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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Or … let’s leave a present for them and then retreat? If we entangle with the navy here for too long, the BIGMOM Pirates and the Beasts Pirates will not miss such a good opportunity! ” Reina saw After everyone’s progress, he opened his mouth and said to Whitebeard.
” What do you want to do? ” Whitebeard asked, turning his head sideways.
” Sink it to the bottom of the sea! ” Reina smiled and replied.
” Gu la la la … That’s not an easy thing! ” Whitebeard said with a big laugh.
” Hey … it doesn’t matter, if Aokiji and Kiabou stop … let’s kill a carbine! ” Reina said with a strange smile.
The conversation between them was not concealed, so Kizaru and Aokiji both came to Reina’s words.
After hearing their conversation, all the navies became angry.
” Want to destroy the naval base? You will never succeed until we fall! ” Dauberman was the first to stand up and roared at Rayner.
” Even if this naval base is actually a devil base? This is your justice? ” Reina chuckled and said.
His words shook some of the navy. On the way here, they also watched the live broadcast and knew what kind of crimes the colleagues here had committed.
” Even if they did something wrong, they should be judged by justice, not you pirates! You are not qualified like that! ” The silent Aokiji said suddenly.
” No, you are wrong! I am a member of this world and a member of humanity, no matter who I am, I have the right and the right to make my own voice … What’s more, in addition to these! We also have strength ! ” Reina shook his head and said slightly domineeringly.
Hearing Reina’s words, the pirates cheered loudly.
” Your navy is so self-righteous, thinking that you represent justice, but you can’t represent anything but yourself! ” Reina chuckled and continued: ” If we want to eliminate you all here today, There may be a price to pay, but don’t think we can’t do it! ”
Neither Kizaru nor Aokiji made a sound. They both wanted to escape, and there was absolutely no problem. However, if Whitebeard and Reina joined forces to deal with only one person, it would be hard to say what the outcome would be.
And once they escaped, the navy they brought would be wiped out here.
” Tell me! What do you guys want to do? ” After a moment of silence, Kizaru asked.
Reina smiled when he heard Kizaru’s words, and nodded towards Whitebeard. They knew that this was considered to be the navy’s softening.
” Gu la la la … Tell the Warring States and the World Government, stop playing those useless tricks, just seven pirates, just want them to restrain me? Don’t be fanciful! Little ones … let’s go! ” After that, Whitebeard took all the pirates and left with a big smile.
Reina and the captains stayed behind.
After the pirates returned to the empty island and the pirate ship, Reina and the captains slowly returned to the empty island.
However, the sky island did not lift off in the first time, but waited until the pirate ships were evacuated, and then slowly lifted off.
” Aoki … I’ll surprise you next time! Go back and tell Magellan … It’s not too long before I find him for revenge! Hahaha …” Reina’s arrogant laughter came from the air island.
Dauberman smashed a big rock next to him with an angry punch. This was the most embarrassing time since he became a navy.
But he couldn’t say that this was the fault of Kizaru and Aokiji. They were indeed at a disadvantage in the battle with the Whitebeard Pirates, so the choice of Aokiji and Kizaru also saved them.
But this kind of failure made it difficult for him to accept.
” Complete our unfinished mission! ” After Kizaru left a sentence, he turned and left.
Although he usually looks lazy, from joining the navy to the present, he has been among the top of the group. He has never been stimulated like this again, and has never been beaten so badly by anyone. Yellow monkey, the mood is particularly bad.
Aokiji shrugged, patted the dust on his body, and turned to leave. Only Dauberman reluctantly started to take over the affairs here. They also had other tasks.
The Whitebeard Pirates attacked the G10 branch of the Navy, and accidentally exposed the news that the Navy branch was secretly engaged in human trafficking, and it spread all over the world in an instant. Although the public did not know the final outcome, the major forces knew it for a long time. The news of the victory of the Whitebeard Pirates and their successful retreat.
Far away in the G1 branch, the gathered Shichibukai naturally received the news that they were disbanded.
“嗗嗗嗗嗈… I didn’t expect that the three lieutenant generals, Aokiji, Kiabou and Dauberman were dispatched, but they were still defeated by the Whitebeard Pirates. Is the strength of the navy already weakened to this extent? ” After Doflamingo received the news, he said with a strange smile.
” Huh ~~ This is a matter of course! Judging from the situation at the time, the first thing the Navy had to do was not to defeat the Whitebeard Pirates, but to clarify the facts! If this is true, then in the future The reputation of the Navy is completely ruined! ” Crocodile spit out a smoke ring and said with a chuckle.
” Hee hee hee … Anyway, we can go back now anyway!? I don’t want to face a monster like Whitebeard now! ” Moonlight Moria smiled strangely and prepared to leave .
However, his words seemed to arouse the dissatisfaction of Boya Hancock . She was rescued by Reina, and it was Reina who helped her become the emperor of the Nine Snakes, and helped her to cover up the existence of the ” Hoofprint of the Son of Heaven ” . Therefore, she still somewhat likes the Whitebeard Pirates.
” Sure enough, Reina and the others won? Then they should return to Xuanyue Island now! ” Jinping, who was standing alone, looked at the sea in the distance, thinking about whether to go to Xuanyue Island to meet Reina , after all, he, Qiwuhai, can be regarded as a single-handedly facilitated by Reina, maybe Reina may have other intentions.
However , after receiving the news, Hawkeye Mihawk and Tyrant Bartholomew Xiong left the G1 branch without saying a word.
As time went on, the navy not only blocked the news for the first time, but also gave an obvious excuse, saying that it was an illusion created by the Whitebeard Pirates on purpose, just to frame the navy, so the G10 branch was at that time. Everything that happened was fake.
Although this kind of news is an excuse at first sight, it is not in the eyes of the major forces, but those civilians who trust the navy also have reasons and excuses.
This is also the reason why Reina did not do anything. The world still needs the navy. If the credibility of the navy collapses, the consequences will be too serious.
As for the truth of the facts, in the eyes of these people, it is not important, and there is always only one important thing, and that is strength!
After the Whitebeard Pirates completely wiped out the G10 branch of the Navy, the prestige and danger level of the entire Whitebeard Pirates were silently raised by everyone again by several levels.
Especially that kind of plan to hide the sky and cross the sea, and the sudden surprise attack is also the biggest reason why the Whitebeard Pirates completely destroyed a naval branch without paying much.
And Reina, who arranged all this, was once again taken seriously by everyone.
” Jie ha ha ha ha … It’s not bad Reina! I knew from the beginning, that kid’s ability is extraordinary, but now he has grown to such a point! Running for thousands of miles … It’s a big deal! ” Golden Lion looked at the information in his hand, Said with a cigar laughing.
” Kalkal … Captain … Before we move … Do you really have a way to get him to help us? ” Indigo asked curiously.
” Of course, this kid owed me a big favor back then! If I came forward, he would not refuse! He is just like Newgate … so naive! ” A light flashed in the golden lion’s eyes, said with a smile.
As everyone knows, when he learned that he attacked Marin Fando alone, Reina said that he was lacking in roots.
A new world, an island.
” Totally tricked! That guy just misunderstood us, and then helped him contain the navy! ” Shanks said with a wry smile, looking at the information in his hand.
” It’s a clever trick! Not only did it take advantage of us, but it also made us miss out on human favors! It’s amazing! ” Lackey Lu nodded and said with a really powerful expression on the other side .
Jesus on the side said with black lines on his head: ” Okay, shut up now, aren’t we embarrassed enough now? ”
” Hahaha … don’t worry, it didn’t delay us anyway, then … we’ll just do our own thing! ” Shanks said with a big laugh.
Vice-captain Ben Beckman on the side was lost in thought with a cigarette in his mouth. He was thinking about the chances of winning if they fought against the Whitebeard Pirates.
The first half of the Great Route, an island.
” Thief hahahaha … It’s not bad that it’s Daddy and Reina! They are completely playing with the Navy! But … their shortcomings are still so obvious, I really look forward to the next time we meet! ” Blackbeard Tickey sat down On a rooftop, while eating food, he looked at the information in front of him and said with a smile.
” Captain … Our plan is about to start! The world’s big stage! I really want to go and see it soon! ” Blackbeard Tickey was beside him, a burly and strong man. The leader of the Hunter Pirates who fought Marco because of Sky Island, Demon Hunter Idar!
” Thief hahahaha … don’t worry, although I don’t see the ability in the future, but I know … it’s not like it seems, we have to slowly gather our own strength! In addition … the fruit I most want to get is not yet. Appear! ” Blackbeard Titch said mysteriously.
“I really don’t understand, what kind of fruit do you need, Captain! We have been searching for so long and have no clue … Should we go to the new world? ” At this time, a man shrouded in black robes , said softly.
” No, now is not the time to go to the new world. In case it is discovered, we are not strong enough to resist the Whitebeard Pirates! ” Titch shook his head and looked at the sea in the distance.
” Cough, cough … Could it be that the Whitebeard Pirates … is really that powerful? Cough …” asked a slightly old man who was weak in speech and looked very weak.
” Poison Q , you’d better not take chances! The new world and this place … there is absolutely no possibility of comparison! ” Idar glanced at his companion beside him and said softly.
The opponent’s strength is not good, but the use of poison is not bad, otherwise Idar will not recognize the opponent.

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