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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Wait … !! ”
Just when Nami and Nuoqigao heard Belmer’s words and fell into memory, Nuoqigao suddenly thought of something, and Aaron, who was about to shoot, shouted loudly.
” Huh? Is there something wrong? Kid! ” Aaron asked Nuoqigao, who was in tears.
” Are you going to let Bellemel go as long as you have money? ” Nokigao asked loudly, wiping away her tears.
” That’s right! As long as you give the money now, I’ll let you go! ” Aaron nodded and said with a chuckle.
” Okay! You wait, I have money! ” After Nuoqigao finished speaking, he turned and ran into the woods.
Everyone was confused, but Aaron didn’t seem to be in a hurry, but waited with great interest.
At this time, Bermel seemed to have thought of something, and his face became strange. A Jian over there seemed to have thought of something, and looked at the woods in anticipation.
Sure enough, after a while, Nuoqigao was covered in
The clay man came out, holding a small piece of gold in his hand, and said with a little joy: ” I found it, this piece of gold should be more than 100,000 berges! Use it to pay Bermel! ”
Aaron took the gold in surprise. After looking at it carefully, he suddenly froze and asked in a deep voice, ” Little devil, where did you get this piece of gold? ”
” You shouldn’t be able to handle this kind of thing, right? Don’t you just need to get the money? ” Nuoqi stared at Aaron and asked.
She was now afraid that the other party would not let Bellemel go, so she wanted to end all this quickly.
” Hahaha … It’s true, but this piece of gold is a bit special, and how can I be sure that this piece of gold is yours? ” Aaron laughed for a while, then looked at Nuoqigao sullenly and said .
” It was given to her by a pirate! When Nuoqigao was young, a passing pirate gave her this! ” Bellemel said directly over there.
She had guessed Reina’s identity with Ah Jian before. After Reina left, the two found some information and asked some navies to confirm Reina’s identity.
So now she just hopes that Aaron also knows Reina, so that Nuoqigao, who is related to Reina, will definitely be sheltered.
” It really is that guy … ? Humph, what a disgusting ability! ” Aaron’s eyes flickered a few times, but he finally gave up doing something and said to the murlocs around him: ” Let’s go, since you’ve already paid If we have enough money, then we have to act according to the agreement! ”
When he saw Reina’s name engraved on the gold, he knew what Reina meant when he asked Jinbei to bring it to him. He also knew that Reina had abilities similar to his sister’s and could see some future, so for this kind of Things are not unexpected.
Hearing Aaron’s words, Bellmer, Ajian and the others were all relieved, and Nami and Noqigao rushed directly into Bellmer’s arms and burst into tears.
They really thought Belmer was going to die just now.
” Mr. Aaron, a lot of nautical charts have been found here! ” At this moment, a murloc came out of the house with a stack of nautical charts in his hand.
” Bastard, let go of my chart, it’s all mine! ” When Xiao Nami saw that her beloved chart was snatched by the murloc, she immediately rushed over to punch and kick, trying to get the chart back.
” Oh? I really didn’t expect that in such a small place, you can meet such a good kid who draws the sea! ” Aaron looked at the sea map in his hand, and said with a chuckle: ” Such an important person can’t be taken lightly. Let go and take her away! ”
” Let go of me, let me go! Ah Jian! Belmer, please help me! ” Little Nami was caught by the murlocs, so she had to ask someone close to her for help.
” Hey … Wait! ” A Jian, who had fallen to the ground, and Belmer, who was already covered in blood, stood up at the same time, holding their weapons and calling out to Aaron’s group.
” Didn’t you already receive the money? Why are you still shooting at that child? ” Ah Jian asked angrily, holding a long sword.
” Ah ~ don’t worry, I won’t hurt her, I just want to borrow her! ” Aaron said with a light smile, looking like he didn’t care.
” Ajian ~~ Belmer ~~ Help me! ” Xiao Nami shouted, and now she can only rely on Bellemer and Ah Jian.
” I told you … let go of that child! ” A Jian charged towards A Long with his long sword in hand.
” Nami ~ Don’t be afraid, Mommy will come to save you now! ” Although Belmer was seriously injured, he still dragged his tired body and planned to rush towards Aaron.
” Hehehe … don’t think … with a piece of gold and a name, I can stop me from killing you! Hey … kill them! ” Aaron turned around, pointed at Ajian and Belmer, and said softly said.
” Looking for death! ”
” Pfft! ”
Facing A Jian who was rushing up, Crooby, the leader of the Aaron Pirates, directly slashed A Jian’s face with a sword, and a scar that ran from the left chin to the forehead appeared on A Jian’s face. superior.
” Ajian! ” Seeing Ajian being knocked down, Bellmer rushed over with a wooden stick.
” It’s useless … The gap between you and us is too big! ” Another cadre tweeted, spit at Belle Mel.
He is a kissing murloc, with protruding lips that look like cannon fish, and his mouth can spit out a lot of water to attack enemies, like bullets.
Not to mention the seriously injured Bellmer, even if she was not injured, she was not a match for Chuu, so after being hit by the saliva bullet, Bellmer also collapsed.
” Belmer ! ” Nuoqigao hurriedly stepped forward and ran to the side of the fallen Bellmer, her tears streaming even more violently.
” Do n’t worry … Nami, I’ll come to save you right away! ” A Jian, whose face was covered in blood, struggled to fight again, but his body injuries had already made him a little dizzy.
On the other side, many villagers who were here before also held weapons and wanted to save Nami from the hands of the Aaron Pirates.
But seeing so many people who cared about herself and loved herself injured, little Nami was frightened and she could only cry and shout: ” No!! Don’t come to save me again, I don’t want you to save me, please, Don’t come and save me! Go away! I don’t want anyone to die! ”
It’s a pity that the villagers couldn’t take care of that much at this time. Except for Bellmer, who was seriously injured and comatose, everyone rushed towards the Aaron Pirates again.
” Tsk tsk tsk … that’s a pity … I was thinking of letting you go …” Aaron shook his head and left with Nami.
After the Aaron Pirates left, everyone except Nuoqigao had fallen in a pool of blood. The sad and frightened Nuoqigao squatted beside Belmer and cried.
” Cough cough … Nuoqigao … you … Are you all right? ” Belmer didn’t know when he woke up and wanted to reach out and grab Nuoqigao.
” Bermel … you … are you okay? ” Nuoqigao stepped forward quickly, grabbed Bellmer’s hand, and asked.
” Cough cough … Where’s Nami? Is she okay? What about Ah Jian and the others? ” Belmer asked anxiously without seeing Nami.
” Nami … Nami … was taken by those bad guys, Ajian … Ajian and the others were all beaten down! Woo woo woo … How could it be like this … Belmel … woo woo … “…” Nuo Qigao cried sadly and said.
” Hey ~ help me get up! Don’t worry, I will save Nami! ” Belle Meyer comforted Nuoqigao and said, ” Go and see how Ah Jian and the others are doing! ”
At this time, Belle Meyer had the illusion that he was on the battlefield many years ago. In that war, all his companions were wiped out. She was the only one who survived. It was also there that she found Nami and Nuoqi. high.
After a while, many villagers came here. With the help of everyone, they sent everyone to the town’s hospital. They were lucky. Although their injuries were serious, they were not life-threatening. , Under the treatment of the doctor, he soon woke up.
A Jian and others who woke up also knew the current situation. The Aaron Pirates destroyed all the surrounding ships, and stopped not far from the Cocosia Village, using this as their base camp.
After careful analysis by the village chief, the doctor, A Jian and Belmer, they decided to go directly to the Aaron Pirates to fight to the death. Even if all members died, they would save Nami.
But before they could act, Nami came over in the company of Aaron Pirates officer Crooby and told them that she had joined Aaron Pirates, and now she is Aaron Pirates nautical painter.
Seeing that Belmer was fine, Nami breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, and showed the villagers that she had received a reward from Aaron, and that she would be able to support herself in the future.
But everyone felt betrayal. The Arlong Pirates were the culprit who caused everything today. How could Nami join each other?
Only Belle Mel and Nuoqigao do not believe that this is Nami’s will, let her not be afraid, tell the truth, and everyone will save her!
But when I saw everyone trying to save her before, Nami couldn’t say anything, so she pretended to be relaxed and said, ” Everyone … don’t do this, you see, I really got paid, I can buy it. Anything I want to buy …”
” Nami … how can you do this!? ” Nuoqigao threw Nami directly to the ground, her tears fell on Nami’s face, and said to Nami in a trembling voice: ” How can you do this? I … I can’t forgive you like this … I definitely won’t allow you to join the Aaron Pirates! They are our enemies!! Have you forgotten? ”
” I don’t care! In order to survive, I don’t care about anything! Belmer … I just want to live! ” Looking at Nokigao who was riding on him, and Belmer walking slowly, Nami Qiang Holding back tears, he shouted loudly.
” Idiot! As long as you’re fine, just live according to your own ideas! ” Lighting a cigarette, Bermel said with a chuckle.
” Belmer …” Ah Jian on the side sighed, glanced at the murloc cadre on the side, and said to Nami: ” Since you are already a member of them, then you can leave me now! Leave us the village! ”
Looking at Nami who was taken away by the murloc cadre, Ah Jian sighed and said to Belmer: ” Look … I said, she didn’t treat you as …”
Ah Jian didn’t finish his words, because he had already seen the warning eyes of Belmer.
Everyone in Su Ruian thought that Nami betrayed everyone because she was afraid of death, but Belmer and Noqigao felt that something was wrong. This was not like Nami.

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