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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Nicole Robin , our father asked me to take you for a walk! ” Marko shouted to Robin not far from Alabasta port.
” Marco … give me enough time! Nico Robin , but I’m a man! ” Crocodile, who was smoking a cigar beside him, roared slightly angrily.
The Whitebeard Pirates came over and over again, which made him a little annoyed.
” Who is this person? So hanging? ” Harta, who was beside Marko, looked at Crocodile in surprise and asked.
” He is the king of the desert, Crocodile! ” Marco introduced helplessly.
” Ah ~~ One of the seven seas under the king, Sha Crocodile? The one who challenged Dad many years ago? ” Harta asked after thinking about it carefully.
Marco nodded in confirmation.
But Crocodile over there was even more annoyed. The conversation between the two completely ignored him, giving him an urge to kill them immediately.
” Marco … I’ll say it one more time, this … is my territory, even if you are the Whitebeard Pirates, you can’t mess around here! And I don’t care what your relationship with Nicole Robin is, she It’s mine now and won’t go with you! ” Crocodile suppressed the anger in his heart and said to Marko.
He is still a little sensible now, knowing that the Whitebeard Pirates can’t provoke them casually, but it really annoys him, and he doesn’t mind killing the two captains here!
He is now the king of Qiwuhai, backed by the world government, and this is not a new world, so although he has some scruples about Whitebeard, he is absolutely not afraid.
” What should I do? Do you want to do it? ” Harta, who came here for the first time, didn’t know how to deal with this kind of problem, and turned his head and asked Marko.
” What else? If you can’t bring Nico Robin back , do you think Daddy will let us go? ” Marco shrugged and replied.
” I said … You probably brought me here for this reason, right? ” Harta asked after thinking about it.
” Of course not! In addition to being a thug, I have to rely on you to resist Reina! ” Marco said with a chuckle.
” Damn … I knew, I can’t trust you, a pineapple bird! ” Harta said with a little pain.
Pineapple bird is the nickname that Reina gave to Marco, because his head and hairstyle are very similar to pineapples, plus the reason why he can turn into a phoenix after he transforms, so the companions on the boat sometimes do this too. Call him something like … now.
Just when Marko and Crocodile were about to start, Robin suddenly stepped forward and said to Crocodile: “Boss , wait a minute, they probably need me to help them decipher ancient texts, your purpose is not Are you also looking for something from ancient texts? I’ll know more after I help them decipher! ”
Crocodile was stunned for a moment. He didn’t expect Robin to say this. At this time, he also understood why the Whitebeard Pirates always cared about Robin. It turned out that the other party’s big idea was the same as his own, but the possibility that Whitebeard needed to find. Not Hades, but something else.
” Guhahaha … So you want to go with them? ” Crocodile looked at Robin and asked softly.
” No, I just want to know more historical texts. This was also an agreement between me and the Whitebeard Pirates! ” Robin said calmly.
” Okay! I’ll wait here for your return, and you’d better not disappoint me! ” Crocodile said with a slight smile.
In fact, he also wanted to know what Whitebeard found. Robin’s proposal made him very moved, but he was also afraid that Robin would not come back after he left.
Later, I thought about it, if Robin wanted to escape, he would have left long ago, and he didn’t have to wait until this time, so he agreed to Robin’s proposal.
Robin can be taken away without fighting, and Marco and others will not have any objections, so the group took Robin directly back to the new world.
” Captain Marko, the godfather is so anxious to call me back, what’s the matter? ” Robin asked Marko directly after getting on the boat.
Marco was a little embarrassed, could he still say that Whitebeard misses her? If he really wants to say such words, he will never be able to rest in peace in the future.
But Marco, who couldn’t find a good reason, had to have an idea and told Robin that it was his father who missed her, but recently Rayner didn’t have time to come and pick her up in person, so he asked Marko to come and pick her up.
Robin smiled slightly, but did not expose his lies. She often communicated with Reina, so she knew that there was no such reason at all. If Reina really missed her, she must have come over long ago.
You must know that since she came to Alabasta, Reina has basically come secretly once in a while.
So although Marco didn’t explain it, she also knew that it shouldn’t be a big deal, or the other party would definitely explain it truthfully.
Not long after, Marko finally brought Robin to the Moby Dick . Seeing Robin’s appearance, Reina was surprised. He didn’t expect Marko to pick up Robin at all.
On the way, Robin had already used his ability to know from the mouths of the crew that Reina’s mood was quite unstable recently, so Whitebeard asked Marco to come and pick her up, hoping that she could help Reina stabilize. mood.
After seeing Robin, Whitebeard happily announced the opening of the banquet.
After the banquet to welcome Robin was over, Whitebeard found Robin and told him that he hoped she could stay here for a while and spend more time with Reina.
Of course Robin would not refuse, so she stayed with the Whitebeard Pirates for the next time.
Four years later … Haiyuan calendar year 1516 , there are still four years before Luffy leaves the sea.
” Why don’t you go back? Why don’t you just stay here? ” Facing Robin’s farewell, Tired said with some reluctance.
” Didn’t my father say it? After all, the chicks need to leave their parents before they can strike the sky? ” Robin said with a slight smile.
In four years, Robin has grown into a slender figure and has become a real intellectual and beautiful girl.
The temperament bonus that she likes to read brings to her is very large, so that she can deal calmly no matter what kind of predicament she faces.
And in the past four years, with Reina’s personal training, her strength is much stronger than four years ago, especially in the development of fruit ability, which is no worse than Robin who entered the new world in the original book.
It’s just that Robin has never woken up to be domineering, which makes her very puzzled.
Logically speaking, as a father, Reina is proficient in the three elements of domineering, and she can inherit a little bit, but she has not awakened in the past four years of training.
Except for some vague guesses by Reina, the rest of the people, including Whitebeard, have some unclear explanations.
But Reina knows that his body has no talent, and even the three-color domineering is awakened with the help of the system. Otherwise, according to normal circumstances, he will not be able to awaken domineering at all. This may be Luo Bin has never awakened the reason for his domineering.
” Okay! I said that no matter what choice you make, I will respect you! As for Crocodile … you can give him any news, but if it doesn’t work, you can tell him the Sea King Poseidon. As long as you don’t tell the Mermaid Princess about what happened on Fishman Island! ” Seeing that Robin had made up his mind, Reina didn’t plan to stop it.
Although they got along very happily in the past four years, Reina knew that life in the Whitebeard Pirates made Robin feel a little boring.
It’s not that she can’t get along with the rest of the members, but as a scholar, she likes to stay quietly in one place to read books, and besides that, she hopes to get more historical texts.
So, although getting along with the members can be considered pleasant, it is not the kind of companionship she wants in her heart.
After Reina told her that she would have a group of companions who recognized her and she recognized her in the future, she had been looking forward to it, waiting.
” Okay, father! I’m no longer a child, I can handle my own affairs! ” Robin nodded, the corners of his mouth curled slightly, and said.
” No matter where you go, no matter how old you are, I am your father, and in my eyes, you are a child who needs my protection and care! ” Reina touched Robin’s head with love said.
In fact, when facing Robin, Reina has completely forgotten what he looked like in the original book. He looks at Robin now as a worried daughter.
Sure enough, after hearing Reina’s words, Robin, who has always been plain, had a rare reddishness on his face. Although she was a little shy, she liked hearing these words from her father, which made her feel the deep sense of the deep love from her father. deep love.
Over the years, she has always felt that she is very lucky. Her father has met all her expectations for her father. Although Reina has always felt guilty about her because of her childhood, she has long since been relieved.
After sending Robin away, he returned to Reina on the Moby Dick , and happened to meet Bista who came back.
” How is it? Did you find someone this time? ” Reina asked with a smile when she saw Bista.
” No, that guy is very cunning. Since the last time we fought, he ran away when he saw us. ” Bista shook his head and said.
The person they are tracking now is a pirate who calls himself Whitebeard II. Three years ago, it was this guy who called himself Whitebeard II who raided a naval warship.
And on that warship, it was the former Admiral Zefa, who was carrying out a mission with his group of disciples from the navy.
As a result, Whitebeard II not only killed all the powerful navies, but also cut off one of Zefa’s arms.
This incident not only shocked the entire navy, but even the Whitebeard Pirates was extremely surprised.
You must know that there has never been a woman around Whitebeard, where did Whitebeard II come from?
So since then, in addition to the navy, the Whitebeard Pirates are also chasing that pirate, and even they are more attentive than the navy.
But the pirate who claimed to be Whitebeard II used extraordinary strength. Fossa, the captain of the 15th Division, who was sent out to find him for the first time, was actually defeated in his hands, and was brought back with serious injuries. .
At that time, the angry Reina prepared to go out to sea to find the guy, but because Robin was here, Whitebeard did not let him dispatch, but directly let the three captains act together to hunt down each other.
It’s a pity that for three years, the other party has never been arrested, except that he knows that his mother is a short, wrinkled man, wearing a leopard-print coat, thick red lips, wearing sunglasses, and leaning on crutches. Apart from Miss Bakin’s old woman, there is no other information.
Reina, who knows the original book, naturally knows the existence of Miss Barkin. Although when he was in the Rocks Pirates, there was also a big sister named Miss Barkin on board, but Reina didn’t think they were alone.
Because Miss Bajin was a beautiful girl with a charming figure and long blond hair, and she was completely different from that short and ugly old woman.
Moreover, he has been by Whitebeard’s side all these years, and it is impossible for the other party to have a child without his knowledge.
As for when he was in the Rocks Pirates … well, Reina at that time was not guaranteed!
When he got on the ship, it was not far from the destruction of the Rocks Pirates, so he didn’t know what happened before that.

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