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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
The failure of Kaido to challenge the Whitebeard Pirates spread across the entire New World a few days later, making everyone even more fearful of the Whitebeard Pirates.
But Whitebeard also paid a price for it.
It’s not that he didn’t leave Kaido’s strength, but it’s not worth it at all.
So before Whitebeard and Kaido fought, Reina told Whitebeard that it was enough to defeat the opponent, and there was absolutely no need to exchange injuries with the opponent.
And in the end, the blow that Reina gave Kaido was not light. It is estimated that Kaido will have to recover from the injury for a while before he can come out to make trouble.
In addition to the news of Whitebeard and Kaido fighting during this time, the most eye-catching thing is the hijacking of the heavenly gold turned over to the Tianlong people.
Recently, people in the Navy and the World Government are going crazy, looking for the murderer everywhere, wanting to arrest him, but there is no news that the murderer has been found.
In this way, time passed slowly, and the sea soon returned to calm. Except for Kaido who jumped out to challenge others every once in a while, the sea was unbelievably calm.
One year later.
” Isn’t it? Kaido lost again? This is the first time? That guy … really didn’t give up! ” Reina, who had just finished training, heard the members outside talking about Kaido’s recent defeat in the navy challenge. thing.
Since he was defeated by Whitebeard, he went to Charlotte Lingling again, but he also lost the battle.
After recovering from the injury, the unwilling Kaido directly found Garp, rushed over while he was on a mission, and directly sunk Garp’s warship, which made Garp angry, a pair of Iron Fist directly taught him to be a human being, and after beating Kaido hard, he also took him back to the Push City.
However, with the help of the Beast Pirates, Kaido quickly escaped from prison.
Kaido who came out did not believe in evil, and went directly to Akainu Sakaski, who was already a general , but was defeated by Akainu, and then was beaten by the surrounding navy, and was taken into the advance city again.
This time, before entering the advance city, Kaido suddenly exerted his strength and sank the nine submarine prison fleets, thereby getting away.
After coming out, Kaido found Kizaru and Aokiji one after another, and both ended in defeat.
Of course, he was not without victory. Once Kaido heard that Aokiji was in a certain naval branch, but after he went there, he couldn’t find anyone. For this reason, he fought against the entire naval branch alone, although he was captured in the end. However, the entire naval branch was also destroyed by him, and he fled directly before the escorted warships of the headquarters came over.
Even sometimes when Kaido encounters a warship alone, he will directly sink the other party, which also makes the navy quite a headache for Kaido.
His series of achievements made him famous all over the world.
Don’t look at his defeat every time, but his challenge is always one person, one person challenges the Whitebeard Pirates, one person challenges the BIGMOM Pirates, one person challenges the navy, so the world’s impression of Kaido has changed. He became a mindless and savage image, but Reina knew that the guy was not a reckless person, but a guy with a very delicate mind.
At the same time, the village of Cocosia in the East China Sea.
Nami, who was beaten by Belle Meyer when she quarreled with Nuo Qigao said ” You’re not my sister! ” , went to Ah Jian alone to complain, and finally learned of Belle Meyer’s painstaking Nami and his arrival. When Nuoqigao, who picked him up, was planning to go back, he found that there were pirates attacking Cocosia Village.
The fishman Aaron finally came here and asked everyone to spend money to buy their own lives. After the villagers resisted to no avail, they could only pay to save their lives.
” One hundred thousand per adult and fifty thousand per child! ” This is the rule that Aaron set for Cocosia Village.
After the villagers made Bailey, Aaron and the others were about to leave, but at this time Belle Meyer, who lived outside the village, was preparing food for Nami’s and Nuoqi Gao. People just saw it, so Aaron and his men went directly to Belmer.
However, Aaron, who was just about to push the door in, was knocked down by Bellmer and put a gun into Aaron’s mouth. Bellmer, who was smoking a cigarette, asked softly, ” You are from greatness . Pirates from the route? ”
” Hahahaha …” Seeing that Aaron was brought down, the murlocs present laughed loudly, without any intention of going up to help.
Feeling that something was wrong, Bellmer was about to fight back, but Aaron bit off the gun.
Although Belmer used to be in the navy, it was not enough to deal with Aaron, so she was directly knocked down by Aaron.
Nami and Nuoqigao, who came secretly, hid in the woods, and the doctors in the town did not let them go out, so that they could pay half the money.
But looking at Belmel lying on the ground, both Nami and Nokigao refrained from crying and did not dare to make a sound.
” Idiot, Bermel, are you willing to be killed by your own sense of justice? They just want Berry, why don’t you just give it to them? ” At this time, Ah Jian finally came over, holding the injured Bellmer said loudly.
” He’s right at all, the female navy … 100,000 for adults and 50,000 for children, as long as you pay all your family’s money, I will not kill innocent people! ” Aaron on the side said with a chuckle .
” Family’s money … ? ” Bermel, who was held by Ah Jian, asked softly.
” Yes, how many do you have now? ” Ah Jian asked in a low voice.
” It ‘s not enough … I’m only about a hundred thousand bellies now! ” Belmer replied.
Ah Jian was stunned for a moment, and then pretended to be relaxed and said: ” What ~ So you have 100,000 Berries! That’s just enough! ”
But at this moment, the octopus little eight said: ” Aaron, there are three people’s bowls and chopsticks in the room! ”
” That was specially made to entertain me and the villager. We helped her sell oranges before, so she planned to entertain us! ” Ah Jian’s back was instantly soaked in cold sweat, but fortunately he caught a glimpse of the doctor beside him. So he spoke immediately.
On the other hand, the murloc who was looking at the town’s roster also said, “On the register, she is indeed single and has no children! ”
” Then according to the agreement … as long as you pay me 100,000 Berry, you don’t have to die! ” After listening, Aaron nodded and said.
On the other hand, the doctor also told Nami and Nuoqigao that the two of them were not registered in the village’s roster, so the pirates didn’t know their existence yet, so they immediately went out to sea and escaped.
Nami cried and refused to leave, she didn’t want to leave Bellmer.
But the strong Nuoqigao nodded and agreed to the doctor’s words. She knew that only if the two of them left, Belmer could live.
” That 100,000 Berry … is the money of my two children! ” Just as Aaron and his gang were about to leave, and Nuoqigao was about to leave with Nami, Bermel, who was standing there, said suddenly.
Her words shocked everyone.
” Bermel … you! ” A Jian was shocked, and he rushed to Bellmer, wanting her to take back what she just said.
But Belmer cried and said: ” Sorry, Ah Jian, I really can’t deny the fact that I have a family. Although I will die for this, although they are not my own, but … I am their mother! ”
” Shut up! Bellmer, don’t say it anymore! ” Although Ah Jian knew why Bellmer did this, but at this juncture, he just lied, why not?
” You have … children? ” Hearing Bermel’s words, Aaron’s group slowly turned around and looked at Bermel.
” Bermel … !! ” Nami and Nokigao, who were all about to leave, burst into tears after hearing Bellmer’s words, and then charged directly towards Bellmer.
” Sorry, Nami, I also want to buy you a beautiful dress and a better life for you, but … I’m sorry for you as a mother, I really can’t give you anything! ” Bermel hugged Chong Nami and Nokigao, who came over, cried and said.
” No, I don’t want anything, just as long as we’re together! ” Nami cried out loudly.
” So … these two little devils … are your daughters? ” At this time, Aaron had come to Belmer’s side and asked softly.
” Yes! ” Bermel stood up, nodded and said, ” Please don’t hurt them! ”
” Of course, I have already received Bailey, so I won’t kill people easily, but for those of you who didn’t pay … you need to die obediently! ” An Longhua said with a chuckle.
” Ah ~~~ Bellmer, hurry up and save yourself, pick up your weapons, and fight with them! ” Over there, seeing that the situation was irreversible, A Jian ran towards this side and shot A Long. , trying to walk away from Bermel.
However, he was not the opponent of the murloc at all, and was instantly brought to the ground by the murloc.
” Don’t kill him! As I said, the person who pays the money can not die! He paid the money, so don’t kill him! ” Aaron turned his head and said to the murloc who subdued Ajian.
” Okay! ” The murloc let go of Ah Jian, but at this time he was already on the ground, and he couldn’t even get up except struggling to look at Belmer.
” This is the first time I’ve seen someone who seeks death for the sake of boring love … ! ” Aaron raised his hand and pointed at Bermel.
” Hehe … Nami … Nuoqigao … I love you all! ” Bellemel said softly after taking a gentle glance at the two children, which seemed to be his last words.
At this time, Nami recalled that she often made Bermel angry, and she regretted it very much. She once said that she didn’t want Bermel to adopt her. Thinking of this, Nami couldn’t stop her tears.
” No matter what happens … you must not blame others, even if you don’t get praise from others, it doesn’t matter. As long as you live strong, it is a fast thing, so … I hope you can live happily …” Belmer looked at Nami and Nokigao with a smile, not at all afraid of dying.
” No … Belmer …” Nami didn’t dare to look at what happened next, so she closed her eyes and shouted loudly.

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