“I ‘m afraid they won’t be able to hold on until that time! ” Huang Yuan did not answer directly, but pointed to the other generals who were bruised.
Because of the meeting of the two, the rest of the naval generals also left the battle and came to the two, including Dauberman and Dalmesia, all the generals had already won the prize.
On the other hand, the captains also came to Whitebeard’s side one after another. They were slightly stronger than the navy, and most of them were already injured.
” Dad! Do you want to continue? ” Bista asked in a low voice when he came to Whitebeard.
He is in a better condition, unlike Joz and Saatchi, who have already won the lottery.
” Those efforts have gone to the air island and can be transferred at any time. In addition, those navies not only attacked us, but even the navies of the original G10 division are also within their attack range! ” Marko, who has long noticed the situation on the battlefield , came to Whitebeard’s side, and reported.
” It seems that the navy and the world government are indeed planning to obliterate those scum! ” Reina, who had lifted the state of Hirinmaru’s solution, also walked over slowly and said.

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