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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
“I haven’t caught anyone yet? ” Hearing Bista’s answer, Reina frowned slightly and said, ” There are already some doubts outside, whether the other party is really the illegitimate child of the eldest brother, you have to use snacks anyway. huh? ”
” That guy is very strong! ” Kuriel, the captain of the tenth division, replied indifferently.
” Is it really that powerful? ” Reina was taken aback for a moment, Kuliair is not the kind of guy like Lakyo, his character is quite calm, and he usually doesn’t say anything to make excuses.
” Well, when I was with Jin Gudo last time, I caught him once, and I’m not his opponent! ” Kuriel nodded and confirmed.
” Let’s go, let’s find Big Brother together, this time … let me try his fineness! ” Reina heard the words and boarded the Moby Dick directly .
Soon, when a few people came to Whitebeard, Bista first talked about what happened this time. The pirate who claimed to be Whitebeard II seemed to know that the Whitebeard Pirates were going to arrest him. , so now they will run away when they see the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates, so this time Bista and the others also returned without success.
” That guy is quite cunning. If he sees a lot of us, he will run away, and if there are few people, he will take the initiative to attack! But from the few contacts, his actions are all his mother, who claims to be Miss Bajin. The guy is in command! ” Vista concluded.
” Brother, why don’t you let me go! It’s not a problem to let him ruin our reputation all the time! ” Reina leaned on the side of the ship and shouted at Whitebeard.
” Reina, don’t be careless! Don’t look at his ugly appearance. After the previous naval general Kizaru fought against him, he said that Whitebeard II’s strength is not inferior to that of his young father! ” Bista interjected. .
” Don’t lose to the elder brother when he was young? What kind of thing is Kizaru? Can he know what the strength of the elder brother was when he was young? What nonsense! ” Reina pouted and replied: ” It really arouses my curiosity now, look. See how strong that guy is! ”
” Where’s Robin? Already gone? ” Whitebeard did not agree with Reina’s request, but asked about Robin.
” Well, let Marco send her back, let her stay here for four years, it is difficult for her! ” Reina said with a smile.
Whitebeard pouted, what he disliked most was Reina’s face that was cheap and said some nice words.
” I think I can let Reina go! ” At this time, Hansen suddenly said.
Since he was injured by Blackbeard, he has seldom participated in the management of the Pirates due to the decline in strength, but he will be particularly concerned when some news about Blackbeard appears occasionally.
“The other party has been operating outside under the banner of father and son. If the captains are dispatched, let’s not talk about the victory or defeat. In fact, it doesn’t have much effect at all, but Reina is different. Ship! So only after he comes forward can he give the outside world an accurate information! ” Seeing everyone looking at him, Hansen was not stage fright, and said his thoughts with a smile.
” Indeed, Dad, what Hansen said makes sense! ” Bista nodded and agreed.
” Alright then! Let Reina go! Anyway, you’ve been on the boat for the past few years, right? ” Whitebeard said to Reina with a slightly raised corner of his mouth.
” Hahaha … Big brother still understands me! Hingrenmaru, let’s go! ” With Whitebeard’s approval, Reina immediately stood up and said.
He didn’t need to make any preparations for the voyage. The hard shells were all prepared. When Robin was here, Reina often took Robin to go around in private.
Hirinmaru, who had been standing beside Reina, silently followed behind Reina.
A white fog rose, and the hard shell appeared directly beside the Moby Dick . After Reina jumped up with Hingrenwan, he waved at everyone and shouted loudly: ” I will be back soon, when the time comes, I will Bring that guy back! Big brother … that guy who calls himself your woman, I will help you teach her a good lesson! ”
” That bastard … that’s the biggest reason I don’t want him! ” Whitebeard said with a smile when he heard Reina’s shout.
” Hahahaha …”
” It’s been too calm at sea lately, it’s time to make some noise! ”
The surrounding captains also burst into laughter.
Reina, who left the Moby Dick , rushed to the sea area where Whitebeard II was haunted according to the information obtained, and Reina’s appearance made the outside world know very quickly, the Whitebeard Pirates Reina, the deputy captain, was dispatched in order to arrest the son who pretended to be Whitebeard.
At this time, in a pub on a certain island, an old woman with a short stature, wrinkled face, wearing a leopard-print coat and covered with gold, frowned when she heard the words of the drinkers around her.
” Mom, is that Rayner they are talking about, the first officer under my father’s team? Is he good? ” Beside her, there was a tall, fat man with a white beard that curved upward like a crescent moon like a white beard. , but a more slender man.
” That’s right, it’s that kid! I didn’t expect that the intern back then had grown to such a degree now! No wonder whether it was Newgate, Shikey and Lingling, they all invited him to board the ship when they disbanded. I can see the talent of this kid! ” Miss Bakin said in a low voice.
” Eh? Mom, do you know him too? Isn’t he very good? ” Edward Weible, who claimed to be Whitebeard II , asked his mother in surprise.
” It’s really a bit tricky! He’s more difficult to deal with than those captains! ” Miss Barkin nodded and replied.
” Then are we going to beat him? If those captains come one by one, they won’t be able to beat me! They will only bully more people than others! Mom, let’s go to my father too! With my father’s help, we can definitely beat them. ! ” said Weibull innocently.
Miss Bakin rolled her eyes, ignoring the idiot.
She found this child on a small island. At the beginning, she never thought that this kid would be so strong when he grows up, but his brain is a little hard to use, but because of this, the other party will listen to her like this. !
At the same time, not far from the island, a news bird flew through the air and saw a small boat on the sea below, it flew over immediately, but when it saw clearly, it immediately planned to stop and run away.
” Hey … you’re not planning to run away, are you? ” Reina said softly when he saw the news bird flying towards him and looked like he was planning to run away.
Hearing the news, the news bird had no choice but to fly to Reina’s boat, leaving a newspaper and planning to leave.
” I don’t want Berry anymore? ” Rayner shouted to the newsbird with a chuckle, holding a 50 -faced Berry between his fingertips.
The news bird hesitated for a while, but finally did not dare to go over to collect Reina’s Berry, and flew away directly.
” Qi ~ coward, didn’t you just eat a few newsbirds? Is this necessary? But I haven’t eaten newsbirds for a long time! ” Reina pouted and said dissatisfiedly.
Since he ate a few newsbirds out of curiosity, he has never received any newspapers since then, and every time the newsbird sees him, he will take a detour.
There are very few newsbirds that take the initiative to fly over like today.
Sure enough, the news bird that took off just now had to go faster after hearing Reina’s words, which made Reina laugh out loud.
After the news bird flew away, Reina opened the newspaper in his hand and read it leisurely.
” Huh? ” After flipping through the newspaper, Reina actually saw the information of the revolutionary army on it. The revolutionary army has appeared more and more frequently in recent years. They openly oppose the world government, which has attracted a lot of attention. .
But who the leader is and what he does, no one knows, it is very mysterious.
” Hehe … It’s not a loss for the Monchi family, there is no one to mess with the three generations of grandparents! It seems that the closer the roar of the plot starts, the more these restless guys will appear! ” He threw the newspaper aside, slowly got up and looked at the small island not far away, whispering to himself.
After a while, when the hard shell landed on the shore, Reina took Hingrenwan directly to the island. There was information that Whitebeard II appeared on this island, so Reina came here specially.
” It’s really good luck! I found a target so quickly! ” Just as Rayner was about to ask if he had seen Whitebeard II, he found that his target came out of the tavern, and it was noisy, it seemed that they were eating I had the Overlord’s meal, but the tavern owner couldn’t do anything about the two of them.
” Hmph ~ I’m here to eat with you, because I’m looking at you, don’t be ignorant! Weibull, he’ll tear down his tavern for me again! ” Miss Bajin said quite arrogantly.
” Okay, Mom! ” Whitebeard II’s huge figure and the naginata in his hand that imitated Whitebeard were indeed very recognizable, so after the tavern owner knew who the other party was, he didn’t dare to make a sound.
” Hey … Isn’t it normal to pay for food? You do … it’s not right! ” Reina smiled and walked towards the two of them.
” Who is it? Dare to question your mother’s words, see if I don’t trample you! ” Hearing Reina’s words, Weibull immediately shouted towards him.
” Wait … Weibull! ” Miss Bakin reached out and stopped Whitebeard II, looking at Reina with a smile in his eyes, and said, ” It’s been so many years! Reina! ”
” Who are you? Don’t talk nonsense, I don’t know you! ” Reina rolled her eyes and replied.
The other party is indeed the same old woman as in the original book, and she is not the same person as Miss Bajin on the Rocks pirate ship in his impression!
” Don’t know me? Hahahaha … When you got on the boat, if you hadn’t made a cake for Lingling, maybe … you’d already be dead on the boat! ” Miss Bakin said with a smile.
Reina was startled, and looked at each other with some surprise. When he got on the boat, he did exchange a cake for Charlotte Lingling, and hugged Charlotte Lingling ‘s thigh, so he had time to let him Gradually gather strength.
” Who the hell are you? ” Reina asked, frowning.
” I … I ‘m Miss Bajin! You bastard, you don’t even know my old lady? I used to call me eldest sister after following my old lady’s butt, but now I pretend not to know each other? ” Miss Bajin roared angrily at Reina.
Reina was taken aback by Miss Bajin. Her tone and demeanor were indeed very similar to Miss Bajin, who was a beautiful woman back then.
” You’re really Miss Barkin … ? God damn it … What have you been through all these years? How did you become like this? ” Reina asked with a bit of tears and laughter.

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