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” Woooooooo ~~~ Another vote! That guy Ace! ”
“I heard he took Doma’s gang! That’s pretty cool! ”
On the Moby Dick , the news of the victory of Esdai’s expedition came back. He not only successfully defeated a pirate group, but also let the other party join the Whitebeard Pirates.
Since Marco asked him to make a decision last time, Ace has completely joined the Whitebeard Pirates and tattooed the Whitebeard Pirates logo on his back.
” Yo ~ Ace … are you coming to Monopoly? ” At the celebration banquet in the evening, there were constant crew members greeting Ace.
He has a good character, his own strength is also good, and he also has the burning fruit of the nature department, so he quickly integrated into the Whitebeard Pirates.
” No, you guys play first, I have something to ask Mr. Reina! ” Ace smiled and waved his hand, walking towards Reina who was drinking with Whitebeard.
” Mr. Reina! ” Ace sat beside Reina and asked softly, ” I have something to ask! ”
” You’re welcome, we’re already partners … aren’t we? ” Reina waved his hand, indicating that Ace didn’t have to be too polite.
” It’s like this … I … my identity, have you told Dad about it? ” Ace asked with a glance at the white beard beside him.
” Of course, what’s wrong? ” Reina nodded and replied.
” Huh ~ You were his enemies before? Why did you accept me? ” Ace finally asked what he had buried in his heart.
” Pffhahaha … really … a fool! Big brother … hahaha …” Hearing Ace’s words, Reina burst into tears, and the white beard on the side was also smiling, obviously , he heard the conversation between Reina and Ace, after all, neither of them wanted to hide it.
” You came here so solemnly, I thought you wanted to ask something? After a long time, it’s such a trivial matter of sesame and mung beans! ” Reina replied with delight.
Ace looked at Reina with a surprised look. He had always thought that Reina didn’t tell Whitebeard about his life experience, so he cherished his talents, so he took him under his command.
I didn’t expect that the things I had been worried about were actually trivial matters in the eyes of Whitebeard and Reina.
” Gu la la la … idiot … on the sea, no matter who you are born, you are the son of the sea! And on my boat … it’s my son! Goo goo goo goo …” Bai After the beard said with a big smile, he took a gulp of wine.
Reina’s face turned dark and said, ” Big brother …”
” Goo la la la … Sorry, this guy is out! He’s my brother! ” Whitebeard patted Reina on the shoulder and said with a big laugh.
” Then … can you tell me what kind of person he is? ” After clarifying his own question, Ace hesitated and asked.
” Ah ~~ I think about it! First of all … he ‘s a super powerful guy … at least I’m not his opponent! Also, he’s a very generous person! Anyway, he’s a good guy! But I don’t deal with him a lot. I’m more dealing with his co-captain Rayleigh! After all, we are all co-captains ~~~ Wow hahaha …” Reina said with a big laugh.
” Well … how do you say it? Your personality is very different from his! His personality is very carefree, he basically doesn’t care about unimportant things, but he has his own set of ways to deal with things, whatever he looks for Things, if you don’t do it … you won’t look back! ” Looking at Ace looking at himself, Whitebeard said after recalling it.
Ace nodded thoughtfully. That night, he chatted with Whitebeard and Reina for a long time, and learned from them the unknown side of his father.
” I’m finally going back … It’s almost a year since I came out this time? Is it not far from the big banquet? ”
A few days after the banquet ended, the Moby Dick had been sailing in the direction of Xuanyue Island.
” Go back? Where will it be? And … what is the banquet? ” The newly joined Ace asked Saatchi beside him curiously.
Maybe Thatch was the first person he talked to after he got on the boat, so the relationship between the two was pretty good.
” Of course it’s Huixuanyue Island! Don’t you know? ” Saatchi looked at Ace in surprise and said with a smile.
” Xuanyue Island? ” Ace was stunned, and then he remembered that he had heard this name when he inquired about the whereabouts of the Whitebeard Pirates.
” Xuanyue Island is the base camp of our Whitebeard Pirates. In addition to the fighters on board, our pirates also have many flying fighters. If they don’t follow the ship, they will choose to stay on Xuanyue Island! Besides, there is also our empty island base on Xuanyue Island, which is Dr. Sière’s research room, don’t bother him if you have nothing to do! ” Saatchi explained with a smile.
” Ah ~~~ So that’s the case, I don’t even know it! What is that big banquet? ” Ace shook his head and said with a confused expression.
“A big banquet! You should know that there are many pirates under our Whitebeard Pirates!? ” Saatchi asked with a smile.
” Yeah! In addition to the Doma gang that I joined last time, Mr. Reina said that there are already forty pirate groups! ” Ace nodded and said.
” So ~ everyone usually has their own adventures, and it is difficult to gather together. Later, when there was a chance, everyone agreed that at that time of the year, everyone would return to Xuanyue Island and hold a grand banquet together. , we call it the big banquet! ” Saatchi said with a laugh.
” Oh ~~ oh ~~ big banquet! It’s really amazing! It must be quite lively by then? It’s shocking news! ” Ace said with a look of anticipation on his face after hearing it.
” Of course, it was a gathering of thousands of people! The food and drinks consumed for this need to be prepared several months in advance! Every time a big banquet is held, several surrounding commercial islands will send countless numbers of them. The ingredients and drinks, this is already a custom! ” Saatchi nodded and replied.
” Ah ~ I can’t wait to hear it! ” Ace nodded, as if he had already begun to imagine the situation.
” Hahaha … When Reina built Xuanyue Island, we also said that the banquet square he built was too big, even if the giants held a banquet there, it was enough, but I didn’t expect … It’s only been a few years. Ah! Every time there is a big banquet, the whole banquet square is full of people! ”
” And every time there will be a monopoly competition at the banquet, the strongest one will be decided, and then the lucky guy will get a mysterious prize! ” Saatchi looked around and said softly.
” Mystery prize? What is it? ” Seeing this, Ace leaned over and asked in a low voice.
” You know the white bar? ” Saatchi didn’t say it directly, but asked instead.
” I know! Don’t everyone usually drink white wine? I heard that it is hard to find a drop on the black market! It is called liquid gold! ” Ace nodded and replied.
” But you don’t know, now we drink … not the best baijiu! The best baijiu is only available in Reina! ”
” Mr. Reina? Did he brew the baijiu? Is there any secret here? ” Ace seemed to have heard a very serious secret, and the whole person was very excited.
” That’s right! Baijiu was brewed by Reina, and the current baijiu factory on Xuanyue Island was also established by him! But there is a type of baijiu that cannot be brewed no matter how hard you try, only Reina has it! We drank it at the beginning. That kind of …” Saatchi recounted the history of liquor development.
” I see … It’s such a pity, I can’t taste that kind of unparalleled delicacy! But Mr. Reina is too … too … If it were me, I wouldn’t necessarily bring it out! ” Ace thought for a long time, not knowing how to use it. What words can describe Reina.
Saatchi nodded and said, ” So Dad clearly forbids Reina to provide that kind of liquor again. He used to drink it every day, but he never drank it again! But at the annual banquet, the richest man is the first to drink it. Name … you can get a mysterious prize from Reina! ”
” Could it be …” Ace widened his eyes, looked at Sachi and asked, ” That kind of liquor? ”
Saatchi nodded and said: ” Yes, according to Rayner, a small amount of exchange will not affect him, so Dad acquiesced to his behavior, but he himself never participated in the Monopoly game. ! ”
” I see … No wonder everyone is playing Monopoly recently. It turns out that they are preparing for the big banquet! ” Ace suddenly realized.
” That’s right! If you are interested, you can also participate. At the time, Reina created a lot of millionaires, enough for thousands of people to start the game at the same time. The scene is quite spectacular! ” Saatchi said with a smile.
” Then if I win the championship, can I replace the liquor with something else? ” Ace asked after thinking about it.
” Of course, you can make your request directly at that time. If Reina and Dad can do it, they will generally not refuse! ” Saatchi replied affirmatively.
Ace heard the words and ran directly to the members who were playing Monopoly, asking to join them.
Seeing Ace, who was fully integrated into the Whitebeard Pirates, Saatchi showed a relieved smile.
the next day.
” Ace … It’s training time! ” Just when Ace was having fun with the crew, Reina suddenly appeared behind Ace and said.
When Ace heard Reina’s voice, he couldn’t help shivering, turned his head slowly, and said, ” That … do you still need to train? ”
” What? Do you think that your current strength has become the strongest? Isn’t it just right to train every day? ” Reina snorted and replied.
In desperation, Ace had no choice but to put down the game coins in his hand, followed behind Reina with three steps, and walked towards the training room.
After a while, Ace screamed in the training room.
Hearing this voice, many captains trembled, obviously remembering some bad memories.
Especially Marco, after returning from Alabasta, he was tortured for a while by Reina in the name of training.
So after hearing Ace’s screams, everyone recalled the time dominated by fear.
” Ace … don’t rely too much on the ability of the fruit, the freedom of one’s own body is the most fundamental existence, look at the top powerhouses in this world, who is at the top relying on the ability of the fruit? They are all It is with the backing of strong physical strength that you stand at the top! Your grandfather, Lieutenant General Garp, is the most typical Liezi! ” Looking at Ace lying on the ground, Reina said in a deep voice.
” Yes! I understand! ” Ace nodded and got up from the ground again.
” Very good, in the next time, you must not use your abilities when training with me, including elementalization! When your physical skills and physique are qualified, we are training your fruit ability! ” Reina Satisfied nodded and said.
Ace’s face was bitter, but he could only nod in agreement, because he knew that Reina was for his own good, because Garp had also told him this.
Before going to sea, he also paid great attention to the cultivation of physical skills, but after he got the burning fruit, he did not know when to start, so he slowly gave up the cultivation of physical skills and began to focus on using the ability of the fruit. .
Of course, Reina wouldn’t tell him that he didn’t use elemental words to make it easier for him to beat people!
When the Moby Dick arrived at Xuanyue Island, Reina told Ace that he would not have time to train with him until the end of the big banquet. Moved and almost cried.

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