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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Dad! You’re finally back! It’s been a long time sailing outside this time! ”
The Moby Dick has just stopped at the port, and Hansen is waiting at the port with Dr. Ahsie and Olga!
” Is it still early? Has anyone already come here? ” Lakeyo jumped off the boat and asked curiously when he saw that a pirate ship had stopped at the port.
” It’s Doma’s group. They said they were new members this year, so get to know them early! ” Hansen said with a smile.
What he likes most is the time of the big banquet. Only at this time, Xuanyue Island is the most lively time.
” Haha … It turned out to be them … But I don’t remember that I didn’t tell them about the big banquet, right? How did they know? I thought I would wait until Xuanyue Island to give them news! ” Followed behind the white beard Ace, who got off the boat, laughed and said after hearing it.
” Idiot … Do you think they are all the same as you? Our Whitebeard Pirates’ banquet time, but even the navy has to give way! ” Reina said proudly.
At this time of year, all the pirate groups under Whitebeard will rush back to Xuanyue Island. Even if they encounter the navy at this time, the navy will not stop them, because one year, a pirate group fought with the navy on the road. Get up and waste time.
In the end, Whitebeard took everyone to find them, and he just sank all the navy ships to the bottom of the sea, and rescued the trapped pirate group. The thieves are absolutely unimpeded.
In the words of the Warring States period, they just held a banquet, and you can have it if you want!
Whitebeard and everyone just came out of the port when they saw a pirate with a red turban on his head, two weapons on his waist, a monkey squatting on his shoulders, and a group of pirates behind him. .
” Yo ~ Doma, why did you come so early! ” Ace first came up to say hello when he saw the person who came.
” Hey … Brother Ace, isn’t this the first time we’ve attended the big banquet since we joined the Whitebeard Pirates? So I came here on purpose! Dad, I’m the captain of the Doma Pirates, and I’ll be you from now on. A member of his subordinates! ” After Doma and Ace said hello, they came directly in front of Whitebeard, knelt down on one knee, and said.
” Gu la la la … I only have family here, no subordinates! Let’s go, go back first! ” Whitebeard said with a big laugh.
Under the leadership of Whitebeard, everyone walked towards the main building of Xuanyue Island, while Ace looked around curiously, as if he was very curious about everything.
” Saatchi, when you show Ace a good tour, I’ll go back first! Besides … Isn’t the house next to Marco vacant? Let Ace live there! It’s what big brother means! ” Bai After Beard announced the disbandment, Reina said to Saatchi over there.
Saatchi was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said, ” No problem, leave it to me! ”
Then Saatchi first took Ace to his residence, and after setting Ace settled, he said, ” You rest first, I have some things to do over there, and I’ll come to you when I’m done. It’s time to take you to visit Xuanyue Island! Next to you is Marco’s house, and I live not far from there! This … is where the captains live! ”
Ace, who was still looking left and right in the room, was stunned when he heard Saatchi’s words, and asked, ” Where are the captains? Then why let me live here? Did Mr. Reina make a mistake? ”
” Rena said, this is what Dad meant … You still don’t understand? ” Saatchi said with a smile.
” Huh? ” Ace was confused and didn’t understand what Saatchi was referring to.
” Now we have sixteen combat teams, but the position of the captain of the second team has been vacant. Dad should have intentionally let you take over the position of the second team captain! ”
” This … isn’t it appropriate? I just joined not long ago! ” Ace waved his hand and said.
” Be confident in yourself, don’t worry! You have this strength and potential, otherwise why do you think Reina is holding you to train every day? Could it be that you think he’s okay? ” Saatchi patted Ace on the shoulder, After he finished speaking, he left, leaving Ace standing there stupidly.
On the other side, Reina, who returned home, first cleaned Robin’s room before taking a shower.
When they go out to sail, someone will clean the room, but Reina specially instructed that no one is allowed to enter Robin’s room, so every time they come back, the first thing Reina has to do is to personally Clean Robin’s room.
There are a lot of pictures of Robin and him in there, and some of them are pictures of Reina and Olivia, so Reina doesn’t want the general public to see.
By the time Reina came out of the wash, the dormitory area was already quite lively.
The current dormitory area has been remodeled again, and it has increased a lot within the original range. There is no way that as the number of pirate groups increases, the number of pirate groups under their command also increases, and the dormitory area occupies more and more space. The area is getting bigger and bigger. Fortunately, the area of the island is enough, so it only needs to be expanded.
With the return of the Whitebeard Pirates headquarters, the island also became quite lively.
In the following time, more and more pirate groups came to Xuanyue Island one after another, and the island became more lively. There were countless banquets every day on the banquet.
This time of year is the busiest time for chefs.
In order to hold the grand banquet, Xuanyue Island had three more ports, and one was specially opened for merchants who came to deliver supplies.
” Tsk tsk … Although I see such a scene every year, but every time I see it, I can’t help but sigh! ” A businessman instructed his subordinates to carry supplies, and said to the businessman who was also coming to deliver the goods. .
” That’s right … This kind of scene can only be seen on our Xuanyue Island! ”
” Huh? Your Excellency … ? ”
” I’m a businessman from the nearby British Island, which … is under the jurisdiction of the Whitebeard Pirates! ”
” Disrespect, disrespect, that’s how it is …”
In front of foreign businessmen, local businessmen inexplicably have a sense of pride and honor.
” Oh ~~ look … what is that? Is it a giant? ” At this time, the merchants who were unloading saw a huge pirate ship, and in front of the pirate ship, a huge head The giant with a pair of horns on its top and the teeth of its lower jaw directly exposed is constantly looking towards Xuanyue Island.
” Oh ~~ it’s Little Oz! Go and inform, Captain Little Oz is here! ” At the port, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates who were in charge of welcoming them immediately shouted loudly.
” Goo la la la … Little Oz is here! Let him hurry up and accompany me for a drink! ” Whitebeard said with a happy smile after receiving the news.
” Dong dong dong …” After a while, the huge little Oz brought his members of the pirate group to the banquet square.
” Dad, I’m here! I brought you a lot of good things this time! ” Little Oz said happily when he saw Whitebeard.
” Bang! ” As little Oz’s words fell, the crew behind him carried out a super large treasure chest.
” Hey … Little Oz … Hurry up and put away your treasure chest. It’s not time for the gift yet. You gave it to Dad now, and then I’ll see what you give! ”
” This bastard, it’s like this again, didn’t you tell him last year? Let him don’t present treasures as soon as he comes! Really … It seems that the presenting part of this year will be advanced again! ”
Seeing Little Oz as soon as he came, he carried out the treasure chest as if offering a treasure, and many captains laughed and scolded.
” Eh? I’m giving Dad a gift, what’s your business? You have the ability to come up with so much treasure! ” Little Oz said with a look of envy of me, very disdainful.
” Idiot! Little Oz, didn’t I tell you last year? When all the gifts are for Dad, you will take out your gifts! Why are you taking them out now? ” In desperation, Ray Na had to come forward and said to Little Oz.
If it’s someone else, let’s talk about it, once Little Oz gets angry, he won’t care who you are, and will just make a big fuss here, that’s bad.
” Really? ” Seeing Reina saying the same, Little Oz touched his head a little embarrassedly, and replied with a smirk, ” But when I saw Dad, I couldn’t help but want to take out the treasure. But I managed to get it! ”
” Goo la la la … It’s okay, Oz, I like your gift very much! ” Whitebeard looked at Little Oz and waved to Reina with a big smile, indicating that he didn’t care.
” Okay, okay! Since that’s the case … then that’s it! ” Reina also shook his head with a wry smile. That’s what this stupid big guy is like. After getting to know him, you’ll find that he’s not a devil at all, he’s just naive child.
With Little Oz taking the lead, the rest of the captains had to take out their gifts, and the banquet square suddenly became a golden treasure field.
” Gulu …” A businessman who came to deliver supplies saw the priceless treasures on the square, piled up like this, and couldn’t help swallowing.
” Hey … don’t mess around! ” Seeing the appearance of the non-local businessman, the local businessman immediately distanced himself from him, fearing that the other party would do something to harm him.
Although there are countless treasures here, you also have to look at the people around you! This is the headquarters of the Whitebeard Pirates, and even Whitebeard himself is sitting here.
If you want to snatch these treasures from here, I am afraid that even the Navy will not be able to do it!
” Wow ~~ You are really tall! Taller than the average giants, right? ” Ace came to Little Oz, looking surprised, and asked, ” Are you from the giants? ”
” I don’t know either, what kind of ancient giants Mr. Reina said I am! I don’t know very well either! ” Little Oz shook his head, and the urn replied.
” My name is Portgas D. Ace, and I recently joined the Pirates! What about you? Is it Little Oz? ” Ace stretched out his hand and asked friendly.
” Well! My ancestors were called Oz, so my name is Little Oz, the name Mr. Rainer gave me! ” Little Oz said with a grin.
” Eh? What a nice name! ”
” Hahahaha … Right? Right? It’s not bad, right? I know, I like this name very much! ” Little Oz immediately replied triumphantly.
” Oz … hurry up and accompany Lao Tzu to drink! ” At this time, Whitebeard was sitting there, holding his oversized gourd, shouting to Oz.
” Okay, Dad! I’m here! ” Little Oz nodded immediately and moved towards Whitebeard.
” Dad, your gourd is so strange! Why can’t you finish the wine in it? Can you give it to me? ” Little Oz kept staring at the wine gourd in Whitebeard’s hand, and asked curiously.
” Fuck off … This is something I couldn’t easily grab, the treasure that has been with me for decades! If you want it, go to Reina yourself! I guess he still has it! ” Whitebeard immediately shook his head, With a stingy look, he replied.
” Then … let’s forget it! I’m afraid the vice-captain will beat me! ” Little Oz hesitated for a moment, then lowered his head and said.
” Gu la la la … Then go for it! Fight for the first place in the monopoly this time, and then let Reina give you a bigger wine gourd than this! ” Seeing this, Whitebeard, said with a big smile.
” But that game is so complicated! I get eliminated in the first round every time! ” Little Oz touched the back of his head embarrassedly and replied.
” You bastard … Next time, you will prepare a gift for me at next year’s big banquet. I will give you a large wine gourd when that time comes. How about it? ” Reina on the side was helpless. Below, had to make a promise.

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