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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
With the arrival of Little Oz, slowly all the pirates under the Whitebeards have basically arrived.
” Okay, everyone, since everyone is here, then … now I ask the captain of our Whitebeard Pirates to announce something! ” Reina stood on a big stone in the banquet square and slapped her hands. , shouted loudly.
After hearing Reina’s words, the square slowly quieted down, and everyone looked at Whitebeard.
” Ace …” Whitebeard first waved to Ace, who was sitting below, and said, ” Come here! ”
Ace was stunned, put down the blanket in his hand, walked slowly to Whitebeard, and asked, ” Dad, what’s wrong? ”
” Ace … The captain of the second division has been empty, let’s be the captain of the second division! ” Whitebeard said with a slight smile.
” Ah? This … Dad, I haven’t joined for a long time … I’m afraid it will be difficult to convince the public! ” Ace said a little embarrassedly.
” So what do you think? ” Whitebeard asked all the pirates below.
” If Ace becomes the captain … I have no opinion! ”
” I have no opinion either! ”
” Yes, Ace is the captain, he deserves it! ”
The pirates below raised their arms and shouted loudly.
” Gu la la la … Since that’s the case, this matter is settled! Well, I announce … the grand banquet is open! ” Whitebeard announced immediately after making a final decision.
So Ace became the new captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates.
When the banquet was over, before little Oz left, Ace found him.
” Oz! Try it … Does it fit! ” Ace handed the big hat to Oz and said with a smile.
” What is this? ” Little Oz asked curiously.
” This is a bamboo hat, which can be worn on the head to keep out the wind and rain! I learned from the locals when I was traveling in Wano! Didn’t you say that your ancestors froze to death? With this, it is When it snows, it can also help you cover the rain and snow! When the sun is out, it can also help you shade! ” Ace said with a smile.
” Ace …” Little Oz was so moved that he almost cried. He took the hat that Ace handed him and put it on his head. In an instant, the top of his head didn’t seem so hot!
” Eh? It’s really much cooler! ” Little Oz said happily.
” Hahaha … if you like it! ” Ace smiled and waved to Little Oz, ” Okay, let’s set sail, don’t waste time! ”
After leaving, Little Oz regarded the hat that Ace gave him as a treasure. Not only in windy, rainy or hot weather, his hat would not leave the top of his head.
If anyone wants to touch his hat, it will definitely be a life-and-death vengeance!
And the relationship between Little Oz and Ace has also become very close.
Three years later, in the year 1520 of the Haiyuan Calendar , on Xuanyue Island.
” Fire Fist! ”
Ace punched out a flame, and the flame directly enveloped Reina on the opposite side.
” I should have told you … This kind of move means nothing to me, right? ” Reina, who was wrapped in a domineering look and domineering, slowly walked out of the flames and said.
” That’s not necessarily true ! Explosive Flame Fire Damo! ” Reina held both hands, and all the flames around Reina gathered towards Reina, and then exploded directly.
” Boom boom boom …”
Looking at Reina, who had disappeared in the explosion of flames, Ace did not dare to be careless.
” This level of explosion … will only make me gather energy! Why can’t you remember it? ” Reina suddenly appeared behind Ace and kicked him.
” Oops! ” Although Ace reacted, he didn’t have time to dodge and could only use his arms to resist.
” Bang! ”
” Hey ~~~”
” Boom …”
Although Ace blocked Reina’s kick, he was still kicked away.
” Cough cough …” Slowly stood up from the dust mist, Ace coughed a few times, then rushed towards Reina again.
” Yang Yan! ” Flames began to rise from Ace’s body, as if he planned to wrap Reina in flames.
” Hey … slash ! ” Looking at Ace who was rushing towards him, Reina suddenly drew his knife and sent a slash.
The slash directly cut Ace in half, but it turned into a flame of two halves. After the slash passed, it turned into Ace again.
” That’s right, it’s a bit of a look at last. I thought your knowledge color and armament color were just for decoration! ” Seeing Ace using the knowledge color to evade his attack in advance, Reina nodded and said.
” Shen Huo Shiranui! ” After approaching Reina, Ace, who was still in elemental form, made a direct move, and a flame thicker than before shot directly at Reina.
” Then … today’s training is over! A concentrated attack … ! ” Reina’s arm was wrapped in the color of armed and overlord, and then he punched the flames.
” Oops! ” Ace, who was in the air, felt the oppression brought about by this blow, and just wanted to escape through elementalization, but Reina’s fist seemed to be in front of him.
” Boom! ”
Looking at Ace who was kicked away by himself, Reina clapped his hands and said with a smile, ” Very good, perfect! ”
” Tsk tsk tsk … it’s so miserable! ” Marco, who was watching the battle, shook his head and stepped forward.
” What? You want to try it too? ” Reina asked Marco with a glance.
” I don’t need it, besides … your work time should be over today? ” Marko said with a smile.
After years of getting along, some of Reina’s habits have long been known to everyone.
Maybe it’s because he treats training as a job, so after Reina’s work hours are over, he basically won’t go to training again.
” It’s okay, if you like … I can make an exception to play with you! ” Reina said with a strange smile.
” Forget it, but didn’t you say you’re going to let Ace go to Alabasta? Did you tell Dad? ” Marko waved his hand quickly and said.
” Yeah! That kid is not used to using the knowledge color and the armed color. He always likes to rely on his own fruit ability. If this goes on, he will not become a real powerhouse! ” Reina nodded and said, ” Although in the new world , The effect is better with experience, but the danger is also greater, so it is more suitable for him to go to the first half of the great route, and run an errand for me by the way! ”
” Mr. Reina, even in the new world, my strength is not weak, right? The average pirate captain is not my opponent! ” At this time, Ace limped over and said.
” Is that all you have? If your goal is captain level, you are now fully qualified, but … don’t you want to surpass that man? With your current strength, even I can’t beat me. Want to surpass him? You must know that he was the one who slapped me back then! ” Reina chuckled and said.
Sure enough, after hearing Reina’s words, Ace didn’t say much. He knew that Reina was for his own good. Most people couldn’t ask for this kind of special training, but Reina trained with him for three years.
” Remember, when you can beat your grandpa, when you can beat your father! ”
” Old man? ” Ace was stunned, and asked in disbelief: “The old man is stronger than him? ”
” No, the strength of the two should be quite close! ” After thinking about it, Reina shook his head and said: ” Let me tell you so! So far, no strong man can stand the passage of time, including the eldest brother. , their bodies have declined from their peak as they age!
Back then, the naval general Zefa chased me around like a dog! But now … if he fights me head-on … he has almost no chance of winning! But among these powerhouses, there is only one exception … that is your grandfather! Although his current strength may not be comparable to his peak period, he has not declined much! ”
Reina’s words not only surprised Ace, but even Marco asked in disbelief: ” Karp’s strength hasn’t declined? Impossible, right? ”
” You don’t believe it? Then you can try it out next time! You know how strong Garp was back then! You can try it now and see how much his strength has dropped! I promise … kill you Absolutely no problem! ” Reina said with a grin and a grin.
Because of his appearance, the overall strength of the Whitebeard Pirates is stronger than the original. A few years ago, Marco basically already had the strength of the emperor’s deputy in the original, plus his extra combat power. , Among the Four Emperors, their Whitebeard Pirates are the head of the Four Emperors who do their part.
No one dared to refute this.
” Mr. Reina, what kind of strength are you now … ? ” Ace asked curiously.
” Well … my words … To be honest, I don’t know myself. Among the four emperors, the eldest brother doesn’t say it, and the other three have never fought, so I’m not sure! But I can guarantee one thing, they Can’t kill me! I want to go, they can’t stop me! ” Reina said confidently.
” That means … our pirate group has two top powerhouses? ” Ace asked in surprise.
Needless to say about the strength of Whitebeard, now he has the title of the strongest man in the world, and since a few years ago, Reina has begun to let Whitebeard secretly wear pure gold for his body, so in recent years, Whitebeard’s body should not have changed much.
In the original book, when the war was on top, it was not so much that Whitebeard was beaten to death by a group, it was better to say that he was dragged down by his own body!
If it were the white beard in his youth, he would never end up like that.
” Ace … this world is very big! Apart from the strong people who are still active in the sea, there are still many people who haven’t come out, so don’t learn to be satisfied! Those guys are not fuel-efficient lamps! ” Reina exclaimed.
As far as he knows, there are also the Golden Lion Shiki, who is as famous as Roger, Whitebeard, and others, and the lonely red Baroric Redfield, Roger, who is enough to fight against the Whitebeard Pirates alone. Rayleigh, Jabba, Douglas and others of the Pirates are all the top fighting forces in this sea.
Just when Reina was training Ace, Donghae.
Luffy officially set off from his hometown of Windmill Village and started his own pirate road.
” Today is really a good day for going to sea! ” Luffy rowed his boat and said happily: ” Ace … wait for me! I’m going to chase you! ”
” Roar ~~” At the same time, a huge sea beast rushed out from the bottom of the sea, blocking Luffy’s face.
” You’re finally here … The King of the Sea … But you picked the wrong opponent! Just for you to try my ten years of training, rubber rubber … pistol! ” Luffy stretched his arms and punched In the opponent’s face, directly knocked down the opponent.
” Hee hee hee … how is it? You know how good I am! ” Luffy said with a smile, looking at the King of the Offshore Sea slowly sinking into the sea.

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