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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” I’m back at last! Why do I feel like I don’t want to leave after I come back every time I come back? But after a few days, I think about going to sea again? ”
” Hahaha … I’m finally back! Dad, will we have a banquet tonight? ”
When the sky island descended on Xuanyue Island, everyone couldn’t help cheering.
” Dad! Things are going well, right? We have seen the news! ” Blenheim took the members who stayed behind on Xuanyue Island, and greeted them directly, shouting to Whitebeard.
” Gu la la la … Everyone has been working hard. Now go back to rest and have a banquet in the banquet square in the evening! Blenheim, I will leave this banquet to you to prepare. If there is anything else, I will talk about it at the banquet! ” Bai Beard said to Blenheim with a big laugh as he walked.
That night, the grand banquet was opened again, and the banquet square was filled with people again. Everyone drank happily and talked about the war launched this time, how heroic they fought and how many enemies they defeated.
The captains also raised their glasses to drink, and this moment belonged to the entire Whitebeard Pirates, because they won and destroyed a branch from the Navy.
At this time, the Navy was not in the mood to pay attention to the Whitebeard Pirates. They had to deal with the aftermath. The failure of Aokiji and Kiabou sounded the alarm for the Navy. There are still some very difficult existences in this sea. For example … the Whitebeard Pirates.
Two years later, on the Moby Dick , Rayner sighed deeply as he read the news of Mr. Tom’s execution in the newspaper.
The man known as the world’s number one craftsman is still dead. Iceberg did not understand what Reina said at the beginning, or understood, but he did not find a way to change Mr. Tom’s fate.
The difference from the original book is that this time the excuse used by the World Government or the CP5 chief Spandam is even more speechless.
With Reiner’s reminder, Carter Flam , the future Franky, didn’t make offensive weapons anymore, but in the face of the rogue-like Spandam, he couldn’t help but laugh at the end. After a while, these hilarious words were used as an excuse by Spandam to say that he abused the officials of the world government and was punished by capital punishment.
In the end, Mr. Tom offset Carter Flam’s guilt with the credit for creating the sea train, and he was taken away by CP5 and finally executed.
At the end of the iceberg, they understood what Reina meant. As long as the world government is willing to do this kind of thing, they can find thousands of excuses to deal with them. The iceberg who understands it will bring the Pluto design that Mr. Tom gave him before his death. Figure, start with the same selection as in the original.
And Carter Flam , like the original, was seriously injured in order to block the sea train that took Tom away. Fortunately, he used a large amount of steel on a nearby wreck to transform himself into a cola-fueled transformation man. , survived by luck.
” Master, it’s time for practice today! ” Just as Reina was looking at the newspaper and fell into contemplation, a man with dark green long hair, blue eyes, and his entire face was covered with a cracked cross scar covered with thin ice. He came to him and said softly.
” Ah ~ it’s Bing Lun Maru! Please! ” Reina replied with a slight smile.
This person is actually Binglunwan, who opened the treasure box when he signed in for five consecutive years.
Of course, instead of a person being opened directly, a scroll, a special weapon anthropomorphic scroll, was opened! It is worth 500,000 points. Now that the mall has been unlocked, as long as he has 500,000 points, he can buy another one.
But he doesn’t even have 500,000 points now, he doesn’t even have 100,000 points. He has not interrupted his sign-in in the past two years. He has won a total of 111,600 points, plus the usual overtime pay and some seven Seven or eighty things, add up to about 115,000 points in two years.
In addition to his own remaining points, he reached 200,000 points.
Originally, he wanted to directly buy a high-level swordsmanship promotion volume, so that his swordsmanship could also break through the advanced level and become a super-level swordsmanship.
However, after communicating with Hing Lun Maru and getting permission from Hing Lun Maru, he still chose to buy a special weapon evolution volume and a special weapon super evolution volume, which allowed Qianben Sakura to unlock the state of swastika.
The anthropomorphic Hingrenmaru is not as cold as his attributes, but a rather warm person. After Reina negotiated with him, he got his approval. Now Reina is basically a thousand cherry blossoms hanging around his waist. , and Binglunwan is in a state of transformation for a long time.
The reason why he chose to strengthen Qianben Sakura was to make his attack methods more diverse. In addition, he only needed 150,000 points to buy two scrolls, which would allow him to have a few points left on him, just in case.
In other words, in the past two years, not only did he not accumulate points, but he needed to spend more points.
However, with the addition of Senbon Sakura, Reina’s attack methods are also more comprehensive. If he faces Aokiji now, he can use Senbon Sakura instead of Hingrenwan.
” Then let’s go! Today’s swordsmanship practice, please also! ” Reina smiled slightly, and walked to the stern of the Moby Dick with Hirinmaru.
Although his current swordsmanship proficiency has been completed, and the training will not increase his proficiency, Reina has not given up his practice, and still takes a little time every day to practice swordsmanship with Hingrenwan.
A few days later, while Rayner was doing his regular gymnastics, a crew member came to interrupt his training.
” vice-captain, daddy told you to come over there! ”
” Huh? Did something happen? ” Reina wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked with a smile.
Under normal circumstances, everyone knows that he doesn’t like to be disturbed when he is exercising, so it is generally not important and will not disturb him.
“I don’t know, it seems to be related to murlocs. I saw a murloc with a letter to find Dad, and then Dad will let you come over! ” The crew shook his head and replied.
” Murloc? Could it be that what happened to Fishman Island? ” Reina frowned slightly, walked out of the training room, and walked towards the front deck.
Over the years, Fishman Island has been in peace because of the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates, and even because of the presence of Shiping, the King of the Seven Wuhai, the relationship between Fishman Island and the World Government has become harmonious.
Reina also received letters from Tiger occasionally. Generally, apart from thanking him for his decision to make Jinbei Shichibukai, it was trivial and trivial. Reina often replied to him, and the two kept in touch.
I also know that Tiger will occasionally return to Fishman Island. Although he has been expelled from Fishman Island on the surface, it is not the case at all. The residents of Fishman Island treat him like a hero.
Neptune and Princess Otoji even treated him as a guest, but their meetings usually required sneaking, so Tiger laughed at himself several times.
” Brother, is there anything else? ” When Rayner came to the deck, he found that the captains had already arrived, and Muir even looked like he had been crying, and his eyes were still red.
” Mr. Reina! ” A murloc with a soaring ponytail and a trident greeted him with a salute after seeing Reina.
” Aladdin? Why are you here? Why didn’t Brother Tiger come here? We haven’t seen each other for a long time, right? ” Reina greeted with a smile.
” Captain he … he’s dead! ” Aladdin sobbed with his head lowered when he heard Reina mention Tiger.
” Dead? ” Reina’s smile froze on his face, then slowly looked at Aladdin and asked, ” How did you die? ”
Because he has been in the world of One Piece for too long, Reina has almost forgotten some of the less important plots of the original work, and it was Mary Joa who went with him and Tiger, so the world government has always thought that he was the mastermind, Tiger didn’t take it seriously either, and Reina gradually forgot about Tiger’s death.
Aladdin held back his tears and told the story again. They escorted the human girl Clark, who was a slave, back to her hometown, but was informed by the local people, and finally was ambushed by the navy. Tiger was seriously injured in the battle and was killed by Jin and others were rescued from the warship seized from the navy.
However, only human blood is stored on the navy warships, and Tiger refuses blood transfusions because he hates human blood. Before dying, he told Jinpei, Aaron and others that he was a slave, and told everyone that he could no longer fall in love with humans.
At the same time, he pointed out that only the peaceful policy of Princess Otohime is the fundamental solution to the future of murlocs and human beings. Tiger believes that only if the ignorant next generation is not affected by hatred and discriminatory thoughts can human and murlocs truly reconcile and coexist. .
And in the end, I still have some regrets. I can’t drink and chat with Reina anymore. After Jinbei died, he could lead the Murloc Pirates to join the Whitebeard Pirates. This is what he wanted to do for a long time. Originally, he planned to go to Whitebeard and join the Whitebeard Pirates after all the slaves were settled, but he did not expect to end up like this.
In the end, Tiger, who refused blood transfusion, died of excessive blood loss. Jinplain originally planned to bring the rest to the Whitebeard Pirates and join the Whitebeard Pirates according to Tiger’s last wish, but the hatred faction headed by Aaron failed. , but thought that it was humans who killed Tiger, no matter what, he had to avenge Tiger first.
Jinping, who tried hard to persuade him to no avail, could only watch Aaron bring people back to Forchart Island. I didn’t expect that the yellow monkey who came to deal with this matter had not left, and Aaron’s group was directly arrested by the yellow monkey. .
Jinpei, who is the king under the Shichibukai, had to go to rescue Aaron in person, and asked Aladdin to come over and tell Reina and Whitebeard about Tiger’s death.
” In other words, Brother Tiger died of excessive blood loss in the end? ” Reina sighed and said: ” That idiot … the blood has left the body, so what kind of race is there? It’s because the distinction is too clear, so the murloc and the Human beings will always have barriers! Is there something that is bound to die? Is it scary to die? You are not afraid of death, and you are afraid of blood transfusion! You idiots are also … Can’t force him to give him a blood transfusion first? ”
In the face of Reina’s questioning, Aladdin did not refute it, not because he thought so, but because he knew that Reina said it because it was a pity that Tiger died.
” So where is that kid Jinbei now? ” Reina asked after calming down a bit.
” Before I left, he went to Kizaru and said that he is the king of Qiwuhai, and Aaron is our crew. The navy has no right to change, and I don’t know if we can communicate well! ” Aladdin said with a little worry.
” It’s best to be dead! All of them are idiots! Where is Brother Tiger’s body now? ” Reina said angrily.
” It has been arranged to send someone back to Fishman Island! ” Aladdin lowered his head, not daring to talk to Reina.
” Then Muir, go with Aladdin to pick up Jinbei. If that guy from Kiabou dares to stop him, tell him to wash his neck and wait! Big brother … Is there any problem with this arrangement? ” Reina thought about it. After thinking about it, he said.
Whitebeard nodded, indicating that there is no problem. Although his body has not changed much in the past two years because of pure gold, he has always ignored this kind of thing, so Reina didn’t ask him how he arranged it.

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