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Sure enough, when they got home, they saw Nami hiding in the corner crying, and then Bellemel learned all the reasons from Nami’s mouth.
Little Nami and Aaron agreed to buy back Cocosia Village from Aaron with 100 million Berries. She didn’t want to see anyone die again!
Belmer and Nuoqigao on the side were shocked by Nami’s words. They didn’t think that Nami could earn 100 million berries.
” But … didn’t Belmer say it? It’s a quick thing to live! I hope everyone can be quick! ” Nami pretended to look at Belmer with ease, and said firmly.
” What an idiot! But … I will support you! ” Bermel touched Nami’s head and said with a smile.
” Belmel … woo woo woo …” Little Nami finally couldn’t help it, and threw herself into Belmer’s arms and burst into tears.
Nuoqigao, who was on the side, also shed tears silently. After a while, she quietly left, and then brought in a small temperament from outside and said, ” Nami, this is the gold that Reina left me before, I took one piece for Aaron before, and I’ll give you the rest! I don’t know how much these are worth, but it should make it easier for you! ”
” I don’t want it! This is what Reina left for you! I will earn the 100 million bery myself! ” Nami rejected Nuoqigao’s gold and shook her head.
” Nuoqigao, put away the gold, don’t take this out until it’s important! ” Belmer also shook his head and objected.
” Why? ” Nuoqi looked at Belle Meyer puzzled and asked, ” It’s just some gold! ”
” These golds shouldn’t be simple. The name of Reina is engraved on it, which proves that you are someone who has something to do with Reina! ” Bermel shook his head, took a deep breath and said, ” Aaron and the others let us off so easily before. , it should also be related to these golds! Reina’s identity … will make these pirates have scruples against you! ”
” Reina’s identity? ” Nami and Nokigao looked at each other and asked at the same time, ” Who is Reina? Why do those pirates care about him? ”
” Hu ~ I didn’t want to tell you, after all, both of you are considered to be under his care! But at this time, maybe I will tell you that it can be your life-saving trump card! Reina, full name Benery D. Lei Na, that’s the name printed on the gold!
As he himself said, he is also a pirate, but he is not an ordinary pirate, but the deputy captain of the Whitebeard Pirates known as the world’s first pirate group, known as Chi Tong, with a bounty of 1.5 billion Berry’s Great Pirate! ” Bermel took a deep breath and said directly.
” Ten … 1.5 billion Berry? ” Nami and Nuo Qigao didn’t know anything else, but the bounty of up to 1.5 billion Berry did have some impact on the two of them.
Rayner’s bounty increased from 1.3 billion bery to 1.5 billion bery after the previous attack on the G10 division. Along with the bounty, his name was changed. The previous bounty order did not publish his full name. , after changing the bounty this time, his full name was also added.
” That’s right, so before they are sure about the relationship between Nuoqigao and Reina, they should not dare to do anything too much to Nuoqigao, because they are also afraid of Reina’s revenge! A character like him, maybe In just one sentence, the Aaron Pirates will be wiped out! ” Belle Meyer nodded and said.
” Then why don’t you tell Aaron and the others that Nami’s navigation was taught by Reina? If Nami becomes Reina’s disciple, will Aaron and the others not do anything to Nami ? ” asked expectantly.
” You underestimate the pirates! ” Bermel shook his head and said, ” If Reina was here, they might not even have the guts to step into the village of Cocosia, but Reina is not here, what happened here He won’t know about things, so just relying on a name is like scaring them, it’s not enough! ”
” Then what are we going to do now? ” Nuoqigao asked in disappointment.
” What we have to do now is to save ourselves. Reina can only be used as the last card to save lives. I believe that those pirates will not risk offending Reina for ordinary people like us! ” Bermel was quite calm, she said. Knowing what those golds mean, that’s why Nuoqigao was told not to use them casually.
” Yes! We got it! ” Nami and Nuoqigao looked at each other, nodded and replied.
At the same time, in a certain sea area in the New World, the Moby Dick was driving normally.
” Big brother …” Reina came to Whitebeard’s side, hesitated for a while, and said, ” I want to go to Marivendo! ”
” Huh? What are you doing at Malin Fando? ” Whitebeard asked, taken aback.
” Find Magellan! ” Rayner replied succinctly.
At the beginning, after their Whitebeard Pirates attacked the Push City, the Navy transferred Magellan away from the Push City. According to Garp’s original statement, it seemed that Magellan was not stupid to serve in the Navy, so Reina thought about going to Malinfan. many.
” Do you think you can kill that guy in Marin Vendor? ” Whitebeard asked, turning his head sideways.
” No! ” Reina shook his head and said, ” I’m just going to determine his location! ”
” I don’t believe that you can hold back your hand after seeing him! ” Whitebeard said with a chuckle.
“…” Reina was silent for a moment, he may indeed be unable to bear it, because if the opportunity is good, he might just do it directly.
” If you just want to determine his location, just ask someone to inquire about it? Why do you want to go there in person? After all, don’t you want to kill him yourself? ” Whitebeard saw that Reina didn’t speak, and continued. : ” So … I will not agree to this matter! ”
” But …”
” No but! Well, you don’t have to think about this. If you really want to know his location, you don’t need to go there in person, you can also know it! Isn’t it? If you are bored, take people around. , don’t think about nothing for a day or two! ” Just as Lena was about to say something, he was interrupted by Whitebeard’s merciless wave.
In desperation, Reina had to turn around and leave.
After he left, Genia, who had been standing beside Whitebeard, asked with a smile, ” Dad, what’s wrong with the deputy captain? ”
” He! It’s …” Whitebeard said here, as if he suddenly thought of something, after thinking for a while, he said: ” Go and call Marco to me! ”
After a while Marco rolled his eyes and came over with a yawn.
” Dad, what are you looking for from me? ”
” You go to Alabasta and bring Robin back to live for a while! ” Whitebeard said directly to Marko.
” Huh? Robin? Why? Does Reina know? ” Marco was stunned and almost asked.
” What? Don’t want to go? Don’t want to go and find someone else! ” Whitebeard said impatiently with his eyes widened.
” Hey ~ Got it, I’ll go right away … But what am I going to tell Robin? She seems to be working under Crocodile right now, so I have to have a reason to go to her all of a sudden! ” Marko shrank his head. , replied.
” Just say that I miss her, okay? Really …” Whitebeard rolled his eyes and replied unhappily.
Seeing this, Marko knew that he couldn’t ask any more information, so he stopped asking, but turned around and went to prepare for the voyage.
A while later, when Marco was getting ready to sail, he was caught by Reina.
” Huh? Marco, Harta, what are you going to do? ” Reina asked curiously.
” This …” Marko didn’t know how to answer for a while. From Whitebeard’s tone, he could tell that Whitebeard definitely didn’t want Reina to know about this.
” It’s nothing to do, just go out for a walk … I ‘ve been too idle recently! ” Marco said pretending not to care.
Harta on the side was a little curious. In fact, he didn’t know what Marko was going to do, but he just happened to meet him, so Marko involved him and asked him to act together.
” Oh … ? That means that what you did has something to do with me? Big brother asked you to do it? ” Reina knew that Marco was lying, so he casually guessed.
He had only talked to Whitebeard before, so at this time, Marco was probably ordered by Whitebeard to do something.
” Ah ~ hahaha … I don’t know? Okay, we’re leaving, goodbye! ” Seeing Reina’s smiling face, Marco chose to escape, and let the crew immediately leave the ship and fly directly ran away.
” Hey … stinky boy, how dare you play tricks with me … It seems that you have forgotten the horror of being dominated by darkness! ” Looking at Marco who was running away, Reina smiled grimly.
He has already made plans. When Marco returns, he will teach him how to be a man, and by the way, he will educate the captain of the ship and tell them that everything is caused by Marco.
Presumably the ship should be more lively by then.
After getting away from the Moby Dick , Marko let out a sigh of relief, but he knew Reina’s scruples.
” That guy will definitely not let me go after he comes back! ” Marco sighed and said softly to Harta beside him.
But this was another task given by Dad, and he couldn’t refuse, so Marko decided that after he brought Robin back, he would find an excuse to go out for a while, and go back after Reina forgot.
It’s just that he didn’t know, Reina also made the same plan. After he went back, he would torture them with the excuse of helping the captains to improve their strength.
” Then why didn’t you tell him what you were going to do just now? It’s not like you don’t know about his little eyes! ” Harta rolled his eyes and said.
Marko glanced at Harta beside him, and repeated what Whitebeard asked him to do.
” You said … I want to get off the boat now, is it too late? ” Harta rolled his eyes and said innocently.
” Hahahaha … What do you think? Don’t worry, after we come back, Reina will definitely think that you are with me! ” Marco replied happily.
Therefore, one person’s bad luck is called really bad luck, and two people’s bad luck is called mutual jokes.
After Harta, Marko felt that he didn’t seem to be so tragic, but Harta thought that he was an accomplice at most, and that Marko and Dad were the main culprits!
At that time, Reina will not find trouble with Whitebeard, so Marco will definitely bear the brunt. As long as he admits his mistakes better and behaves a little bit more cowardly, Reina will definitely not do anything to himself.

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